
You didn't even know about the "pressure cooker" of 2,000 years ago?


Imagine that 2,000 years ago in China, people invented this magical little object that is now considered a kitchen must-have. What exactly is the secret of this ancient cooking tool? Check it out!


## Body

Have you ever heard of a "pressure cooker"? It is standard in modern kitchens and can greatly reduce cooking time, saving us a lot of time and energy. But did you know that the concept of pressure cookers actually existed more than 2,000 years ago?

Although people did not have modern technology, they were also constantly exploring and improving cooking tools to try to make life more convenient. Around 150 B.C., ancient Chinese scientists invented something similar to a modern pressure cooker, known as an "alloy kettle".

You didn't even know about the "pressure cooker" of 2,000 years ago?

The structure and function of the "alloy kettle" is very similar to that of today's pressure cookers. It consists of a pot body, a lid, and a sealing device, which is maintained by the heavy pressure on the lid to cook food faster at lower temperatures. Not only does this save a lot of fuel, but it also keeps the food more nutritious.

At that time, the production process of "alloy kettle" was quite complex, and skilled craftsmen were required to manufacture qualified products. Even so, it was still popular and became the standard kitchenware for many wealthy families at the time.

You didn't even know about the "pressure cooker" of 2,000 years ago?

According to historical records, the famous "Xiang Yu" once used an "alloy kettle". Legend has it that when he was preparing for war, in order to save time, he often used the "alloy kettle" to cook military rations. This not only makes the food more palatable, but also keeps the army fully combat.

You didn't even know about the "pressure cooker" of 2,000 years ago?

It can be said that the "alloy kettle" has already shown its powerful function in ancient times. However, with the change of times, this ancient cooking tool was gradually forgotten, and it was not until modern times that people re-recognized and used.

You didn't even know about the "pressure cooker" of 2,000 years ago?

Although today's pressure cooker is more advanced in manufacturing technology and materials, its basic principle is actually the same as that of the "alloy kettle" 2000 years ago. This time-honored kitchen artifact not only witnesses the development of Chinese culinary culture, but also provides a lot of convenience for our modern life.

You didn't even know about the "pressure cooker" of 2,000 years ago?

So the next time you're using a pressure cooker in your kitchen, think about it, this seemingly "high-tech" thing actually started to emerge two thousand years ago. #爆料##熊足铜鼎##记录我的2024#

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