
Grilled, original cooking method made of gourmet Khan large steak material lamb chops 300 grams, lettuce 2 slices, peanut rice 20 grams of seasoning salt 2 grams, soy sauce 10 grams, cumin powder to taste, red pepper diced less

author:Dream Traveler 818

Grilled, a delicacy made with original cooking methods

Khan steak

Ingredients Lamb chops 300 g, lettuce 2 slices, peanut rice 20 g

Seasoning 2 grams of salt, 10 grams of soy sauce, cumin powder to taste, a little red pepper diced, 10 grams of cooking wine, flour paste to taste, a little green onion


1 Wash and chop the lamb chops, marinate with salt, cooking wine and soy sauce for a while, wash the peanuts and rice, and wash and plate the lettuce. 2 frying pans heat, fry peanuts until discolored, raise the pan to control the oil, wrap the lamb chops in flour paste, sprinkle cumin powder in the oven and bake, take out the plate.

3 Sprinkle with peanut rice, diced red pepper and green onion.

Charcoal-fired sheep saddle

Ingredients 250 g of sheep saddle, 100 g of broccoli, 1 tomato, 5 g of minced garlic

Seasoning 5 grams of salt and chicken essence, 3 grams of vanilla, 10 grams of butter, 150 grams of roast sauce


1 Thaw the saddle, cut into pieces, add salt and chicken essence and marinate for 2 to 3 minutes, wash and cut the broccoli and tomatoes, and blanch the broccoli.

2 Place the saddle in a charcoal oven and cook until cooked.

3 Bring the butter to a boil in a hot pot, sauté the herbs and minced garlic until fragrant, bring to a boil in the sauce, drizzle on the saddle, and serve with broccoli and tomatoes.

Minced garlic oysters

Ingredients 4 oysters, 60 g garlic, 50 g vermicelli

Seasoning Red pepper, dried chili pepper, green onion, soy sauce, sesame oil, salt to taste


1 Cut the oysters and rinse them; cut the garlic into minced garlic; the vermicelli is soaked and placed in the oyster shell; the red pepper is cut into rings.

2 Mix the minced garlic, green onion, red pepper rings, salt and dried chili peppers, place on the oysters and drizzle with soy sauce and sesame oil.

3 Place the oysters on the fire and roast over high heat until the juices are out.

Grill prawns

Ingredients Shrimp 350 g

Seasoning 3 g salt, 8 g cooking wine, 10 g shredded shallots


1 Remove the internal organs of the prawns, remove the sand line, wash it, open the back ridge, marinate it with a little salt and cooking wine and set aside.

2 Preheat the oven to 180 °C, put the prawns, coat with salt, cooking wine, sprinkle with green onions, bake for 7 minutes, turn over, coat with salt, cooking wine, bake for another 7 minutes, remove.

Tips: Shrimp is rich in phosphorus, the calcium content of shrimp skin is particularly high, is the most ideal calcium supplement, phosphorus supplement food, infants and young children should often eat it.

Fragrant grilled silver cod

Ingredients Silver cod 150 g

Seasoning 10 grams each of shallots, soy sauce, cooking wine, red pepper, and 3 grams of salt


1 green onion cut into small pieces, red pepper into small pieces, silver cod into large pieces.

2 Silver cod coated with salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, green onion and red pepper slices, marinate for 15 minutes, and add shallots and red pepper slices.

3 Set the oven to 200°C, preheat for about 10 minutes, then add the cod and grill for 15 minutes, brush the sauce with a brush on the cod halfway through, and then bake the fish in the oven until golden brown.

Roasted duck in sauce

Ingredients 1/2 duck, cooked sesame seeds to taste

Seasoning Salt, sugar, pepper, sweet noodle sauce to taste


1 Place on the heat, add all the seasonings, add the right amount of water and cook into the sauce, brush the duck body evenly with the sauce.

2 Preheat the oven, put in the duck, cook at 120°C for 7 minutes, brush the sauce again halfway through.

3 When the duck is cooked, remove the cuts, drizzle with sauce and sprinkle with cooked sesame seeds.

Cumin lamb chops

Ingredients Lamb chops 450 g, cumin grains 25 g

Seasoning 10 grams each of garlic and shredded shallots, soy sauce, pepper and cooking wine


1 Lamb chops washed and watered, peeled and minced garlic.

2 Mix the lamb chops with soy sauce, pepper, cooking wine and minced garlic, marinate for 1 hour, and then pinch out the minced garlic.

