
The merchant picks up a golden toad on the side of the road, and everything goes well

author:Elegant Jean 3B0m

The merchant and the golden toad

In an ancient village a long, long time ago, there was a merchant named Zhang San. Zhang San is a diligent and enthusiastic young man, he often carries the load of goods, shuttles on the country roads, not only sells goods, but also helps the villagers carry messages and deliver news, so he is very popular in the village.

On this day, Zhang San, as usual, set off with the goods as soon as the sky was bright. He was going to a neighboring village to make deliveries, and then he would come back with some new goods by the way. The early morning dew wet the path, and Zhang San's steps were light and powerful. Just as he reached the edge of a dense forest, he suddenly noticed something shining in the grass by the side of the road.

He stopped curiously, and when he got closer, it turned out to be a small golden toad, shining charmingly in the sun. This golden toad is unlike any other, and its body takes on a strange golden color, as if it was made of pure gold. Zhang San had never seen such a strange creature, and he couldn't help but feel a burst of surprise.

He carefully picked up the golden toad, only to feel that his palms were heavy, as if he had really picked up a piece of gold. The golden toad lay quietly in his hands, not seeming to be afraid. Zhang San's heart moved, so he put the golden toad into the small wooden box in the cargo load, planning to take it home to study it well.

In the days that followed, Zhang San found that his luck seemed to have become surprisingly good. He was originally just a small merchant, and his business had not been prosperous, but since he picked up the golden toad, his business has suddenly boomed. Wherever he goes, there are always people who take the initiative to ask about his goods, and they are often able to close the deal smoothly. Not only that, but some of his previous debts were also inexplicably resolved, and even extra money was credited to the account.

The villagers also began to notice the change in Zhang San, and they all talked about whether he had gotten any treasure. Zhang San just smiled and didn't answer, but he knew in his heart that all these changes started when he picked up the golden toad.

However, good luck doesn't always last. One day, Zhang San found that the golden toad was missing. He searched the entire house, even going back to the place where the golden toad had been found, but to no avail. Zhang San, who had lost the golden toad, felt more depressed and anxious than ever. His business began to decline, and life seemed to have lost its former smoothness.

At this moment, a mysterious old man in the village found Zhang San. The old man told him that the golden toad was not an extraordinary thing, but a spiritual creature that could bring wealth. But spiritual objects need to be controlled by people who are destined to be able to control them, and if they can't be controlled, they will cause disasters. The old man also revealed that the golden toad may have returned to its original owner.

Zhang San was puzzled when he heard this, and he decided to follow the old man's instructions to find the original owner of the golden toad. After some twists and turns, he finally found the mysterious owner of the spiritual creature, an old man who lived in seclusion in the mountains. The old man told him that the golden toad could indeed bring wealth, but it also needed to have enough virtue and cultivation to control it. He had put the golden toad on the side of the road before, just looking for someone who was destined.

The merchant picks up a golden toad on the side of the road, and everything goes well

After hearing this, Zhang San suddenly realized that his previous prosperity was not accidental. He asked the old man how to control the golden toad, and the old man told him that he needed to cultivate his self-cultivation and accumulate virtue. Only in this way can we truly harness the fortune brought by the golden toad.

Zhang San returned home and began to work hard to cultivate his self-cultivation and help others. Gradually, his state of mind became more peaceful, and his business was booming again. Although he didn't see the golden toad again, he knew that it had returned to his life in a mysterious way.

However, the people of the village are still suspicious of Zhang San's sudden change. They began to rumor that Zhang San must have found some treasure to become so rich overnight. There were even some ill-intentioned people who began to secretly target Zhang San, trying to find out the secret of his wealth.

Zhang San was well aware of these rumors and snooping, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. He knew that his wealth did not come from any treasure, but from his own efforts and the protection of the mysterious golden toad. He decided to continue his quiet life and ignore the distractions of the outside world.

As time passed, Zhang San's fame grew, and his cargo load became a symbol of the village. Whenever the villagers saw his load of goods coming from afar, they would greet him warmly and ask if there were any new goods. And Zhang San always responds to everyone with a smile, as if he is really a businessman with endless wealth.

But in fact, Zhang San knows that his life has not changed much. He still carries the goods around the village every day, and still works hard. It's just that his mentality has become more peaceful and his attitude towards life has become more positive. And the mysterious golden toad seems to have been silently guarding him, bringing him endless courage and strength.

As the days passed, Zhang San gradually got used to this plain and fulfilling life. Until one day, a stranger suddenly broke into his life.

This stranger claimed to be a businessman from a distant city, and he came here after hearing about Zhang San's deeds, hoping to cooperate with Zhang San to do some big business. Zhang San was a little hesitant at first, but when he saw the sincerity in the businessman's eyes, he decided to meet him.

The businessman had a very speculative conversation with Zhang San, and they talked a lot about business and the future. The merchant said that he had some precious goods that needed to be shipped from afar for sale, while Zhang San had an extensive sales network and a good reputation, and the two hit it off and decided to work together.

Soon after, the merchants' goods arrived in the village, and they were all fine silk, porcelain and other high-end goods. Zhang San relied on his connections and eloquence to sell out these goods very quickly, earning a huge profit. The businessman greatly appreciated Zhang San's ability and expressed his willingness to cooperate for a long time.

The merchant picks up a golden toad on the side of the road, and everything goes well

However, the good times did not last long, and just as the two were about to further expand their business, a burglary suddenly occurred in the village. The merchant's goods were all stolen overnight, and the losses were huge. The merchant was grief-stricken and told Zhang San about the incident, suspecting that there was a ghost at work. Zhang San was suspicious when he heard this, but he could only comfort the merchant and promised to do his best to help him find his lost property.

