
Miracle Boy: Do these 3 things, and everyone can realize their inner dreams

author:Hongdan workplace writing

Many people are reluctant to be mediocre and often show their uniqueness by being different, but when fate strikes you to be the one who is different, can you bear this extraordinary weight?

The movie "Miracle Boy" tells the story of a young boy Who was born extraordinary, Auggie.

Auggie was born with a face defect, and his face looked like it had been burned by fire.

Before elementary school, he stayed at home and was tutored by his mother, and his favorite subject was science.

His favorite toy is an astronaut's helmet because he can hide his face in the helmet.

His favorite holiday is Halloween, because only under the cover of Halloween costumes does he dare to walk with his head up, and others will not think of him as a monster who will catch the plague when he touches him.

The Japanese novelist Fumito Yamamoto once said: "What is even more terrifying than the eyes of the world is actually your own heart that cares about the eyes of the world." ”

Auggie cares about the eyes of the world, but he spent five years getting rid of his dependence on helmets, having true friends, and becoming a role model for his classmates.

How did he do it? The story begins on his first day of school...

Miracle Boy: Do these 3 things, and everyone can realize their inner dreams


Bravery is the first step to breaking the shackles

Auggie had always wanted to be like an ordinary little boy, and he himself thought that his behavior and thoughts were no different from ordinary boys, but his appearance could not be ordinary.

When he was ridiculed as a "monster", he also ran to his mother like a normal child and cried, "Why do I have to be so ugly?" "Mom comforted him that everyone had marks on their faces, it recorded the path we had traveled, and those marks were never ugly.

Auggie is unfortunate to have such looks, but fortunately he has a family that loves him and supports him unconditionally. It is precisely because of this love that Auggie has the courage to face a cruel life.

When classmates ridiculed Augie for not going to school, he bravely fought back, pointing out grammatical errors in the other person's speech.

He longs to have friends and is always brave enough to open his heart to others.

When someone asks, "Can I sit next to you?" He would immediately reply, "Of course! Even if he found it to be a malicious teasing, he would be the same next time, bravely accepting those who came to him.

When a friend is bullied, even if Auggie is weak, he will bravely stand in front of his friend to protect him.

Miracle Boy: Do these 3 things, and everyone can realize their inner dreams

Everyone is struggling with life, some people choose to escape, and some people decide to face the difficulties.

At the 2004 Athens Paralympic Games, a Chinese blind long jumper broke the world record with a score of 13.1 meters and won two Paralympic gold medals, and the miracle was Li Rui.

Before going blind, Li Rui was a member of the basketball national youth team, and an accident caused him to lose his light after 15 days in a coma. Li Rui became very depressed for a while, but later, he slowly accepted reality and learned to massage for the blind.

The blind man's life is not easy, and if he chooses to accept reality, then he may only be able to do a profession that he does not like in the second half of his life.

But Li Rui decided to bravely break the limitations of life and embark on a more difficult paralympic sports field, only to regain a confident and bright new life.

Like Li Rui, Auggie and Li Rui were depressed and depressed in the face of the injustice of life, but in the end they bravely walked out of the safe zone and realized their own life miracles.

In the face of adversity, if you can't overcome it, accept it. But acceptance does not mean running away, but having the courage to turn adversity into good times.

As Nixon said, "Adversity can defeat the weak, but the strong." ”


Optimism is the light that lights up for yourself

Under the loving care of his family, Auggie grew into an optimistic boy.

At school, when his classmates are alienating him, Auggie imagines himself wearing an astronaut's costume, and each classmate warmly welcomes himself.

When a classmate utters the evil words, "If I had Auggie's looks, I would kill myself," Auggie said that I would beat him in a science competition.

There is a dialogue in the movie "The King of Comedy":

"You see, it's pitch black ahead, and you can't see anything."

"No, it will be beautiful after dawn."

Optimism is this attitude of believing in the dark that it will be beautiful after dawn.

Maybe you will say that Auggie is just a character in the movie, and it is not easy to be so optimistic in real life.

Look at the real world-famous orator Nick Hu zhe, who is born without limbs, but can use his only torso and "chicken feet" to type, write, swim, brush his teeth, wash his hair, and so on.

At the age of 10, after being ridiculed and bullied by his classmates, Hu Zhe tried to commit suicide, but failed.

At the age of 19, he openly faced his own imperfections, saying, "God has a plan in my life to give hope to others through my story." I told people to learn to get up when they fell and start caring for themselves. ”

You know, good people are in the minority, because most people are bound by the idea of "I must not be able to do it" and are always afraid to make changes. When you think the same way, you become the "ordinary" majority.

In the film, Auggie's sister says to him, "You can't fit in because you're different." ”

We should also maintain such an optimistic attitude, pursuing in the direction we are happy to pursue, without complaining about the environment, without envying others, your optimism is enough to light up your world.

Miracle Boy: Do these 3 things, and everyone can realize their inner dreams


Kindness is the most correct choice

In Auggie's first class, the teacher shared a motto: If you want to choose between right and kind, choose kindness.

Even in the face of more bullying, Auggie always remained kind.

When classmates can't solve the problem, Auggie will take the initiative to help.

In the face of the person who has hurt him, as long as the other party sincerely apologizes, Auggie will forgive the other party.

When his classmates cast strange glances, Auggie also expressed understanding, and said in his heart that if the long-haired monster Chubaka in the movie "Star Wars" appeared here, he would not be able to help but peek twice.

Finally, Auggie's kindness was also exchanged for a true friend, and when he was ridiculed and bullied, the good friend would fight with the big people to defend him; when he received the award at the graduation ceremony, everyone present really applauded him.

Kindness is the most correct choice, whether we are the party who is hurt or the party who has the right to hurt others, we should choose kindness, after all, everyone can become the target of public criticism.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony, Auggie said: "I don't know why I won the award... Maybe the truth is, I'm not that ordinary, and if we understand what other people think, we know that no one is ordinary, and everyone deserves at least one slap in the face. ”

Coincidentally, Li Xiaolai has a principle that he tries to adhere to: always encourage the people around him, even if they are somewhat blind, even if he is not my friend.

Miracle Boy: Do these 3 things, and everyone can realize their inner dreams


Write at the end

In the whole world, each of us is ordinary.

A person's power can be ignored, but in everyone's life, we are great, a brave challenge can change the trajectory of our lives, an optimistic attitude can change the state of our lives, and a kind choice can affect the lives of others.

May each of us have the courage to face adversity, light up the optimism of life, treat others kindly, and be treated kindly by others.

About the Author: Via. 2020-2021 Hongdan Writing Academy member, master of tea science, Hongdan early rise book club anchor, willing to pay attention to personal growth, share a better life.

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