
Soft fried tenderloin, with the face paste is very important, the proportion of some people often get wrong, no wonder there is no soft old people and children eat, of course, soft fried soft fried paste golden ratio soft fried tenderloin production process cooking tips

author:Forty years old cook

From 40 years of cooking, only food and love can not be disappointed! Looking forward to becoming friends with you who like food, you are welcome to "follow" me! The chef cooks with you.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="18" > the elderly and children, of course, soft frying</h1>

Soft fried tenderloin, with the face paste is very important, the proportion of some people often get wrong, no wonder there is no soft old people and children eat, of course, soft fried soft fried paste golden ratio soft fried tenderloin production process cooking tips

When it comes to tenderloin, people first think of dry fried tenderloin, sweet and sour tenderloin; in fact, there is a special classic tenderloin dish, which has the same magic as dry fried tenderloin, this dish is "soft fried tenderloin". Especially when the elderly and children at home eat it, this soft fried tenderloin is more suitable and more suitable than the dry fried tenderloin. Fried tender meat, soft outside, rich meat, the elderly, children most of the teeth are not too good, such a plate of soft fried tenderloin is definitely the best choice. Although there is a word difference between soft frying and dry frying, many details are processed in a big way, the main difference is the blending of soft frying paste, oil temperature and frying times; especially the blending of soft frying paste, which is simply very different from dry fried paste.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="18" > the golden ratio of soft paste</h1>

Soft fried tenderloin, with the face paste is very important, the proportion of some people often get wrong, no wonder there is no soft old people and children eat, of course, soft fried soft fried paste golden ratio soft fried tenderloin production process cooking tips

No matter what kind of soft fried dish, soft fried paste is always the most soulful finishing touch. Soft fried tenderloin, with the face paste is very important, the proportion is often mistaken, no wonder it is not soft at all: 1, egg flour ratio. Soft fried paste to use eggs and powder, egg flour ratio to remember, is 1 to 1, that is, the same amount of egg liquid with the same amount of powder. 2. Flour starch ratio. Soft fried paste can not simply use flour or starch, but the flour and starch are mixed in a certain proportion, in order to take into account the texture and taste. The amount of flour used in the soft frying paste is relatively large, and the ratio of flour to starch is 7 to 3. 3. Dilution. Generally, the appropriate amount of water is then transferred to adjust the consistency, the standard is: use a small spoon to hold a small amount of soft fried paste and pour it down, gravity pull out the edge of the small triangle with a rough edge at the edge of the small spoon, and the batter flows down in a thick line with twists and turns.

< h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="18" > soft fried tenderloin</h1>

Soft fried tenderloin, with the face paste is very important, the proportion of some people often get wrong, no wonder there is no soft old people and children eat, of course, soft fried soft fried paste golden ratio soft fried tenderloin production process cooking tips

Ingredients: 1 inner tenderloin, about 350 g

Soft fried paste: 2 eggs, 70 grams of flour, 30 grams of starch, 50 grams of water

Seasoning: sufficient amount of vegetable oil, 35 grams of green onion and ginger water, 3 grams of salt, 1 gram of chicken powder (optional), 3 grams of cooking wine

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="18" > the production process</h1>

Soft fried tenderloin, with the face paste is very important, the proportion of some people often get wrong, no wonder there is no soft old people and children eat, of course, soft fried soft fried paste golden ratio soft fried tenderloin production process cooking tips

1, choose 1 inner tenderloin, almost 350 grams, clean the surface, dry the surface water. First cut straight into large sections of about 7 cm, and then change the knife to a 0.7 cm square, about 7 cm long loin strip.

Soft fried tenderloin, with the face paste is very important, the proportion of some people often get wrong, no wonder there is no soft old people and children eat, of course, soft fried soft fried paste golden ratio soft fried tenderloin production process cooking tips

2, if the fried tenderloin wants to be smooth and tender, you must first add an appropriate amount of water. Add 35 grams of shallot and ginger water and absorb the water into the muscle fibers of the tenderloin by repeatedly grasping and pinching. Add 3 grams of salt, 1 gram of chicken powder (optional), 3 grams of cooking wine, pinch evenly, marinate for 30 minutes, and mix a basic base flavor.

Soft fried tenderloin, with the face paste is very important, the proportion of some people often get wrong, no wonder there is no soft old people and children eat, of course, soft fried soft fried paste golden ratio soft fried tenderloin production process cooking tips

3: 2 eggs, beat into a larger bowl, whisk into a uniform and delicate whole egg liquid, add 70 grams of flour, 30 grams of starch, and then add about 50 grams of water, stir into a homogeneous "soft fried paste". The mixed soft fried paste can not have small particles of dough, the texture is delicate as grease, and the thinness is balanced.

Soft fried tenderloin, with the face paste is very important, the proportion of some people often get wrong, no wonder there is no soft old people and children eat, of course, soft fried soft fried paste golden ratio soft fried tenderloin production process cooking tips

4, pour enough vegetable oil into the pot, heat over medium heat, until the oil temperature is 60% hot, see the calm oil surface has from the outside to the inside of the oil flowers. Put the tenderloin strips down into the soft fried paste so that each tenderloin is evenly glued to a layer of soft fried paste. Holding it with chopsticks, it is scattered into the oil one by one, fried until the surface is dark yellow, and drained.

Soft fried tenderloin, with the face paste is very important, the proportion of some people often get wrong, no wonder there is no soft old people and children eat, of course, soft fried soft fried paste golden ratio soft fried tenderloin production process cooking tips

5: After frying all the tenderloin, set aside slightly in a large colander, dissipate the heat, put it into a flat plate or bamboo basket covered with moisture-proof paper, and serve it while it is hot.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="18" > cooking tips</h1>

Soft fried tenderloin, with the face paste is very important, the proportion of some people often get wrong, no wonder there is no soft old people and children eat, of course, soft fried soft fried paste golden ratio soft fried tenderloin production process cooking tips

1, to make soft fried tenderloin, be sure to choose the inner tenderloin, is the most tender piece of meat in the pork. But don't buy the wrong one, buy into a thick "through the ridge meat", also known as the outer ridge meat, the taste gap is larger, only in the time when you can't buy the inner tenderloin, retreat to the second place, with the ridge meat instead.

2, if you want to fry the tenderloin meat soft and tender, you should add a certain amount of onion and ginger water, which also plays an important role in removing fishy freshness. Soft fried tenderloin can be cooked once, without having to re-fry it twice.

40 years of smoke and fire, looking forward to making friends who like to make food, welcome you to "pay attention" to me! We kindly ask for your feedback!

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