
Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Four Seasons Food

Mung beans are very popular in summer, mung bean soup has a good effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, when it is hot, if you see a bowl of cold mung bean soup on the table as soon as you get home, your mood will become better, not to mention how enjoyable it is to drink a bowl.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

However, boiling beans is not a simple thing, especially red beans, mung beans, black beans, etc., it is difficult to cook thoroughly, and it takes at least 30 to 50 minutes to cook soft and flowering, which not only consumes electricity and gas, but also wastes time.

Some friends may say that now there is a pressure cooker, and with a pot in hand, any bean can be cooked in minutes. But it's best not to use a pressure cooker to cook bean soup, because these bean skins may block the gas valve and cause the pressure cooker to explode, and this kind of news is not unseen.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

So the tips I shared today to cook mung beans quickly are worth learning, so let's read on.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

First of all, to cook mung bean soup, the mung beans used should be fresh, the color of the aged old mung beans will be yellow or dark green, it is not recommended for everyone to buy, the taste is not good, the color of fresh mung beans is bright green.

Before cleaning mung beans, check whether there are insect eyes, and pick out the bad ones with insect eyes first.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

Next, clean the picked mung beans.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

During the transportation and storage of mung beans, a lot of dust and impurities will stick, so be sure to wash carefully and thoroughly clean the dust and impurities on the surface.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free


Now let's share the first tip for cooking mung bean soup quickly – the freezing method

Prepare two or three paper cups, add mung beans to the cups, and fill 1/2 of the cup.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

Then add water to the cup, the amount of water is close to the mouth of the cup, like the picture below.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

Next, place the cup in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

The water in the cup needs to be completely frozen into cubes, so it should be frozen a little longer, at least more than 3 hours.

When the time is up, it will freeze like this after taking it out, and it will be hard and all of it will be frozen into ice cubes.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

Many people say that this is also too time-consuming, and it takes several hours to prepare to cook a mung bean syrup, which is not convenient at all. In fact, you can usually prepare more mung beans, put them in the refrigerator to freeze more for later use, and when you want to cook them, you will take them out when you want to take them out, and you will find it particularly convenient, instead of making you crammed for a while, thinking of eating it in a hurry to freeze.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

Frozen mung beans do not need to be thawed, put them directly into the pot (it is best not to cook mung bean soup in an iron pot, it will change color and turn black), and then add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, if you like more soup, add more water. It is best to add enough water at one time, and you can't add cold water halfway.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

After adding water, cover the lid, boil the water, and wait quietly for another 5 minutes, it is the time to witness the miracle, and you can see the mung beans burst and bloom quickly.

If you don't have enough water for the first time, it is recommended to add boiling water, not cold water.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

If you want the soup to be clearer, you can turn off the heat when the mung beans are blooming; If you want to make the mung bean paste sticky, simmer it for a while to make the mung beans thicker, and if you want to eat sweet, you can add some rock sugar to it now to enhance the taste of the mung bean soup.

In addition, in order to maintain the emerald green color of mung beans, you can add a small amount of salt or white vinegar at this time and skim off the surface foam, so that the mung bean water will not change color and turn black.

In just 5 minutes, the mung bean soup is good, and it takes nearly 40 minutes to cook it compared to usual, which is really super fast, and it is really ready to drink and cook at any time.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

Why do frozen beans cook so easily? Because the water freezes during the freezing process to form ice crystals, these ice crystals turn into water when thawed, which causes the cell structure of the mung bean to change. In this way, when boiling mung beans, these structures become more prone to breakage, and water is easier to penetrate into the inside of mung beans, speeding up the cooking process of mung beans, making mung beans easier to boil and cook, and it only takes about 5 minutes to boil mung beans and bloom at the earliest.


Next, let's share the second trick of cooking mung bean soup quickly - salt rubbing

After cleaning the mung beans, they do not need to be soaked, but directly put them in a large bowl and add an appropriate amount of salt. Then start to rub the mung beans vigorously, and keep kneading for about 3~4 minutes.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

Then pour in water and rinse the salt off the surface of the mung beans.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

Put the cleaned mung beans into the pot, add enough water at one time, cover the lid, bring to a boil over high heat, and then cook for about 5 minutes.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

When the time is up, open the lid of the pot and take a look, although it takes a short time, you can see that the mung beans have all been boiled and bloomed.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

If you like to drink sweet, put a few pieces of rock sugar, cook for another 2 minutes, you can turn off the heat if you like to drink the original flavor, and after it is cool, scoop it out and start drinking, which is particularly refreshing.

Cook mung bean soup quickly, don't use a pressure cooker, with these 2 methods, you can cook and bloom in 5 minutes, which is really fast and trouble-free

Many friends will be curious, what is the principle of this? Washing mung beans with salt can cause damage to the cell walls on the surface of mung beans, making it easier for mung beans to absorb water and heat. This damage promotes the penetration of water and accelerates the increase in the internal temperature of the mung bean, so that after boiling, the mung bean is able to reach the state of flowering more quickly. In addition, salt can also change the properties of the water, improving the permeability of the water, further promoting the cooking speed of mung beans.

The above 2 methods are not only boiling mung beans, but also boiling any beans can be universal, with these two methods, quickly and without losing nutrients, is it super simple? Of course, no matter which method you use, the most important thing to note is not to add sugar in advance. Many people are accustomed to adding some sugar to increase the taste of mung bean porridge, but it is still recommended that everyone who likes sweetness should add sugar after cooking. If you put the sugar and mung beans in the pot together, you will find that no matter how you cook it, you will not be able to boil it.

When cooking mung bean soup, you can add some other ingredients to get different textures and flavors, usually you can add red dates, longan, kelp shreds, water chestnuts (water chestnuts), tangerine peel, etc., you can match according to your preferences.

The scorching summer is coming, such a practical and good way, remember to share it with friends and relatives to collect, if you also have tips for quickly boiling mung beans, welcome to leave a message to share, so that more friends can learn to benefit.

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