
Steamed river prawns with rose salt, "high-grade" mung bean soup, yam marble parfait... New on the long-established summer menu

author:Shangguan News

At noon, the lobby on the second floor of the old Shanghai Hotel was almost full. Many customers found that the menu of the old hotel had more than a dozen eye-catching new products: crispy deer antler mushrooms, home-roasted antler mushrooms, mandarin fish, fruity borscht ribs, crystal double-flavored shrimp, pea mint leaves... There are both novel and creative dishes, as well as classic old Shanghai flavors.

"Crayfish are a must-eat in summer, and this dish roasts crayfish and kiwi shrimp together, which is what we love to eat." Customer Mr. Wang and his colleagues came here for dinner today, and specially ordered this new dish with a very summer flavor, crystal double-flavored shrimp, and everyone ate it with relish.

Steamed river prawns with rose salt, "high-grade" mung bean soup, yam marble parfait... New on the long-established summer menu

According to Luo Yulin, the fifth-generation non-hereditary heir of the old Shanghai Hotel, this summer menu is mainly based on seasonal ingredients, and the addition of deer antler mushroom dishes makes this year's menu very different from previous years. "Deer antler mushroom is an emerging edible mushroom, which is not common on the market, but because its taste is particularly crisp and refreshing, it is especially suitable for summer consumption, so we have integrated the two award-winning works of crispy deer antler mushrooms and home-roasted deer antler mushrooms and mandarin fish into the summer seasonal menu, hoping to let customers feel that the inheritance of this dish is very up-to-date."

Steamed river prawns with rose salt, "high-grade" mung bean soup, yam marble parfait... New on the long-established summer menu
Steamed river prawns with rose salt, "high-grade" mung bean soup, yam marble parfait... New on the long-established summer menu

The summer menu of the Green Wave Gallery has also been launched: crispy white asparagus, colorful crisp bamboo shoot crab willow deer antler mushroom, rich soup of home-roasted rice cake catfish belly, as well as cute coconut egg yolk chicks, and very "high-grade" yam marble parfait... These new summer dishes, which have been "preemptive" in terms of appearance, have been welcomed by the citizens as soon as they were launched.

Customer Aunt Fang came to the Green Wave Gallery with her "girlfriend group" at noon today, in addition to the signature dish, they also specially ordered rose salt steamed river shrimp, deer antler mushroom crisp eel and other new summer products. Aunt Fang smiled and said: "Shanghainese originally like to eat fried shrimp, ringing oil eel this kind of dish, but in the summer still want to eat refreshing and healthy, just these new dishes are steamed, vegetarian, we think it is more refreshing to eat." ”

Steamed river prawns with rose salt, "high-grade" mung bean soup, yam marble parfait... New on the long-established summer menu

These new products not only have a high click rate in the afternoon market, but also are also favored by regular customers in the afternoon. At about 3 p.m., the window view in the Green Wave Corridor was already full of people, many of whom came for afternoon tea. Waiter Xiao Wang told reporters that in addition to the classic lady set, green wave set, gourd crisp and other snacks, the recently launched coconut egg yolk chicks, yam marble parfait is also selling well, "every day can sell nearly a hundred copies, sometimes late to order." ”

Steamed river prawns with rose salt, "high-grade" mung bean soup, yam marble parfait... New on the long-established summer menu
Steamed river prawns with rose salt, "high-grade" mung bean soup, yam marble parfait... New on the long-established summer menu

If you are tired of shopping in Yu Garden, you may wish to go to Songhe Lou Noodle Restaurant to drink a cup of "high-grade version" of Su-style mung bean soup. Compared with the traditional mung bean soup in Shanghai, the Su-style mung bean soup is rich and cool with a variety of ingredients such as gold and silver wire, red and white glutinous rice, dates and winter melon candy in the cool and slightly sweet mint water. If you want to stop and sit down, you can also go to the Ningbo Soup Dumpling Shop to eat a bowl of shaved ice wine stuffed dumplings and experience a different way to cool off.

Reporter / Fan Yuhao

Editor / Sun Chong

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