
A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

Original | Pregnancy

Parents, there is no regret medicine in the world, so you must be optimistic about your children.

Don't wait for the unexpected to happen, regret not starting out.

On April 17, @星视频 reported that a 1-and-a-half-year-old baby in Benxi, Liaoning Province, had been injured very seriously because of ingestion of pipeline dredging.

A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

According to the child's father, he was cooking at the time of the incident.

Suddenly, Duo Duo burst into tears, he looked back and saw what Duo Duo was eating, at first he thought it was eating washing powder or something, but he didn't expect it to be a pipe dredging agent.

When he picked up Duoduo, the dredge agent that fell out of Duoduo's mouth directly corroded his arm.

A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

Looking at the blossoms again, the child's mouth was already black.

Despite being immediately taken to the hospital, the injuries have been inflicted and are very serious.

The skin of Duoduo's mouth, head and face, and torso were all burned by this caustic soda chemical, and the mouth was the most serious.

A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

The tongue is severely necrotic, loss of swallowing function, and Duoduo is not out of danger at present, and the doctor said: the next infection period is a big difficulty.

This result made Duoduo's parents collapse, and her mother couldn't cry.

It's hard to imagine how painful Duoduo is when she accidentally ingests dredging agent, her tongue is necrotic, she can't swallow, and what will happen to her in the future, it's heart-wrenching to think about.

Many netizens also issued reminders after watching the video:

A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

"Sometimes a negligent person really hurts the baby for the rest of his life."

"People with a little common sense know that the pipeline dredging agent should be kept in a hidden place."

"These chemical cleaners are in the safe when necessary, just in case! The consequences of a child's misuse are serious. ”

Parents, please be sure to take good care of your children, once the accidental eating occurs, the consequences are immeasurable, don't wait for the harm to occur and regret it.

The 1-year-old baby suffered from stomach erosion and the 2-year-old baby died

Ingesting dangerous foreign objects can really kill!

Parents, babies in the mouth period, are curious about everything.

Everything that can be obtained is delicious, and I want to put it in my mouth to lick and taste.

Babies at this stage need parents to keep them safe, they can't relax for a moment, and if they are not careful, something may happen.

Once a child accidentally ingests a dangerous foreign object, it can be injured or fatal, and there are too many such news.

In Liaocheng, Shandong, a 1-year-old baby swallowed 5 button batteries, resulting in severe erosion of the gastric mucosa and ulcers, fortunately he was sent to the hospital in time.

A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

On the south bank of Chongqing, a 2-year-old baby accidentally ingested pesticides while playing, and his parents were anxious on the way to the hospital, but fortunately in the emergency escort of the traffic police, it took only 10 minutes to reach the hospital safely in half an hour's journey, because the treatment was timely, and the baby was out of danger.

A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

Babies who can be found and treated in time are really lucky, but not all babies have this luck.

In Shenzhen, Guangdong, a one-year-old 1-year-old boy accidentally ingested caustic soda (pipeline dredging agent), spit blood in his mouth and was admitted to the ICU, the child's lips and esophagus were severely burned, the lungs were also affected, breathing was difficult, and after one month of treatment in the hospital, he still needed a gastric tube to eat.

A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

A 23-month-old boy abroad was not detected in time because of accidental ingestion of button batteries, and died of sudden hemorrhage in just 4 days.

A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

Last month, a 4-month-old male treasure in Henan Province became a vegetative person because he accidentally ingested the old man's hypoglycemic drug (glipizide tablets), which caused severe hypoglycemic encephalopathy.

A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

Once a child accidentally eats dangerous food, it is intestinal poison, even if it is not fatal, it will cause irreversible damage to the child, so don't be careless.

Ingestion of dangerous poisons

A second can seriously injure a child!

Parents, the danger of accidental ingestion is really scary.

If you accidentally ingest dangerous poison, you can seriously injure your child in a second, and the damage is irreversible.

For example, the pipeline dredging agent mentioned above.

The main component of pipeline dredging agent is caustic soda, scientific name sodium hydroxide, also commonly known as fire soda, is a highly corrosive strong alkali, generally in the form of flakes or blocks, dissolved in water will release a lot of heat, resulting in burns.

