
The identity of the ghost scale female stall owner was revealed, and her true face was exposed! Selling seafood is a family business, and there is no impact on the dismissal

author:Fresh Fun Pavilion

Some time ago, the ghost scale incident in the Lianyungang vegetable and seafood market caused an uproar. 事实上,这个市场在此之前就一直‬存在鬼秤的问题,很多人都知道,只是没有人过多的去关注而已‬,也可以说很多人吃了亏之后,并不想与那些不良商贩去斤斤计较。

The identity of the ghost scale female stall owner was revealed, and her true face was exposed! Selling seafood is a family business, and there is no impact on the dismissal
The identity of the ghost scale female stall owner was revealed, and her true face was exposed! Selling seafood is a family business, and there is no impact on the dismissal

If it weren't for the Hurricane brothers confirming and exposing this behavior, more people might have been deceived. Judging from the previously exposed video, after the female stall owner Xu was exposed, not only did she not admit her mistakes, but her attitude became more and more arrogant. 她一边打落狂飙兄弟手里已经称好的虾销毁‬证据‬,还试图将动过手脚的鬼秤给藏起来。

The identity of the ghost scale female stall owner was revealed, and her true face was exposed! Selling seafood is a family business, and there is no impact on the dismissal

So Xu will be so fearless? 原来背后有靠山的‬,她依仗的就是市场的管理工作人员。 Sure enough, when the Hurricane brothers found the staff member Cao, hoping that he could solve the matter reasonably and give an explanation, Cao asked the Hurricane brothers to delete the video first. It is obvious that Cao is eliminating evidence for Xu, and it also proves that the two must have an interest relationship.

The identity of the ghost scale female stall owner was revealed, and her true face was exposed! Selling seafood is a family business, and there is no impact on the dismissal

狂飙兄弟拒绝‬删除视频‬,曹某甚至还动手抢夺走了他的手机。 事情曝光以后,当地相关部门很快就对‬此事‬展开立案‬调查,对女摊主许某和工作人员曹某都进行了处罚。 The former was purged from the market, and the latter was dismissed.

The identity of the ghost scale female stall owner was revealed, and her true face was exposed! Selling seafood is a family business, and there is no impact on the dismissal

最近几日,有网友还扒出了许某的身份,据悉海鲜生意是她‬的‬家‬族生意,她婆婆在‬该‬市场‬不远处还有另外一个摊位,其他亲戚在其他市场也做海鲜生意。 因此网友认为,就算许某被清退出市场,她也不会有任何的‬影响,海鲜会被其他亲戚摊位卖出去,事情过去之后她估计还会找个摊位继续做生意。

The identity of the ghost scale female stall owner was revealed, and her true face was exposed! Selling seafood is a family business, and there is no impact on the dismissal
The identity of the ghost scale female stall owner was revealed, and her true face was exposed! Selling seafood is a family business, and there is no impact on the dismissal

In fact, this is nothing, as long as you don't do bad business, refuse to ghost scales, and return to the old business. If it's a repeat of the same trick, it's a different story. In addition, some netizens exposed Xu's real face photos, judging from the photos, Xu is not too old, and his appearance is quite beautiful.

The identity of the ghost scale female stall owner was revealed, and her true face was exposed! Selling seafood is a family business, and there is no impact on the dismissal
The identity of the ghost scale female stall owner was revealed, and her true face was exposed! Selling seafood is a family business, and there is no impact on the dismissal

只不过网友认为,许‬某‬外表虽然漂亮,不过‬心还是‬太坏了,不管怎么说‬希望‬她‬今后‬能够‬改正‬错误。 此事的影响无疑是很大的,除了给那些不良商家敲响了警钟,而且也让消费者懂得一定要用正确的方式维护自己的权益,不能‬一味‬的‬忍让‬。

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