
The latest revelation of the "Warcraft" mobile game: Uncle denies the Pokémon GO mobile game

Yesterday morning, Windows Central editor jez Corden Jez Corden said on Twitter that warcraft mobile games similar to the Pokémon GO genre have actually been canceled.

He said the game that will be announced next week is completely different from Pokémon GO, but from what I've heard, the game seems to be pretty awesome. It was added that the games announced next week are different from augmented reality AR games.

After that tweet, Schreier confirmed the cancellation of the project. Anyway, it was dawn in the early hours of May 4.

The latest revelation of the "Warcraft" mobile game: Uncle denies the Pokémon GO mobile game
The latest revelation of the "Warcraft" mobile game: Uncle denies the Pokémon GO mobile game

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