3 Adjust the oven temperature to 180 ° C, preheat for about 10 minutes, then put in the lamb chops, bake for 20 minutes, brush the remaining sauce on the lamb chops in the middle, sprinkle with cumin grains, put them into the oven, bake for 20 minutes, bake until the surface of the lamb chops is golden brown, take out, brush the sauce, sprinkle with green onions.

Salt and pepper roasted cowboy bones

Ingredients 400 g of bone-boned beef steak, a little lemon and cherry tomatoes

Seasoning a little salt and pepper


1 Preheat the oven for 10 minutes, wash the beef chops, chop into sections, blanch in boiling water and wash off the blood.

2 Place the small beef in a preheated oven and bake at 200°C for 20 minutes, wash the lemons and cherry tomatoes and cut them for later.

3 Sprinkle some salt and pepper over the roasted beef chops and serve with lemon and cherry tomatoes.

Cumin inch bone

Ingredients Lamb chops 200 g, red pepper 15 g

Seasoning 2 grams of salt, 8 grams of cooking wine, cumin powder to taste, a little green onion


1 Wash the lamb chops, chop them into sections, put them in boiling water, then marinate with salt and cooking wine for a while; wash the red peppers and dice them.

2 Spread cumin powder evenly on the surface of the lamb chops, bake in the oven and remove from the plate.

3 Sprinkle with diced red pepper and green onion.

Teriyaki beef steak

Ingredients Beef steak 150 g, toast 1 slice

Seasoning Lemon juice, black pepper powder, beef powder, salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, cooked sesame seeds, a little toast sauce


1 Wash the steak, marinate the steak in a sauce made of lemon juice, black pepper, beef powder, salt, chicken essence and soy sauce, and cut the toast into triangular slices.

2 Preheat the oven to 200°C, add the steak, sprinkle with sesame seeds, bake for 7 minutes, turn over, coat with sauce, bake for another 7 minutes and serve on a plate.

3 Sauté the toast in a pan and serve with toast sauce.

Grilled black pepper tuna

Ingredients 600 g of frozen tuna, 50 g of bean sprouts Seasoning 30 g of tender ginger, 100 g of vegetables for salad (chicory, Italian comprehensive spices, lettuce leaves, etc.), salt, black pepper, olive oil


1 Clean the frozen tuna pieces, place them in an iron dish, sprinkle them with salt and cover them with black pepper salt.

2 Wash the bean sprouts, shred the tender ginger, and soak the salad with chicory leaves in a bowl with lettuce and cold water.

3 Coat the baking sheet with olive oil, add the tuna cubes and bake in the oven at 170°C for about 8 minutes.

4 Remove the slices and plate them, place the leaves of lettuce such as chicory on top of the tuna fillets, and sprinkle them with italian spices.

It's not hard to make food, practice makes perfect, everyone can!

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Grilled, original cooking method made of gourmet Khan large steak material lamb chops 300 grams, lettuce 2 slices, peanut rice 20 grams of seasoning salt 2 grams, soy sauce 10 grams, cumin powder to taste, red pepper diced less
Grilled, original cooking method made of gourmet Khan large steak material lamb chops 300 grams, lettuce 2 slices, peanut rice 20 grams of seasoning salt 2 grams, soy sauce 10 grams, cumin powder to taste, red pepper diced less
Grilled, original cooking method made of gourmet Khan large steak material lamb chops 300 grams, lettuce 2 slices, peanut rice 20 grams of seasoning salt 2 grams, soy sauce 10 grams, cumin powder to taste, red pepper diced less
Grilled, original cooking method made of gourmet Khan large steak material lamb chops 300 grams, lettuce 2 slices, peanut rice 20 grams of seasoning salt 2 grams, soy sauce 10 grams, cumin powder to taste, red pepper diced less
Grilled, original cooking method made of gourmet Khan large steak material lamb chops 300 grams, lettuce 2 slices, peanut rice 20 grams of seasoning salt 2 grams, soy sauce 10 grams, cumin powder to taste, red pepper diced less
Grilled, original cooking method made of gourmet Khan large steak material lamb chops 300 grams, lettuce 2 slices, peanut rice 20 grams of seasoning salt 2 grams, soy sauce 10 grams, cumin powder to taste, red pepper diced less
Grilled, original cooking method made of gourmet Khan large steak material lamb chops 300 grams, lettuce 2 slices, peanut rice 20 grams of seasoning salt 2 grams, soy sauce 10 grams, cumin powder to taste, red pepper diced less

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