
Community ruthless goods [strong], A Pin 10 kg of half sheep gift box contains: sheep scorpion: 1.25kg, front legs: 1.25kg, hind legs: 1.25kg, lamb chops: 1.25kg

author:Tian Yun self-media

Community ruthless goods [strong], A Pin 10 kg of half sheep gift box contains: sheep scorpion: 1.25kg, front legs: 1.25kg, hind legs: 1.25kg, lamb chops: 1.25kg🐏🐏🐏

1. Selected 6-8-month-old milk cover sheep 🐏, the meat is fresh and tender, and the taste is small.

2. Lamb scorpion, front leg dice, hind leg dice, lamb chop cut and other parts to meet the taste needs [Aimu] [Aimer].

3. Gift boxing, SF cold chain packaging and delivery, self-use and giving away are quite wow[strong][strong]

4. Dongfang Selection, Brother Xiao Yang and other major Internet celebrities live broadcast price: 299 yuan / set, we 239 yuan / set, SF cold chain free shipping [bumper fist]

Community ruthless goods [strong], A Pin 10 kg of half sheep gift box contains: sheep scorpion: 1.25kg, front legs: 1.25kg, hind legs: 1.25kg, lamb chops: 1.25kg
Community ruthless goods [strong], A Pin 10 kg of half sheep gift box contains: sheep scorpion: 1.25kg, front legs: 1.25kg, hind legs: 1.25kg, lamb chops: 1.25kg
Community ruthless goods [strong], A Pin 10 kg of half sheep gift box contains: sheep scorpion: 1.25kg, front legs: 1.25kg, hind legs: 1.25kg, lamb chops: 1.25kg
Community ruthless goods [strong], A Pin 10 kg of half sheep gift box contains: sheep scorpion: 1.25kg, front legs: 1.25kg, hind legs: 1.25kg, lamb chops: 1.25kg
Community ruthless goods [strong], A Pin 10 kg of half sheep gift box contains: sheep scorpion: 1.25kg, front legs: 1.25kg, hind legs: 1.25kg, lamb chops: 1.25kg
Community ruthless goods [strong], A Pin 10 kg of half sheep gift box contains: sheep scorpion: 1.25kg, front legs: 1.25kg, hind legs: 1.25kg, lamb chops: 1.25kg
Community ruthless goods [strong], A Pin 10 kg of half sheep gift box contains: sheep scorpion: 1.25kg, front legs: 1.25kg, hind legs: 1.25kg, lamb chops: 1.25kg
Community ruthless goods [strong], A Pin 10 kg of half sheep gift box contains: sheep scorpion: 1.25kg, front legs: 1.25kg, hind legs: 1.25kg, lamb chops: 1.25kg
Community ruthless goods [strong], A Pin 10 kg of half sheep gift box contains: sheep scorpion: 1.25kg, front legs: 1.25kg, hind legs: 1.25kg, lamb chops: 1.25kg

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