
What kind of girl makes boys particularly memorable?

The answer is bisexual girls. Simply put, people with both masculine and feminine psychological characteristics, such as getting along with them, you will find:

They have a very strong ability to empathize with emotions;

Be good at understanding other people's emotions and expressing your own emotions;

Can get along well with people of any personality;

Welcomed both by the opposite sex and by the same sex...

Of course, if you also have these qualities, it means that you are also a person with "intersex" traits.

Why would I say that this type of person is particularly popular? Because from the gender stereotype, this kind of girls, they have both the introverted delicacy of women, but also have the calm and calm of men, so they can use their feminine characteristics to attract boys, but also with male characteristics to attract girls, while being deeply loved by boys, they will not be jealous of girls.

You can imagine that if you are a boy and a girl appears in front of you, she is easy-going and delicate, can meet your emotional value, gives you endless care and infinite tenderness, and at the same time is confident and generous, can understand the male mind and the world, can you not be moved?

So don't think that boys only recognize girls with good figures and beautiful looks, those women who only pursue dressing and dressing may enjoy the love and care of boys, but they may not be able to get the respect of men, and boys will not last forever with an empty shell bag.

Next, let's talk specifically about what personality charm are intersex girls?

It is that you can feel particularly comfortable with them, she can give you enough space for independence, but also not rush into your world, will be dependent on you, but not too clingy, like a cat, can make others comfortable, but also make yourself comfortable.

Probably because they have met many people, the social experience itself is very rich, so they can quickly process each other's weaknesses and sensitive areas from the brain, and know how to treat boys and girls equally.

For example, you will find that they are especially good at chatting with people, and their insight into human nature is also very sharp, and they can make a lot of friends everywhere.

Although bisexual girls are easy to get along with boys, unlike green tea, they can establish intimate relationships with everyone while knowing how to keep their distance from boys, and they will not easily give themselves to them because they are loved by boys.

They will not bind themselves to others, even if they leave anyone, they can deal with it calmly, because they have strong adaptability, they can live anywhere, they can be loved everywhere, and they can love others everywhere.

In fact, many people in life will give people a feeling of high self-esteem, but their self-esteem may not be stable, will change with the environment, especially when they are in the environment of the opposite sex, they can not understand the world of others, but also will give others a feeling of "low emotional intelligence".

For example, some girls just can't understand why boys like to play games so much, so good face, so they will feel restrained and overwhelmed in front of the boys they like, and they don't know how to relax and how to chat.

Intersex people, on the other hand, will give people the impression of confidence, sunshine and enthusiasm, and at the same time, they are also very strong in solving problems, have their own rhythm, and can lead their partners out of desperate situations.

In addition, intersex girls will also tend to pursue a high-achievement life, they are not willing to be small women, will not condescend to themselves in front of boys, and will not only study dressing all day long in order to please men.

As for men, they all have a "Mu Qiang psychology", so to speak, if you are a man, standing in front of two girls, one of them is highly educated, high social background, the other only has a little posture, which one will you choose to go on with for a long time?

Maybe when some girls meet girls who are prettier and better than themselves, they will subconsciously regard them as competitors, have a rejection and avoidance psychology, and refuse to approach them.

But girls with bisexual traits will regard them as their own learning objects, dare to make friends with people who are better than themselves, and even become close friends with them, which is also one of the manifestations of their high self-esteem.

Therefore, they are often more popular with women, there will be more female friends around than men, and girls are more willing to talk to them, because they look reliable and confident, gentle and delicate.

So around them, you will find a very interesting phenomenon, that is, boys will be envious, why are there so many girls who look for their girlfriends on weekdays?

This is actually the charm of bisexual girls, boys can like a lot of girls, but the girl who never forgets it must be because she has unique characteristics, understand?

Psychological test: Test the sentence your ex most wants to say to you

1. Do you argue over small things when you're together?

Yes, I often feel tired —2

Rarely quarrel over small things—2

Occasionally, but soon reconciled —3

2. Do you think you are a person who likes to self-reflect and is willing to correct mistakes?

Yes —3

Not —4

3. Will he or she take the initiative to tell you his troubles?

It is often said that -5

Not much to say —4

4. Would you tell your parents about the process of your relationship?

Everything is too big or small, and I often complain to my parents -6

Occasionally they ask and say —5

Hardly to say, nothing to say —5

5. Faced with what you want, how much energy are you willing to put into acquiring it?

Everything follows fate, and it is mine in the end--7

Try hard, maybe you can succeed - 6

Do my best, I want to get --B

6. Did you break up because of a third party?


No —7

7. Did the other party take the initiative to contact you after the breakup?



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