
From malt milk to pasteurized fresh milk, milk is drip irrigation in China

author:Acne uncle of the 70s

I belonged to the first group of people to enjoy the benefits of an only child.

In addition to the five yuan a monthly one-child bonus, there was also malt milk extract bought by my mother from the supply and marketing agency more than ten miles away to supplement my nutrition. This made relatives and friends envious, that is, the ordinary people's hospitality in the early 1980s, than giving guests a bowl of brown sugar poached eggs is more upscale and decent.

From malt milk to pasteurized fresh milk, milk is drip irrigation in China

Malted milk

Chinese, who have been working hard for food and clothing for thousands of years, especially the Han people in the interior of the Central Plains, who are mainly farmers, have no tradition and conditions for drinking milk in history. This is the main reason why many Chinese adults are intolerant to milk. Lactose intolerance occurs because of the lack of lactase in the human body, which cannot digest the lactose in dairy products, resulting in diarrhea. Humans actually carry lactase in infancy. But in most parts of the world, lactase levels in the body gradually decrease with age. If dairy products are consumed continuously during the growth phase, this trend will be blocked. People in Europe and the United States rarely have lactose intolerance problems, thanks to their dietary traditions and generally affluent standard of living after industrialization.

From malt milk to pasteurized fresh milk, milk is drip irrigation in China

The earliest milk production in China began in the northeast in the early twentieth century. Influenced by Far Eastern Russia, farms there provide the rich in big cities like Harbin with ingredients for making butter and cheese products. Subsequently, the propertied classes in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangzhou and other southern regions followed the Western culture and rose to drink milk fashionable customs, and large-scale milk farming came into being. After that, wars, revolutions, movements, famines, China continued to struggle in the vortex of trying to feed itself, and milk was only an illusory illusion for most Chinese.

From malt milk to pasteurized fresh milk, milk is drip irrigation in China

Brown sugar poached eggs used to be the first choice for hospitality

In the 1970s, Shanghainese with a slight surplus began to popularize the great white rabbit milk candy. It is said that this white caramel with milk powder and condensed milk can be eaten with seven pieces to top a glass of milk. In my memory, during the Spring Festival, when visiting relatives and friends, the great white rabbit was like a magnificent king, dotted with sorghum and noble concubines, and the crowd around was those fruit candies painted with peaches, apples, and bananas; president Nixon's visit to China, one of the gifts received was also the great white rabbit milk candy.

From malt milk to pasteurized fresh milk, milk is drip irrigation in China

Malt milk in the early 1980s was the first popular tonic. Wheat flour with creamer is well deserved. Later, this scenery gave way to milk powder, and more concentrated and more perfumed water tended to milk. It's just that guests visit, no longer popular to entertain brewed milk powder, put out some melon seeds and peanuts, and treat it with a normal heart.

In the mid-eighties, I saw fresh milk for the first time. There are nearby flexible households that have set up cattle farms. He rode a construction motorcycle every day, carrying two large tin barrels in the back seat, and regularly delivered milk. Everyone used a small pot to put it back on the stove and boiled it directly, and the milk skin was mellow. Later, I heard that these private cattle farms were small, raising sick cattle that were eliminated, the milking environment was also very bad, the sanitary conditions were poor, and it was no wonder that some people often had diarrhea after drinking; at that time, they did not know that there was lactose intolerance, and people began to stay away from this fresh milk.

From malt milk to pasteurized fresh milk, milk is drip irrigation in China

Boiled milk has a layer of milk crust

After the turn of the millennium, HUT ambient milk was in full swing and is still popular in the lower public and rural markets; the melamine scandal cannot stop the explosive milk consumption Chinese. With the popularity of cold chain technology, the urban elite prefers pasteurized fresh milk. Huge demand and high price affordability have made milk companies from New Zealand to Germany working overtime to meet the Chinese market. Expensive foreign brands emerge in an endless stream, mostly in the form of reduced milk, and many lactose-free or low-lactose products have been launched for Chinese lactose intolerance. Later, when I traveled to the United States, I saw that the milk classification in the supermarket was more skimmed and low-fat milk, and the price was cheaper than some bottled water. This also reflects that China's milk consumption is still in the stage of cultivating customer "tolerance", and Europe and the United States are limiting overnutrition.

From malt milk to pasteurized fresh milk, milk is drip irrigation in China

Skimmed milk is prevalent in Europe and the United States

Maybe you don't have to go to such trouble, let them switch to malt milk creamer and solve it.

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