
What food do scorpions eat, and what do you put at home to keep scorpions away?

author:It's really good

The scorpion is a feared insect whose venom is lethal. Understanding the food of scorpions and how to drive them away is essential to protect yourself and your family. This article will delve into the eating habits of scorpions and how to take steps at home to prevent an invasion of scorpions.

What food do scorpions eat, and what do you put at home to keep scorpions away?

1. Food for scorpions

Scorpions are carnivorous insects that feed mainly on small arthropods such as spiders, centipedes, cicadas, etc. They are usually active at night, looking for prey to meet their survival needs. In addition to preying on live animals, scorpions also consume animal carcasses. In the wild, scorpions use their keen sense of touch and smell to find prey.

What food do scorpions eat, and what do you put at home to keep scorpions away?

2. Methods to drive away scorpions

Keep your home tidy: Keep your home clean and tidy, especially in yards, corners, and other places where scorpions can easily hide. Removing debris and garbage can effectively reduce the scorpion's habitat.

Plugging gaps: Check whether there are gaps in the walls, windows, doors, etc. in your home, and seal them with cement, foaming agents and other materials. This prevents scorpions from entering the home.

Use insect repellents: There are many insect repellents on the market, such as mothballs, insect repellents, etc. These insect repellents can play a certain role in repelling, but it is necessary to pay attention to safety when using them to avoid harm to the human body.

What food do scorpions eat, and what do you put at home to keep scorpions away?

Plant insect repellent plants: Some plants such as lavender, peppermint, etc., have insect repellent properties, and these plants can be planted or placed at home to help prevent scorpion invasion.

Use of electronic insect repellents: Electronic insect repellent uses methods such as ultrasound or odor to interfere with the insect's perception system to achieve a repellent effect. This kind of equipment is more common in the market and has good results.

Keep pets clean: If you have pets at home, you should bathe them regularly to avoid having a smell that scorpions like, so as to attract scorpions.

What food do scorpions eat, and what do you put at home to keep scorpions away?

Manual capture: If you find a scorpion in your home, you can try to catch it with an insect trap net and release it into the wild immediately. It is important to note that care should be taken when handling scorpions to avoid being stung by them.

Professional treatment: If there are too many scorpions in your home and it is difficult to deal with them on your own, you can ask a professional exterminator to deal with them. They have the professional equipment and experience to be able to solve this problem effectively.

Stay calm: When facing a scorpion, it is crucial to remain calm and composed. Do not act blindly so as not to provoke or disturb the scorpion, causing unnecessary injury. Understanding the habits and characteristics of scorpions, taking appropriate measures to prevent and deal with them, is the key to protecting yourself and your family.

What food do scorpions eat, and what do you put at home to keep scorpions away?

In summary, understanding the food of scorpions and taking effective repellent methods is the key to preventing scorpion invasion. The appearance of scorpions can be reduced to a certain extent by keeping the home tidy, plugging crevices, and using insect repellents and plants. If you notice a scorpion in your home, you should stay calm and take appropriate measures. At the same time, regularly checking the environment in your home and cleaning it up is also an important measure to prevent scorpion invasion. Through the implementation of these measures, we can create a safer and more comfortable living environment for ourselves and our families.

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