
Easy and nutritious breakfast: homemade yogurt, whole wheat rice cakes, five black shaqima, almonds, jelly oranges. Homemade yogurt is convenient, without any additives, not sweet but refreshing, just made while warm

author:Biiku Shoku

Easy and nutritious breakfast: homemade yogurt, whole wheat rice cakes, five black shaqima, almonds, jelly oranges.

Homemade yogurt is very convenient, without any additives, although it is not sweet but very refreshing, just ready to drink it while it is warm, especially suitable for people who are afraid of cold in the stomach and intestines. Gohei Shaqima is sucrose-free, but contains maltitol, so it's a bit sweet.

Nutrition message: The yogurt machine can provide a stable temperature, generally 40~42 degrees, which is the best reproduction temperature for Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus used in yogurt.

Yogurt freezing is a gel formed by proteins, which requires the integrity of the milk proteins. If the protein content in the milk is too low or the antibiotic residue is too high, it is difficult to make a similar yogurt~

#Breakfast can be served with milk# #A healthy breakfast# #营养早餐#

Easy and nutritious breakfast: homemade yogurt, whole wheat rice cakes, five black shaqima, almonds, jelly oranges. Homemade yogurt is convenient, without any additives, not sweet but refreshing, just made while warm
Easy and nutritious breakfast: homemade yogurt, whole wheat rice cakes, five black shaqima, almonds, jelly oranges. Homemade yogurt is convenient, without any additives, not sweet but refreshing, just made while warm
Easy and nutritious breakfast: homemade yogurt, whole wheat rice cakes, five black shaqima, almonds, jelly oranges. Homemade yogurt is convenient, without any additives, not sweet but refreshing, just made while warm

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