
When buying tomatoes, distinguish between "5 leaves" and "6 leaves", the difference is huge, and many people don't understand it

author:I'm Qiu Tian

Now the weather is getting hotter and hotter day by day, and when the weather is hot, people's appetite has become worse, so at this time, tomatoes are a good choice, it is sweet and sour, very appetizing. Moreover, the nutritional value of tomatoes is also very high, rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, dietary fiber and other nutrients, which have many benefits for human health. However, there is skill in buying tomatoes, and if you don't know how to choose, you won't be able to buy tomatoes that are bland and stiff, and they won't taste good at all. Today, I will share with you a few tips for choosing tomatoes, and follow me to find out!

When buying tomatoes, distinguish between "5 leaves" and "6 leaves", the difference is huge, and many people don't understand it

One: Look at the blades.

Tomatoes have leaves on their pedicles, and the greener the leaves, the fresher the tomatoes. But in fact, in addition to judging its freshness, this leaf can also understand its taste and nutrition. If we look closely, we will find that there are not the same number of leaves in tomatoes, the most common ones should be 5 leaves and 6 leaves, for these two different leaves of tomatoes, we should choose 6 leaves. Because the more leaves a tomato has, the more light, nutrients and water it absorbs during its growth, and the better the tomato will taste.

When buying tomatoes, distinguish between "5 leaves" and "6 leaves", the difference is huge, and many people don't understand it

Two: Look at the color.

When choosing tomatoes, many friends tend to prefer tomatoes with a more red color. Because tomatoes are green before they are ripe, and as they ripen, their color becomes redder and redder, so it is also believed that the redder the tomato, the better its ripeness. But in fact, naturally ripe tomatoes, its red will be a little yellow, and it will not be so bright red, it is the kind of red that emanates from the inside. In the case of particularly bright red tomatoes, oxycycin may also be used. But if the tomatoes are still green, it means that they are not fully ripe, and such tomatoes will not only be harder, but also less juicy and not sweet, so we should not buy them.

When buying tomatoes, distinguish between "5 leaves" and "6 leaves", the difference is huge, and many people don't understand it

Three: Pinch elasticity.

When buying tomatoes, we can also hold the tomato in our hand and pinch it to feel how soft and hard it is. High-quality tomatoes are moderately soft and hard when pinched, and have a certain elasticity, this kind of tomatoes are naturally ripe, and we can buy them with confidence. But if the tomato is pinched hard, it is a sign that it is not ripe. There may be some tomatoes, although pinched hard, but the color is still red, such tomatoes are likely to be hormones, we don't buy them. Another way is to pinch tomatoes that are too soft to buy, as they indicate that they have been left for a long time, are no longer fresh, or are overripe, and their taste has deteriorated.

When buying tomatoes, distinguish between "5 leaves" and "6 leaves", the difference is huge, and many people don't understand it

Four: Look at the bottom.

Tomatoes have both flat and pointed bottoms, and when buying, we have to choose ones with flat and smooth bottoms. Because this kind of tomato is naturally ripe. As tomatoes grow, the bottom will become rounded as they grow. On the other hand, tomatoes with a pointed bottom are the ones that farmers use growth hormone to prevent the tomatoes from falling fruit. Once the hormone is used too much, the bottom becomes pointed. Such tomatoes not only have a bad taste, but they are also not good for the body when eaten.

When buying tomatoes, distinguish between "5 leaves" and "6 leaves", the difference is huge, and many people don't understand it

Five: weigh the weight.

When picking tomatoes, we can also pick up two tomatoes of similar size at the same time and feel their weight with our hands. We should tend to choose tomatoes that are relatively heavy in the hand. Such tomatoes tend to mean that they have a richer moisture content inside, which gives us a more delicious and juicy taste experience. Conversely, tomatoes that are lighter to the touch are likely to have less juice inside, so they will taste less good. If today's article is helpful to you, then click a follow, a like, and thank you for your support.

When buying tomatoes, distinguish between "5 leaves" and "6 leaves", the difference is huge, and many people don't understand it

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