
Delicious from Sichuan - white sauce five willow fish, mapo tofu, husband and wife lung slices Sichuan white sauce five willow fish - traditional famous dish, popular Sichuan mapo tofu - the most local flavor of the special dish Chengdu husband and wife lung slices - famous, fragrant all over the world

author:Thousands of dishes of regional cuisine

<h1> Sichuan white sauce five willow fish - a traditional famous dish, popular among the population</h1>

"White sauce five willow fish" is a traditional sichuan famous dish, the history is very long, after thousands of years and fame has not faded. Many of China's famous dishes are related to celebrities, such as Dongpo meat, Zuo Zongtang chicken, Buddha jumping off the wall, etc., and the parties are mostly gourmets. However, the relationship between the great Henan poet Du Fu and the famous Sichuan dish five willow fish is very special, it is a masterpiece created by Shi Sheng inadvertently "without paying attention", which can be said to be "unintentionally planting willows into the shade".

During the Anshi Rebellion, Du Fu could not return to the Central Plains for a while in Chengdu, so he had to build a simple grass hall on the bank of Huanhua Creek in Chengdu, which was actually a thatched house, to settle down. He wrote a large number of excellent works here, and the grass hall became the "creative base" of this poetic saint. However, at that time, he did not earn writing fees for writing poetry, and he did not have any savings, so Du Fu, who was more than half a hundred years old, was once financially strapped, and his life was very hard, often living with green vegetables and fruits, and the locals called him "old man with vegetable belly".

Delicious from Sichuan - white sauce five willow fish, mapo tofu, husband and wife lung slices Sichuan white sauce five willow fish - traditional famous dish, popular Sichuan mapo tofu - the most local flavor of the special dish Chengdu husband and wife lung slices - famous, fragrant all over the world

One day Du Fu invited a few friends to the Caotang to recite poems. Talking and laughing, I don't feel that it is noon, I see that I am going to have lunch, but the kitchen has no good dishes, what to take to entertain my friends? In a hurry, just as the family caught a big fish from the Huanhua Creek in front of the door, Du Fu thought to himself, please taste this fish today! Du Fu took the fish and ordered his family to go to the wine and cook it himself.

When his friends saw that he was going to cook fish himself, they exclaimed: "The great poet of Tangtang Du can also cook fish, which is really a miracle in the world!" Du Fu could only smile and said, "Wait and see, I will cook you a delicious dish today." He went into the kitchen to clean the fish, and then put the fish and the ingredients into the pot and steamed them as usual. He thought in his heart, today's Wenyou patronage, can not be too casual, found that there are still a few green vegetables around, so he ingeniously took ginger, green onions, pickled peppers, bamboo shoots, winter shoots, cut them into thin strips, like willow shreds, to be steamed after the fish evenly sprinkled, and then the sauce into the sauce and heated up and poured on the fish.

Delicious from Sichuan - white sauce five willow fish, mapo tofu, husband and wife lung slices Sichuan white sauce five willow fish - traditional famous dish, popular Sichuan mapo tofu - the most local flavor of the special dish Chengdu husband and wife lung slices - famous, fragrant all over the world

Seeing Du Poet bring the fish to the table, the guests competed to stretch out their chopsticks to taste it, only to feel that the taste was delicious, and could not help but marvel at du Fu in unison, and asked Du Fu curiously: "What is the name of this fish?" Du Fu laughed with his hands, so everyone shouted to give him a good name. Some said," some said, "Call the Huanxi fish," and some said, "Calling the old Duyu the most appropriate," Du Fu saw that everyone was so admired, and he muttered, "Well, Tao Yuanming is a sage I admire, and Wu Sumu's character of 'Mr. Wuliu', this fish is covered with five kinds of green silk, all like willow leaves, may as well be called 'five willow fish'!" Everyone thinks that this name is quite poetic, and can't help but clap their hands and praise.

This formed a good story of five willow fish, and with Du Fu's celebrity effect, it passed on ten or ten hundred, and gradually became a famous dish in Chengdu. Today's Sichuan cuisine chefs have inherited and developed on the basis of ancient legends, applied exquisite knife skills, and added ham, chicken, shiitake mushrooms and other accessories to make the famous white sauce five willow fish, which is regarded as a must in Sichuan cuisine.

Delicious from Sichuan - white sauce five willow fish, mapo tofu, husband and wife lung slices Sichuan white sauce five willow fish - traditional famous dish, popular Sichuan mapo tofu - the most local flavor of the special dish Chengdu husband and wife lung slices - famous, fragrant all over the world

White sauce five willow fish beautiful color, crispy outside, tender and fragrant, not only rich in nutrition, but also clear heat phlegm, qi and wide chest, is a sichuan cuisine with good color and fragrance. When making the white sauce five willow fish, the fish is first slaughtered, scaled, bone, and offal, and then the carrots, cucumbers, and green onions are cut into three centimeters long shreds, and ginger and garlic are also properly shredded. Mix salt, MONOS glutamate, pepper and water starch with the juice and set aside. After that, put the appropriate amount of water in the pot, bring to a boil, cook the fish in the pot, and remove from the dish. Finally, stir-fry the green onion, ginger and garlic slightly, then add the carrots and cucumbers to the pot, cook the juice, stir-fry and pour over the fish.