The pregnant mother once saw a news, a 1-year-old baby accidentally ingested range hood cleaner, the family was in a hurry to let the child rinse his mouth with water, and in an instant the child's respiratory tract and esophagus were extensively burned, and the lungs were edema, and his life was in danger.

Parents, take good care of your children.

You can never imagine what a lust baby would put in his mouth.

If the pesticide is placed within your child's reach, he may really open it and eat it!

If the medicine is on the table, the child will really think that it is candy to eat!

If the detergent is in a beverage bottle, even older children may open the cap and eat it by mistake!

Raise the alarm for parents, these things are at the top of the list of children's accidental ingestion!

A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

(These are items that have been swallowed by children!) )

● Disinfection and toiletries: pipe dredging agent, bleach, toilet cleaner, detergent, nail polish, soap, shampoo, etc.

●Medicines, preservatives, etc. Pesticides, anthelmintic drugs, preservatives, medicines.

● Cosmetics and perfumes are also minefields.

●Small items such as button batteries and magnets. Small batteries, magnets, glass beads, magnetic balls, springs, crayons, pencils, magnetic balls, springs, crayons, pencils, etc.

These things must be put away.

Ingestion of dangerous foreign objects

Wrong handling can lead to more injuries!

Ingesting a dangerous foreign object by mistake is scary, but mishandling it is even more scary.

The baby accidentally ingested fire alkali, and the parents rinsed their mouths with water, resulting in secondary burns for the child.

The baby accidentally eats the toy, and the mother sucks it through her mouth before she is in a hurry, resulting in the toy choking in the throat.

The baby accidentally ingested detergent powder, and the mother filled with a lot of water, which caused serious burns to the child's oral mucosa!

A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

When encountering a baby eating by mistake, if an accident occurs, do not deal with it at will, correct handling can reduce the injury, according to the accidental ingestion of the item, the way to deal with it is also different.

●Your baby mistakenly ingests drugs that have few side effects

Such as vitamins, cough syrup, calcium tablets and other drugs with small toxic side effects and the dose is not large, you can not worry too much, let the baby drink more water, promote the dilution and discharge of the drug, and always observe the baby's overall state, if there is discomfort to seek medical attention.

●Babies mistakenly ingest drugs with strong toxic side effects

Such as antihypertensive drugs, sleeping pills, birth control pills and other drugs with strong toxic side effects, to induce vomiting as quickly as possible, drink a large amount of tea repeatedly vomiting and gastric lavage, and then drink milk and raw egg white, and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

●Baby ingests effervescent tablets by mistake

If your baby swallows effervescent tablets, never drink water, drinking water will cause a lot of gas to be produced, which can cause suffocation, and the correct thing to do is to seek immediate medical attention.

●Baby mistakenly ingests desiccant and mothballs

Desiccants usually have four types: transparent silica gel, ferric oxide, calcium chloride and calcium oxide.

Transparent silica gel: most of them are not toxic, generally can be discharged with stool, closely observed, and seek medical attention if there are abnormalities.

Coffee-colored ferric oxide: slight irritation, if the amount is small, you can drink water to dilute it, the amount of poisoning symptoms appears, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

White powder calcium chloride and white lumpy calcium oxide: calcium chloride is only slightly irritating, calcium oxide will become corrosive calcium bicarbonate after contact with water, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Accidental ingestion of mothballs: Feeding tea or white water to induce vomiting, but because eating mothballs by mistake can cause spasms, it is not recommended to induce vomiting at home, but should go to the hospital for disposal.

●Baby ingests disinfectant and toiletries by mistake

Such as 84 disinfectant, disinfectant alcohol, etc., if you do not understand the ingredients, do not induce vomiting, immediately take 100-200ml of milk, egg white, and seek medical attention immediately.

If you mistakenly eat toiletries, in the case of a small amount, you can let the child drink milk or soy milk, dilute the concentration, and observe for 12 hours, seek medical attention if you have discomfort, and seek medical attention immediately if you drink too much.

