
Has been following the use of pesticides, the manor now has a very good ecology, you can see golden toads, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, and small white snakes, some of which are mutated, I doubt it is a nearby home

author:Owner of Deer Garden

Has been following the use of pesticides, the manor is now very good ecology, you can see golden toads, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, and small white snakes, some are mutant, I suspect that it is not nearby households to raise out of the run.

Squirrels, small wild ducks, egrets, all kinds of small birds, small animals are many.

Now if there are little geese and chickens in the manor, I suspect that these little animals have been wiped out by them.

In particular, there are many insects near the kitchen, which should be some of the remaining things, rotten things are more likely to attract scorpions and centipedes, because some small bugs need to eat these things, so they brought these top predators over.

Has been following the use of pesticides, the manor now has a very good ecology, you can see golden toads, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, and small white snakes, some of which are mutated, I doubt it is a nearby home
Has been following the use of pesticides, the manor now has a very good ecology, you can see golden toads, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, and small white snakes, some of which are mutated, I doubt it is a nearby home
Has been following the use of pesticides, the manor now has a very good ecology, you can see golden toads, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, and small white snakes, some of which are mutated, I doubt it is a nearby home
Has been following the use of pesticides, the manor now has a very good ecology, you can see golden toads, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, and small white snakes, some of which are mutated, I doubt it is a nearby home
Has been following the use of pesticides, the manor now has a very good ecology, you can see golden toads, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, and small white snakes, some of which are mutated, I doubt it is a nearby home
Has been following the use of pesticides, the manor now has a very good ecology, you can see golden toads, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, and small white snakes, some of which are mutated, I doubt it is a nearby home
Has been following the use of pesticides, the manor now has a very good ecology, you can see golden toads, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, and small white snakes, some of which are mutated, I doubt it is a nearby home
Has been following the use of pesticides, the manor now has a very good ecology, you can see golden toads, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, and small white snakes, some of which are mutated, I doubt it is a nearby home
Has been following the use of pesticides, the manor now has a very good ecology, you can see golden toads, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, and small white snakes, some of which are mutated, I doubt it is a nearby home

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