
The leaves of this vegetable are extremely nutritious, the calcium is 4 times that of milk, and it is dried to make a bun filling that is really fragrant

author:Seven Recipes

When it comes to calcium supplementation, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is milk, and now milk has various flavors, which can be drunk anytime and anywhere. But today I want to share with you radish leaves, in our southern region, there are turnips all year round. The calcium content in its leaves is about 4 times higher than that of milk, in addition to calcium, radish leaves also contain a lot of carotene, dietary fiber, vitamin A, anthocyanins and other nutrients.

The leaves of this vegetable are extremely nutritious, the calcium is 4 times that of milk, and it is dried to make a bun filling that is really fragrant

And radish leaves are also very easy to preserve, very convenient to store, need to go through washing, blanching, drying, steaming, and drying these 5 steps, let's talk about it in detail.

Step 1: Cleaning

Because radishes grow in the soil, the leaves may have some dirt and impurities left, so we need to wash them several times and pick off the yellow leaves.

The leaves of this vegetable are extremely nutritious, the calcium is 4 times that of milk, and it is dried to make a bun filling that is really fragrant

Step 2: Blanch

Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, boil, put in the radish leaves, blanch for about ten seconds, and when the leaves become darker, then take them out and squeeze out the water by hand.

Step 3: Sun-drying

Spread out the radish leaves on a bamboo sieve, or hang them on a rope to dry, if the weather is good, it is enough to dry them for an afternoon, and the radish leaves are still green at this time.

The leaves of this vegetable are extremely nutritious, the calcium is 4 times that of milk, and it is dried to make a bun filling that is really fragrant

Step 4: Steaming

Boil water in a pot, put in radish leaves and steam for 20 minutes to stimulate the fragrance of the leaves and increase toughness, and the color of the steamed vegetable leaves turns yellow.

Step 5: Re-dry

Continue to dry the radish leaves in the sun, spread them evenly and dry until they are completely dry.

The leaves of this vegetable are extremely nutritious, the calcium is 4 times that of milk, and it is dried to make a bun filling that is really fragrant

Radish leaves are indeed very fragrant to make steamed bun filling, and the following are the steps to share the steamed buns with radish leaves and pork filling:

Soak the dried radish leaves until soft, then wash off the dust, cut them into small pieces, put them in a steamer and steam them for 5 minutes, then let them cool for later use. Mix together minced pork, minced green onion, ginger and garlic, eggs, cooking wine, light soy sauce and salt and stir well. Chop the radish leaves, put them in the minced meat and stir again. Knead the dough, divide it into small pieces, roll it out into a thin crust, then put in the appropriate amount of filling and wrap it into a bun shape. Put it in a steamer and steam it for about 15 minutes.

The leaves of this vegetable are extremely nutritious, the calcium is 4 times that of milk, and it is dried to make a bun filling that is really fragrant


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