
Title: Resolute Heart: My Old Life Is Completely Different from My ParentsI'm old, but I'll never live like my parents. Despite their longevity, that life was too heavy for me

author:Happiness of contentment

Title: Decisive Heart: My Later Life Was Completely Different from My Parents

I'm old, but I'll never live like my parents. Despite their longevity, that life was too dull and meaningless for me.

When I look back, I see the mechanical life of my parents. My father is 93 years old, and my mother is 84 years old. From a young age, they have been immersed in a secluded life, barely leaving the house outside of work, and even more so after retirement, and the furthest they go is the wet market. They live at a very regular pace: they wake up at 7 a.m. every morning, sit in a daze or close their eyes after breakfast, and their biggest entertainment of the day is watching five hours of television.

But for me, I can't understand their way of life. Although you should enjoy a leisurely life after retirement, you strangely stay busy. Why are they so strict with their time, why do they have to be so punctual in everything, and the slightest delay is met with multiple pushes and depressing?

What bothers me even more is their attitude towards life. Not only are they reluctant to pursue a colorful life, but they even refuse to travel, even if they have enough financial strength. I've offered them a big birthday party many times, but they couldn't tell who to invite, so they ended up having a simple meal together without any excitement.

It's even more of a fog about how they dress. They only wear the goods from the stalls, and even if the clothes are damaged, they have to repair and wear them again until they are completely scrapped. The new clothes I bought for them were all at the bottom of the box, and they insisted on waiting until the old clothes wore out before changing into new ones. Their accommodation is even older, inaccessible, and there is no elevator on the sixth floor.

And for the diet, it is even more constant. They eat only the simplest foods, only pork, and all kinds of other delicacies have never been tried, not even expensive fruits. I prepare snacks and fruits for them every day, and I only eat the cheapest ones, and they also find cherries and blueberries too luxurious.

However, I decided not to follow in their footsteps. When I stop serving them, I will pack my bags and explore the unknown world and pursue the beauty of life. I went to live in the summer and went back to my own hut in the winter, and lived a life where I could eat and go wherever I wanted, giving myself more freedom and happiness.

Therefore, I would like to ask you for advice from friends and friends, is there any good place to recommend? I am eager to travel, to feel the customs of different places, to experience the colorful and beautiful life.

#退休前的那些事# #退休的烦心事# #退休生活轻松谈# #退休心得分享# #退休生活的细碎# #退休经历分享# #退休前那些事儿# #轻松退休生活谈# #退休以后那些事# #退休后你想做什#

Title: Resolute Heart: My Old Life Is Completely Different from My ParentsI'm old, but I'll never live like my parents. Despite their longevity, that life was too heavy for me
Title: Resolute Heart: My Old Life Is Completely Different from My ParentsI'm old, but I'll never live like my parents. Despite their longevity, that life was too heavy for me
Title: Resolute Heart: My Old Life Is Completely Different from My ParentsI'm old, but I'll never live like my parents. Despite their longevity, that life was too heavy for me

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