
Stop yelling at your children, 4 ways to communicate will help you develop a well-rounded child!

Stop yelling at your children, 4 ways to communicate will help you develop a well-rounded child!

Four ways to communicate

Stop yelling at your children, 4 ways to communicate will help you develop a well-rounded child!
Stop yelling at your children, 4 ways to communicate will help you develop a well-rounded child!

Many parents are accustomed to the "violence against violence" model when communicating with their children, and if the children do something wrong, the parents' temper will come up. However, when the child's mind is not fully mature, giving the child a growth environment full of scolding and reprimanding is very unfavorable to the development of the child in the future!

Teach you 4 communication modes today and cultivate a good child with all-round development of morality, intellect and physical beauty!

Stop yelling at your children, 4 ways to communicate will help you develop a well-rounded child!
Stop yelling at your children, 4 ways to communicate will help you develop a well-rounded child!

1. Tell your child more that your mother listens to you, as long as the general direction is no problem, encourage the child to make his own decisions. For example, when a child asks you, "Mom, can you write your homework in the afternoon?" At this time you can answer: "Your time, you plan it yourself, and your mother listens to you." ”

As long as parents often let the children make their own decisions, gradually the children will become their own masters, have strong autonomy, and will become more and more confident and responsible.

Stop yelling at your children, 4 ways to communicate will help you develop a well-rounded child!
Stop yelling at your children, 4 ways to communicate will help you develop a well-rounded child!

2. Tell the child more, the mother found that you learn xx very hard during this time, and the progress is great, which is not only an encouragement to the child, but also makes the child realize that hard work is useful, so he will get a sense of achievement and recognition.

Stop yelling at your children, 4 ways to communicate will help you develop a well-rounded child!
Stop yelling at your children, 4 ways to communicate will help you develop a well-rounded child!

3. After the child makes a mistake, tell the child that the mother loves you very much, but I don't like your current behavior, such as the child being naughty and breaking the newly bought toy.

You can say, "Mom loves you, but it's not right for you not to cherish things and fall around." ”

Parents are very accustomed to using a small thing to completely deny the child, such as saying that the child is too lazy because the child is late, and saying that others are of poor character because the child lies, which is a very non-objective evaluation.

In fact, every time a child makes a mistake, it is the most precious opportunity to educate the child, and when the child is treated objectively, he can realize his own mistakes and be willing to correct them.

Stop yelling at your children, 4 ways to communicate will help you develop a well-rounded child!
Stop yelling at your children, 4 ways to communicate will help you develop a well-rounded child!

4. Ask the child what you think, cultivate the child's thinking ability and decision-making ability, so that the child can feel that the mother needs me, I am an indispensable member of the family.

For example, if you want to go out on the weekend, do you go to the bookstore or go to the mall first? The mother wants to hear your opinion, and at this time the child will become the master of the event, which can help the child improve his organization and coordination skills!

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