Delicious from Sichuan - white sauce five willow fish, mapo tofu, husband and wife lung slices Sichuan white sauce five willow fish - traditional famous dish, popular Sichuan mapo tofu - the most local flavor of the special dish Chengdu husband and wife lung slices - famous, fragrant all over the world

<h1> Sichuan Mapo tofu - the most local flavor of the special dish</h1>

Mapo tofu is one of the most local specialties in Chinese tofu cuisine, and has become a famous Sichuan dish that has swept the world. This dish has a history of more than 100 years and is a passed down delicacy of Chengdu Chen Ma Po Tofu Shop.

The characteristics of Mapo tofu are cooked by firing, on the snow white tender tofu, dotted with brown-red minced beef and oily green garlic seedlings, a circle of transparent red oil on the periphery, such as jade inlaid amber, with hemp, spicy, hot, tender, crisp, fragrant, fresh unique flavor, very Sichuan flavor characteristics. Hemp refers to the dried peppercorns sprinkled on the tofu when it is cooked, and the peppercorns are hemp-flavored and refreshing Hanyuan gong peppers. Spicy refers to the watercress made from the Da Hong Pao oil pepper of Longtan Temple, which is spicy and fragrant. Scalding refers to the immediate on-the-table, the oil is more warm, it is not easy to cool and burn deliciously, and the heat is sweaty.

Incense refers to the fact that the tofu cannot smell the plaster smell of making tofu, the rusty smell of cold-soaked tofu and the original unpleasant smell of various condiments, only the aroma that arouses appetite. Crispy is beef crispy, golden color, red crispy without plate, crispy in the mouth, and stained teeth. Tender finger tofu fried method, white as jade, angular, a twist will be broken, so diners use a small spoon to eat it. Fresh is the raw material of the whole dish, all fresh, fresh and emerald green, red and white, color and taste are fresh.

Delicious from Sichuan - white sauce five willow fish, mapo tofu, husband and wife lung slices Sichuan white sauce five willow fish - traditional famous dish, popular Sichuan mapo tofu - the most local flavor of the special dish Chengdu husband and wife lung slices - famous, fragrant all over the world

Mapo tofu originated in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, when it was said that a person surnamed Chen in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, died suddenly due to an accident, leaving only orphans and widows, and the family fell into a difficult life. Their family had two neighbors, one selling meat and the other selling tofu, and out of pity for this family, they gave them hoof tendon meat and crushed tofu that could not be sold every day. Chen's wife, Wen Qiaoqiao, is said to be particularly fond of cooking, and her craftsmanship is also very good. For the sake of the children, she racked her brains to make something delicious.

Since the hoof tendon meat is very hard, the children can't bite, so the meat is chopped first. There was no meat grinder, so she made a round stump-like cutting board out of hard wood, put the hoof tendon meat on top, and patiently chopped it with a large kitchen knife. After ten minutes, it can be chopped into small minced meat. The shape of the tofu was messy and not good, and she cut it into small squares so that the original shape could not be seen. Then add your own sauce and cook the minced meat and tofu for hours, because the hoof tendon meat is still very hard even if it is chopped. After a grunting slow simmer, the hoof tendon meat will soften.

Delicious from Sichuan - white sauce five willow fish, mapo tofu, husband and wife lung slices Sichuan white sauce five willow fish - traditional famous dish, popular Sichuan mapo tofu - the most local flavor of the special dish Chengdu husband and wife lung slices - famous, fragrant all over the world

It also stews a delicious, sticky gelatin. Chinese tofu also has toughness, is very suitable for stewing, and inhales gravy, which tastes better. When the final pot comes out, sprinkle with plenty of pepper, and the unique animal gum smell of the hoof tendon meat disappears. Take a small bite, your mouth full of the smooth taste of meat. After a few moments, the strong aroma followed, and the unique fermentation taste of the sauce, and the slight residual mutton fishy smell felt good. Moreover, the fresh scent of pepper blows from the tongue like a breeze. Later, Wen Qiaoqiao opened a restaurant based on this dish. Because this dish was cheap and particularly delicious, Chen's tofu soon became famous, and food seekers came here, and literati rioters often met here. There are good deeds who see that Chen's face is numb, so they play it as Chen Ma Po tofu, which is a beautiful talk without going astray. The restaurant was therefore crowned as a Chen Ma Po Tofu Shop. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Chen Mapo tofu was listed as a famous food in Chengdu.

Mapo tofu is very convenient to make, and the main ingredients are tender tofu and minced beef. First, cut the tofu into cubes and put it in a bowl and soak it in boiling water to remove the astringency. Heat the wok with vegetable oil, heat it to 60%, sauté the minced beef until it is yellow, add salt, tempeh, paprika, Pixian watercress and stir-fry, add fresh broth, add tofu, and simmer over medium heat until the tofu is flavored. Then put down the garlic seedling festival, soy sauce, lightly burn for a while to draw the juice, depending on the juice when the oil is thick and bright, put it in the bowl, sprinkle the minced peppercorns. This dish looks ordinary materials, the production is not complicated, it seems that ordinary people can make it, in fact, after trying to know that this is not the case. Even if the raw materials are the same, the taste may not be the same, which is related to the origin of the condiments and the water and soil.

