
Responsible parents must pay attention to the fact that some snacks are getting dumber the more they eat. I've put an inventory of 10 snacks you shouldn't eat at all. First preserved fruit. These things except

author:Polymath Apple 7M5

Responsible parents must pay attention to the fact that some snacks are getting dumber the more they eat. I've given you an inventory of 10 snacks you shouldn't eat at all.

• First preserved fruit. In addition to sugar, these things are various preservatives and flavor enhancers.

Second carbonated drinks, children love to drink, drink too much they will definitely make you calcium deficiency. And a large number of additives and sugars are also harmful to the body.

Third snack with crispy stains. Like vegetables, dried fruits, fruits, crisps, these things are full of a lot of pigments and additives, eating them will only harm the body, there is no half benefit.

Fourth jelly. It is an artificial food, whether it is pectin or the flavor enhancer inside, or a brightly colored color enhancer. Children like to eat and like more, but it is not good for his body at all.

The fifth is drinks with high sugar content. Drinks like these juices, drinks, yogurt, sweet milk, these drinks are completely not good for the body, all sugar exceeds the standard, and the child drinks it is really not good for the body.

Snacks of the sixth Soviet. What cake pastry, pineapple pastry, red bean paste pie. Most of them may contain trans fatty acids, and there are many additives, it is best not to eat any children, especially friends who regard these as breakfast must pay attention.

・The seventh is instant noodles. Not to mention the additives and preservatives of this instant noodles, the most important thing is that its sodium content exceeds the standard. Long-term consumption is convenient to face the child's kidney and liver burden is relatively heavy, so there is no bad benefit to the body.

・Eighth popcorn. The lead content of popcorn is very high, and lead is seriously harmful to the child's hematopoietic function, digestive system, including intellectual development. So if you can not eat, you will not eat, and if you can eat less, you will eat less.

Ninth ham sausage. There is really no meat in the ham sausage, it is pure technology, and there are many additives, so children must not eat it.

Tenth is ice cream. The trans fats in ice cream include some margarine, and there are really, very many colors. Therefore, children try to eat as few snacks as possible.

Responsible parents must pay attention to the fact that some snacks are getting dumber the more they eat. I've put an inventory of 10 snacks you shouldn't eat at all. First preserved fruit. These things except
Responsible parents must pay attention to the fact that some snacks are getting dumber the more they eat. I've put an inventory of 10 snacks you shouldn't eat at all. First preserved fruit. These things except
Responsible parents must pay attention to the fact that some snacks are getting dumber the more they eat. I've put an inventory of 10 snacks you shouldn't eat at all. First preserved fruit. These things except
Responsible parents must pay attention to the fact that some snacks are getting dumber the more they eat. I've put an inventory of 10 snacks you shouldn't eat at all. First preserved fruit. These things except

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