If it is a strong acid, strong alkaline detergent, a small amount of accidental ingestion can also cause serious injury, seek medical attention immediately, and at the same time strictly induce vomiting.

●Baby ingests button batteries by mistake

Button batteries are dangerous poisons, highly corrosive, strong alkaline, light will burn the esophagus, digestive tract, heavy will lead to gastrointestinal perforation, visceral burns, heavy bleeding life-threatening, do not induce vomiting, seek medical attention immediately, do not wait for the child to discharge on his own.

●Baby ingests small toys and parts by mistake

Such as nuts, blocks, coins, pins, etc., do not pick your throat, picking your throat will cause foreign objects to get stuck deeper.

If hypoxia asphyxiates occurs, call the emergency number immediately and immediately use the Heimlich First Aid method.

If your child is completely unresponsive and loses breathing and heartbeat, CPR should be performed immediately.

Note: Inducing vomiting can only be used if the child is conscious and the things you mistakenly eat are not corrosive, otherwise it is forbidden to induce vomiting! After inducing vomiting for your child, take your child to the hospital as soon as possible.

Preventing children from ingesting by mistake is always a top priority

Here are a few things to do!

The above accidents are actually completely preventable, as long as parents are more careful and observe the home from the baby's perspective, all accidental injuries can be avoided!

To stay safe, parents should keep the following three points in mind:

First: put the drugs in categories

(1) Medicines should not be mixed with other items, it is best to put them in a fixed medicine box, and lock them up to tell the child that this is a medicine and cannot be eaten casually.

(2) Topical drugs and oral drugs should be opened, bulk drugs should be packed in bottles, labeled, and the bottles should be placed high and far!

(3) Any medicine should be placed in a place that the child cannot touch, especially toxic drugs such as cockroach killers and rodenticides.

(4) Do not take medicine in front of the child, the child's ability to imitate is amazing.

(5) Never pretend that any medicine is sweet, even if you want to coax your child to take medicine, don't treat it as something delicious.

(6) Expired drug and cosmetic containers should be cleaned up as soon as possible.

(7) Keep the medicine in the original container, remember to put the medicine in the container that used to be food and beverage.

Second: Toxic substances should be put away

(1) Bleach, toilet cleaner, detergent, nail polish, soap, shampoo... All supplies related to cleaning should be placed in a high place.

(2) Do not throw alcohol, gasoline and other things after use, let alone pour them into containers (such as beverage bottles) that have been filled with food.

(3) Put away cosmetics, many cosmetics contain alcohol, and the alcohol content of perfumes may even be as high as 95%.

(4) Small batteries, magnets, button batteries, glass and other sharp objects, paint, paint mopping agents and other decorative products, aromatherapy essential oils, deodorants must also be put away, do not put in a conspicuous place because of the convenience of the picture, easy to reach the place.

(5) Tell children what they can and cannot eat, and ask adults first when they encounter something uncertain.

Third: Zoned inspection and custody of dangerous goods in the home

(1) Pay attention to the living room: buttons, small blocks, fruit pits, coins, button batteries, desiccant, mothballs, etc.

(2) Pay attention to the balcony: mosquito repellent, insecticide, insect repellent, bleach, detergent, detergent, gasoline, diesel, etc.

(3) Pay attention to the toilet: disinfectant, detergent, body soap, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, cream, lotion, makeup remover, etc.

(4) Pay attention to the kitchen: detergent, detergent, household garbage (special attention to nails, broken glass, expired medicines, etc.), etc.

(5) Pay attention to in the bedroom: medicines, perfumes, jewelry, nail polish, etc.

(6) The toy room should pay attention to: toy small parts, small beads, glass balls, magnetic beads, etc.

(7) Pay attention to the study: paper clips, thumbtacks, crayons, pencils, etc.

A 1-year-old baby has a stomach erosion, a 2-year-old baby dies, and ingesting a dangerous foreign body by mistake will really kill you

For children to eat by mistake, prevention is always the most important!

Finally, parents must be sure to place dangerous items in the home, do a good job of safety precautions, and try to minimize the safety hazards around the baby!

I hope every child can grow up healthy!

Share and forward, let more people see, let the tragedy be less!

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