Delicious from Sichuan - white sauce five willow fish, mapo tofu, husband and wife lung slices Sichuan white sauce five willow fish - traditional famous dish, popular Sichuan mapo tofu - the most local flavor of the special dish Chengdu husband and wife lung slices - famous, fragrant all over the world

<h1> Chengdu husband and wife lung film - famous, fragrant all over the world</h1>

Everyone in Sichuan knows that the dish of husband and wife lung tablets is also popular in other provinces. The dish is bright red in color, tender in texture and spicy in flavor. Look at the green and red turquoise, the Jin River is gushing. A large celadon plate of freshly mixed lung slices is served, red oil is heavy, and the color is translucent. It is made with emphasis on the selection of ingredients, fine production, and exquisite seasoning. Husband and wife lung slices are large and thin, soft and sticky, spicy and fragrant, delicate and tender slag, and are deeply loved by the masses.

In order to distinguish it from other lung tablets, it is called "husband and wife lung tablets". In fact, the ingredients for husband and wife lung slices are cow scalp, cow heart, beef tongue, tripe, beef, and do not use lungs. It is said that near Chengdu, there is a place where ethnic minorities live, especially many Muslims. Most of these Muslims do not eat pork because of their religious beliefs or their own customs, so beef and mutton are the bulk meat consumed there. But the Muslims generally only eat beef and mutton, and they generally discard the offal.

Delicious from Sichuan - white sauce five willow fish, mapo tofu, husband and wife lung slices Sichuan white sauce five willow fish - traditional famous dish, popular Sichuan mapo tofu - the most local flavor of the special dish Chengdu husband and wife lung slices - famous, fragrant all over the world

Every morning, after chanting the sutra by the religious butcher, the cattle are slaughtered and divided, the meat is sent to the market to be sold, and the cleaned offal is discarded in a corner, piled high, and allowed to rot. By the 1930s, there was a man named Guo Chaohua near Chengdu's Shaocheng, whose wife was Zhang Tianzheng, and they felt pity to see that these discarded internal organs had been thrown away. Anyway, there was nothing to do, and I was struggling to make a living, so I got up early in the morning and rummaged through the piles of internal organs, picked some useful ones to take home, carefully cared for them, cooked them in the pot, and after many experiments, mastered the heat just right.

Then finely processed with a knife, it is really white and tender as paper, light red as birch, transparent and yellowish scalp, and then with the husband and wife carefully matched peppercorns, sesame seeds, sesame oil, fine and tender celery and other spices, so the cold mixed lung slices have the characteristics of red and bright color, soft sticky taste, spicy and fragrant, delicate slag. Because the "lung slices" they make have a unique flavor and are inexpensive, they are loved by rickshaw pullers, porters and poor students.

Delicious from Sichuan - white sauce five willow fish, mapo tofu, husband and wife lung slices Sichuan white sauce five willow fish - traditional famous dish, popular Sichuan mapo tofu - the most local flavor of the special dish Chengdu husband and wife lung slices - famous, fragrant all over the world

Later, the Guo couple set up a shop to sell in a single shop on Banbianqiao Street in Chengdu, which is now the right side of the back door of the People's Park, which was welcomed by the poor people who could not afford meat but wanted to eat meat, and was also sought after by the citizens who loved their delicious food, and soon became famous. The couple cooperated tacitly, one production, one sale, the small business was booming, and the customers gathered for a while, and the supply exceeded demand. The name of the shop is also officially named "Husband and Wife Lung Tablet", and the plaque is a gold character with a black background, which is personally inscribed by Mr. Zhao Yunyu, a famous calligrapher who enjoys "one of the four elders of Shuzhong".

When the dish is made, the beef scalp is first burned and peeled, added to boiling water and blanched for ten minutes, then scraped off the outer cuticle skin, put into the marinade old soup, boiled over high heat, and simmered over low heat until cooked. The beef heart should be cut open with a knife, rinsed with water to clean the blood stains, and boiled in the marinade until cooked. After washing the beef tongue, boil in boiling water for a while to scrape off the outer coarse skin, put it into the marinade and cook with the beef heart until cooked. Then fry the peanut kernels and sesame seeds separately, grind them into small grains and powder, cook the tempeh and soy sauce in a pot (add a little water), and pour into the brine. Change the boiled beef, offal and other things into a knife, put them into bowls, pair them with onion yards, drizzle with marinades and various spices, sprinkle peanuts and sesame seeds and mix well, so you can finish.

Delicious from Sichuan - white sauce five willow fish, mapo tofu, husband and wife lung slices Sichuan white sauce five willow fish - traditional famous dish, popular Sichuan mapo tofu - the most local flavor of the special dish Chengdu husband and wife lung slices - famous, fragrant all over the world

Today's food inventory, that's it, welcome to comment on the regional cuisine you want to know, we will see you in the next issue!

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