
When buying mangosteen, it's not right to pinch soft and hard! Old fruit farmers: Keep in mind 3 points, good mangosteen pick one accurate

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Brother Qiang's Foraging Record

Mangosteen, also known as Mangji persimmon and inverted twist, is native to the Malaysian archipelago, and is also known as "husband and wife fruit" because of its perfect match with durian. Friends who like to eat mangosteen know that the flesh of mangosteen is as white as snow, tender and juicy, and it is sweet but not greasy when you bite into it, especially when you put it in the refrigerator for a while, it feels like eating ice cream.

When buying mangosteen, it's not right to pinch soft and hard! Old fruit farmers: Keep in mind 3 points, good mangosteen pick one accurate

Mangosteen is not only delicious, but also has a very high nutritional value, it is rich in protein, sugar, lipids, folic acid, a variety of vitamins and calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and other trace elements, regular consumption has a nourishing effect on the body, especially for the weak, sick, malnutrition has a good recuperating effect.

When buying mangosteen, it's not right to pinch soft and hard! Old fruit farmers: Keep in mind 3 points, good mangosteen pick one accurate

Therefore, even if it is a new mangosteen every year, no matter how expensive the price is, there are still many friends who buy it and eat it! However, Brother Qiang, I found that many friends distinguish the advantages and disadvantages by pinching the hardness of the shell by hand when buying mangosteen. Later, when I went to Guangdong, an old local fruit farmer who planted mangosteen told me that it would be wrong to choose only by pinching the softness and hardness of the shell!

Why do you say: It's not right to pinch soft and hard?

When buying mangosteen, it's not right to pinch soft and hard! Old fruit farmers: Keep in mind 3 points, good mangosteen pick one accurate

The old fruit farmer said: The method of pinching the soft and hard shell of mangosteen can only be used as one of the references for judging whether mangosteen is fresh. Generally speaking, mangosteen shells are hard, either they are old, or they are not fresh; On the contrary, when the shell is gently squeezed by hand, it is soft and slightly elastic, and most of these mangosteens are fresh.

When buying mangosteen, it's not right to pinch soft and hard! Old fruit farmers: Keep in mind 3 points, good mangosteen pick one accurate

Why do you say that most of them are fresh? This is because mangosteen with a soft shell will also have the flesh as shown in the picture. Once this yellow substance appears in the flesh of mangosteen, it is either spoilage, mold infection, or overripe or moth-eaten. Therefore, the old fruit farmer said that it is not right to buy mangosteen to pinch the soft and hard shell! In fact, the old fruit farmer said that if you want to buy fresh and high-quality mangosteen, as long as you keep the following 3 points in mind, you can make sure that you can pick one of the good mangosteens!

Point 1: The more flaps at the bottom of the pedicle flap, the better

When buying mangosteen, it's not right to pinch soft and hard! Old fruit farmers: Keep in mind 3 points, good mangosteen pick one accurate

Friends who like to eat mangosteen know that at the bottom of mangosteen, there are such pedicle petals. But many friends don't know what the effect of this pedicle is not, in fact, this pedicle of mangosteen represents the number of petals of the internal pulp. That is, the more petals on the outside, the more petals on the inside.

When buying mangosteen, it's not right to pinch soft and hard! Old fruit farmers: Keep in mind 3 points, good mangosteen pick one accurate

What is the benefit of having a large number of petals in the pulp? The old fruit farmer said: If the number of petals in the flesh is small, the flesh inside seems to be large, but it actually contains the pit; The more petals the pulp, the more chance that the flesh does not contain the pit, so if the mangosteen of the same size has more petals, you can eat the complete pulp, on the contrary, if the number of petals is small, it seems that the pit is eaten in the mouth.

When buying mangosteen, it's not right to pinch soft and hard! Old fruit farmers: Keep in mind 3 points, good mangosteen pick one accurate

Generally speaking, the number of petals of mangosteen pedicle is 4 to 5 petals of general quality, and the flesh of this mangosteen is almost likely to have a pit; On the other hand, those with 6 to 8 petals are high-quality mangosteens, and the pulp basically does not contain pits.

The second point: distinguish the varieties according to the color of the shell

When buying mangosteen, it's not right to pinch soft and hard! Old fruit farmers: Keep in mind 3 points, good mangosteen pick one accurate

Many friends don't know that mangosteen is also divided into varieties, and the taste and taste of different varieties of mangosteen are also different. Generally speaking, there are three most common types on the market: the first is "oil bamboo", the shell of oil bamboo, the color is black and purple, and it looks brighter. The age of this mangosteen tree is generally relatively low, about 10 years old, and it is characterized by its thick shell and less meat, and it tastes a little astringent.

When buying mangosteen, it's not right to pinch soft and hard! Old fruit farmers: Keep in mind 3 points, good mangosteen pick one accurate

The second type is "flower bamboo", the shell of this mangosteen, the color is mainly dark red, occasionally black purple. However, its appearance does not look oily or smooth, and even gives people a "dirty" visual sense. However, this mangosteen tree is mostly between 15 and 20 years old, so it tastes better than bamboo.

When buying mangosteen, it's not right to pinch soft and hard! Old fruit farmers: Keep in mind 3 points, good mangosteen pick one accurate

The third is "sand bamboo", the color of the mangosteen shell is dark red, it is dull from the outside, and the shell is very rough, and the shell is distributed with pitting. The age of this kind of bamboo is generally more than 50 years, and it is characterized by thin shells and flesh, delicate and sweet taste, and is the best quality among the three kinds of mangosteen.

Point 3: Distinguish freshness by the leaves of mangosteen

When buying mangosteen, it's not right to pinch soft and hard! Old fruit farmers: Keep in mind 3 points, good mangosteen pick one accurate

The last point is to distinguish the freshness of mangosteen according to the leaves of mangosteen, generally speaking, mangosteen leaves are bright green, such mangosteen is fresh; On the contrary, if it is brown or even black, such mangosteen is not fresh, at least it has been stored for a long time.

When buying mangosteen, it's not right to pinch soft and hard! Old fruit farmers: Keep in mind 3 points, good mangosteen pick one accurate

The above is about the method of selecting mangosteen, and it will soon be the season for mangosteen to be listed in large quantities. Although it is listed in large quantities, the price is not cheap at all. Therefore, friends who like to eat mangosteen may wish to forward and collect this article. When you go back and buy again, you can buy wine according to the method in the article, so that you won't buy it wrong! I'm Brother Qiang, a friend who likes this article, thank you for helping to like and retweet!

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