
Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

author:Science early flights

Bullfrog is delicious and has high nutritional value, and it is the first choice for many people to get together.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

Because of human hunting, wild bullfrogs have long been in short supply, so it has also stimulated the rise and prosperity of the artificial bullfrog industry. However, the food safety problems of farmed bullfrogs are frequent, and the sampling results also show that various indicators exceed the standard. So, can bullfrogs still be eaten? How to correctly start the way to eat bullfrogs? I will talk to you about this topic on this morning flight.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

The "chaos" in the bullfrog industry chain

At the March 15 party in recent years, a number of well-known catering companies were exposed to excessive drug residues in bullfrogs. According to media reports, bullfrogs were found to contain excessive levels of illegal drugs such as "enrofloxacin". What kind of drug is this?

"Enrofloxacin" is a synthetic antibiotic used to treat symptoms such as respiratory diseases and skin infections in animals, and is also a veterinary drug allowed by law to be used in limited quantities, and the mainland allows the dosage of meat residues not to exceed 100 mg per kilogram.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

In order to improve the survival rate and meat yield of bullfrogs and inhibit pathogenic bacteria in the breeding environment, farmers often use antibiotics and other chemical drugs such as "enrofloxacin". This does not mean that the use of such drugs is completely prohibited, but that the "degree" should be paid attention to, and the illegal use should not be allowed during the withdrawal period. Once the farmer exceeds the drug standard, he will violate the relevant laws and be punished by the law for the crime of "illegally adding prohibited veterinary drugs".

When an excess of "enrofloxacin" enters the body of the elderly, children and other people with low immunity, it will develop strong drug resistance, and will cause gastroenteritis, dizziness and other diseases.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

Problems in the process of bullfrog breeding

Bullfrogs have harmful substances left in their bodies, which are not only related to the feed they eat, but also closely related to the breeding environment. Bullfrogs and crayfish are both species introduced from abroad, and generally speaking, bullfrogs live in ponds or rivers with water as the main body. With the gradual expansion of the scale of breeding, the number of bullfrogs that need to be cultivated in the same size of water is increasing, resulting in frequent problems such as water pollution and lack of oxygen.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

According to statistics, there are about 200 to 300 bullfrogs per square meter of water, like dense hills with countless flies and mosquitoes flying on the top. In this case, the consequence of several bullfrogs being infected is the total annihilation of the army, resulting in a collective infection of bullfrogs. At this time, farmers have to spray antibiotics into the water to curb the spread of infectious diseases.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

However, the misuse of antibiotics will not only have an impact on the health of bullfrogs, but also pose a threat to human health once harmful substances remain in the flesh. Long-term consumption of diseased bullfrog meat is likely to induce cancer, and pregnant women who consume such meat are likely to conceive malformed fetuses.

In fact, farmers do not deliberately let bullfrogs eat a large number of chemical drugs, in essence, in order to obtain a high input-output ratio, in short, to ensure the survival rate and slaughter rate of bullfrogs. In the whole process of breeding bullfrogs, farmers have to face cost pressures in terms of space, feed, etc.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

From the perspective of the operation mode of the catering industry, it takes two years to open such a restaurant from planning to profitability, and the business has to press the "fast forward button" through various means. In addition, the catering industry cut corners in the cooking process, personnel training and process standardization and other problems led to food safety problems being exposed, which brought great pressure to the entire bullfrog breeding industry chain and made many consumers worried.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

In addition to the harm to the bullfrog itself, the discharge of waste materials during the breeding process has also caused damage to the local ecological environment. For example, the water in which bullfrogs are raised is very smelly and cannot be directly discharged into rivers, lakes and seas. This kind of wastewater is discharged directly into the river, which will pollute the water source, and then be accidentally drunk by humans, which will bring health hazards.

When encountering dead bullfrogs, farmers will choose to abandon them directly in the field or the wild, which will cause problems such as air pollution and land pollution.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

If the farm is not well supervised, some bullfrogs will sneak out, which will not only bring greater economic losses to farmers, but also destroy the local ecological balance. A similar disaster once occurred in a breeding area, where more than 900,000 frog seedlings of the farmer were treated as bullfrogs, and as a result, they were all killed by the sanitizing team in one go, resulting in a direct economic loss of up to 1 million yuan and a loss of money.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

Escort the health of the tongue

First of all, the government is the setter and regulator of quality standards in the bullfrog breeding industry, and the relevant departments play an important role in food safety supervision. Relevant departments need to promote the establishment of sound relevant laws and regulations as soon as possible, strengthen the supervision of bullfrog farmers and the testing of products, put the interests of consumers first, and do a good job of food safety "gatekeeper".

In 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will carry out a special rectification action on illegal drug use in order to crack down on the abuse of drugs and illegal breeding of frogs, and standardize the healthy and green development of the industry.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

In addition, the regulatory authorities can also strengthen the popularization of relevant laws and regulations by broadening publicity channels and enhancing penalties, so as to improve farmers' awareness of food safety and environmental protection.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

Secondly, farmers should strengthen the management of the sanitary environment in the breeding process. The key is to ensure that the water source is clean and clean, and to choose the best quality feed possible, reduce the use of hormones and chemical additives, and reduce the accumulation of toxic substances in the bullfrog's body at the source.

In addition, farmers can continue to upgrade the way of high-density bullfrog farming, adopt green and sustainable development measures, and no longer blindly pursue profit maximization, but comprehensively consider the two-way development of economic and social efficiency.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

Moreover, with the development of science and technology, the research department can also improve the survival rate of bullfrogs through bullfrog breeding and disease prevention and control, reduce the probability of spreading germs in the breeding process, and invent sewage devices and equipment to achieve the separation of breeding and sewage discharge. Some experts pointed out that bullfrog breeding can be closely combined with mechanization, informatization and other advanced technologies to build a zero-emission green breeding model, benefiting the whole process of the industrial chain.

From the consumer's point of view, we should enhance the awareness of food safety, choose formal channels to buy bullfrogs, pay attention to the credibility and product quality of merchants, and obtain shopping information from reliable channels.

Breeding bullfrogs is the hardest hit area of food safety? Sampling inspections exceed the standard time and time again! Can bullfrogs still be eaten?

Because bullfrogs have broad market prospects, farmers have put their eyes on the bullfrog breeding industry.

In order to pursue the scale of profits, people will use antibiotics and other chemical drugs to improve the survival rate and slaughter rate of bullfrogs, but this will bury safety risks to the health of consumers. Protecting food safety on the table is not achieved overnight, and requires the joint efforts of many parties to form an effective synergy. Thank you for reading.

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