After some investigation and tracking, Zhang San finally found some clues and successfully recovered some of the stolen goods. However, what is unexpected is that the mastermind behind the theft turned out to be a villager in the village who usually seems to be honest. This villager was jealous of the success of Zhang San and the businessman, and became greedy and did stupid things.

This incident touched Zhang San a lot, and he realized that although wealth and success are important, what is more important is trust and friendship between people. He decided to take this experience as a lesson, to cherish the people and things around him more and continue to work hard.

And the mysterious golden toad seems to have been silently guarding him, bringing him endless courage and strength, making him more determined on the road in the future.

After this incident, Zhang San cooperated more closely with the businessman. Not only have they expanded their reach, but they have also invested in some promising projects together, and they have achieved great success. Other villagers in the village also saw the efforts and success of Zhang San and the businessmen, and they learned from them and sought cooperation opportunities, and the economy of the whole village has also developed greatly.

And the story of the golden toad spread throughout the village and became an inspiring legend. Whenever someone encounters difficulties or setbacks, they always think of Zhang San and his golden toad, as if the spirit creature has been silently guarding them, giving them endless courage and strength.

In later years, Zhang San became a well-known businessman and philanthropist. He used his efforts and wisdom to lead the villagers to create a better future together, and the mysterious golden toad has always been by his side, witnessing his growth and success.

However, just when Zhang San's business empire was growing day by day and his life was full of sunshine, a sudden disaster quietly came.

It was a sunny afternoon, and Zhang San was busy sorting out the newly arrived goods in the shop. Suddenly, the ground began to shake violently, the houses shook, and the goods on the shelves fell one after another. This was Zhang San's first reaction. He immediately organized the staff and customers to quickly evacuate to an open area.

After the earthquake, the village was in shambles. Many houses collapsed and the villagers panicked. Zhang San looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was mixed. He knew that he couldn't panic at the moment, and the villagers needed his help.

The merchant picks up a golden toad on the side of the road, and everything goes well

He quickly organized a rescue team to help the villagers set up temporary shelters and distribute food and water. At the same time, he also used his savings to buy a large amount of building materials, ready to help the villagers rebuild their homes.

However, the reconstruction has not been without its challenges. Shortage of materials, lack of manpower, and tight funds...... A series of questions followed. Zhang San was anxious, but helpless. It was then that he remembered the mysterious golden toad.

He returned home and rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find the golden toad. Finally, in a corner, he found the long-lost spirit object. He held the golden toad tightly and said silently in his heart: "Golden toad, golden toad, if you can hear my prayers, please give us strength and hope in the village!"

Strange to say, not long after Zhang San prayed, a group of volunteers came to the village. With a wealth of experience and skills in construction, they took the initiative to participate in the reconstruction work. Their arrival has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the reconstruction of the village.

With the help of volunteers, the reconstruction work is progressing rapidly. Soon after, brand new houses were erected and the villagers' lives gradually returned to normal. Zhang San watched all this gratefully, and knew in his heart that it was the golden toad who was secretly helping each other.

In order to thank the golden toad for its protection and the help of the volunteers, Zhang San decided to hold a grand celebration. He invited the whole village and volunteers to join in the feast.

The celebration was full of laughter and laughter, and the villagers sang and danced to express their inner joy and gratitude. Zhang San stood in the crowd and felt extremely relieved and proud to see all this, he knew that his efforts were not in vain, and the blessing of the golden toad was always by his side.

However, just as the celebration was coming to an end, a mysterious figure quietly appeared in front of Zhang San, it was an old man in a robe, he looked at the golden toad in Zhang San's hand with deep eyes, and smiled slightly: "Young man, you have done a good job and have not disappointed the choice of this golden toad." ”

Zhang San looked at the old man in astonishment, not knowing how to answer, but the old man continued: "This golden toad is not an extraordinary thing, its power can bring good luck and wealth, but it can also bring disaster and destruction, the key lies in the user's state of mind and virtue, you have used your kindness and hard work to control this power, I am very pleased." ”

After speaking, the old man turned around and left, leaving Zhang San to ponder in place, he finally understood that the true power of the golden toad is not only to bring wealth, but more importantly, to inspire people's inner kindness and courage to create a better future.

The merchant picks up a golden toad on the side of the road, and everything goes well

Since then, Zhang San has cherished the opportunity to be kind to others, he has infected everyone around him with his actions, the village has become more and more harmonious and wealthy, and the mysterious golden toad has been silently guarding this land and the people here, giving them endless courage and strength to face the challenges of the future.

With the passage of time, Zhang San's deeds spread far and wide, attracting more people to this small village that had suffered disasters, they were attracted by the beautiful life here, and they were also moved by the legend of Zhang San and the golden toad, and they chose to settle here to create a better future together.

And Zhang San has never forgotten the teachings of the mysterious old man, he knows that although the power of the golden toad is magical, it is not omnipotent, what can really create a better life is the kindness and hard work in his heart, he passed on this belief to everyone around him, so that they understand that only by paying can they gain, and only kindness can win respect and love.

So this small village is becoming more and more beautiful under the leadership of Zhang San, the villagers help each other, unite and love, and face the challenges and difficulties of life together, and the mysterious golden toad has been silently guarding them, giving them endless courage and strength to face the future life.

Eventually, the small village became a paradise of hopes and dreams, and the legend of Zhang San and the Golden Toad became a word of mouth, inspiring more people to pursue their dreams and create a better future.

In that remote village, the merchant Zhang San and his golden toad witnessed the changes and development of an era together, and they used their kindness and hard work to create a beautiful legendary story, so that future generations will remember it in their hearts and sing it through the ages.

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