
How to make old branches sprout? Innovative seafood scallops spicy beef

author:Gourmet sauce brine family

How to make the old branches sprout, how to make the traditional food of the popular population breathe new vitality, and let customers eat the innovative food, both with the heart and without losing the taste in the memory, is a challenge that food practitioners cannot avoid and challenge. Some time ago, I took on the task of making an innovative spicy beef. Every day for nearly 10 hours, I carefully served the beef coaxed by the cattle, making it soft in my hands and numbing my tongue when I tasted it. After repeatedly studying the experimental process and proportions, I would like to share with you today the practice of innovative beef. I hope to learn from and enlighten you who need it.

How to make old branches sprout? Innovative seafood scallops spicy beef

Ingredients: 1000 g beef.

How to make old branches sprout? Innovative seafood scallops spicy beef

Spices: 50 grams of cinnamon, 30 grams of star anise, 25 grams of white root, 15 grams of sand kernels, 10 grams of peppercorns, 3 grams of cloves, 10 grams of black pepper powder

Seasoning: soybean oil 750 g, green onion 80 g, ginger slices 50 g, dried chili pepper 40 g, salt 35 g, monosodium glutamate 25 g, dark soy sauce 10 g, sugar 120 g, light soy sauce 15 g, dried scallops 35 g, white sesame seeds 10 g

How to make old branches sprout? Innovative seafood scallops spicy beef

Preparation Method:

1, the beef, remove the fascia, cut into large pieces, put the cut beef into water soaked and washed, set aside,

2: Take 3000g of soup, put the spices and spices into the soup and bring to a boil for 30 minutes. Put in the washed beef, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes, soak for 30 minutes;

3. Pick off the impurities of the dried scallops, add 180 degrees of crisp, fish out the dry oil, and beat the dried scallops into a blender to set aside;

4: Marinated beef and cut into 1.5cm strips, bake in a 180-degree oven for 30 minutes;

5: Take 350g of the original soup from the pot, add the roasted beef jerky and simmer for 8 minutes, add the white sesame seeds and dried scallops and mix together.

How to make old branches sprout? Innovative seafood scallops spicy beef


1, beef should use cowlin, meat quality is uniform without fascia, the price is appropriate,

2, the brine time can not be according to the brine beef time, need to shorten the time, baking taste better,

3, the baking temperature can not be low, otherwise there is no dry aroma,

4. According to the needs of soup and taste, the amount of soup and the firing time can be adjusted. After cooking, you can also sprinkle the saucer after cooking, mix well and let it cool to eat.

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