
The child entered the nursery for two months and had a new understanding: it is the most correct choice to let the child enter the nursery at the age of 3

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I'm a very careful person, and those fears about "new moms", I get all the tricks.

After the baby was born, I quit my job, carefully cared for around, who with the baby, I am not at ease, the mother-in-law with the baby, I am not assured, my mother with the baby, I am even more uneasy.

I am the kind of person who sees something and can think of how many possibilities there are to hurt the baby, and then deal with it in time.

After the baby is 6 months old, all the potted plants in the family are thrown away, and more than 30 pots of green lotuses and several large pots of green plants are thrown away, which is afraid that these pots will fall or fall down to the baby.

Take the baby to play in the community, other parents get together to chat, I must protect the baby not far away, worried that she will lose her teeth and touch her head.

Just under my care, the baby gradually grew up, in the early spring after the 3rd birthday, the height of more than 100 cm, think about the little guy from 50cm to such a big, it is really not one, poured too much effort into me.

In the process of raising the baby, I gave the child the freedom to the greatest extent, and now what clothes to wear and what to wear and what to braid are her own decisions. Only if I feel that it is particularly inappropriate, I will communicate with her and convince her in my own way.

It is because of my high attention that the child becomes a "high demand" baby.

The child entered the nursery for two months and had a new understanding: it is the most correct choice to let the child enter the nursery at the age of 3

Should I send my child to school at the age of 3?

To be honest, I was averse to enrolling my children before they went to school.

The thought of my child being separated from his parents and going to a completely unfamiliar environment makes me feel afraid and terrified for my child.

Every time I brush up on the information of those children who are crying and going to school, I can't help but say: If the child cries like this, don't let him go to school, and the child's heart is hurt.

Although the collective environment has a certain help for the physical and mental growth of the child, but there are also certain drawbacks, if the child is forced into a collective environment, the attention is not high enough, and is forced to do what he does not want to do, in the long run, the child's character development is limited.

In addition, some people say that many kindergartens have "small black houses", children do not obey, cry, and put children in small black houses.

As soon as I heard this, I felt afraid, and the fear in my heart came out first at the thought of my child being locked up in a small black room.

Under this premise, I am not in any way in favor of having children enrolled in school early.

Before the New Year last year, I started talking to my child about enrollment, and I took her to the school to visit it, and she didn't contradict the school, and my idea was loosened.

Mainly I want to take time out to work, and I am worried that the children will let the elderly take it, and they will not grow.

After a thorough understanding of the school, detailed communication with the teachers, and being very satisfied with the school environment and the teachers, I decided to enroll my children.

The child entered the nursery for two months and had a new understanding: it is the most correct choice to let the child enter the nursery at the age of 3

The specific situation of the child after entering school

Before the child entered school, I communicated with the teacher specifically about the child's situation, emphasized the child's personality characteristics with the teacher, hoped that the teacher could pay attention to communication, do not force the child to do anything, it is best to use the method of communication to persuade the child to let the child do things voluntarily.

Mainly after communicating with the teacher, I was very satisfied with the teacher, which was the main reason why I decided to let my child enroll.

Children quickly become attached to teachers after entering school, but this does not mean that children are fully adapted to school life.

My baby does not have the habit of watching TV, to the age of 3 years old, rarely watch TV, she also resists this matter, I occasionally show her iPad, but she is very picky about the show, only like to watch "Baby Dolly" and "Magnetic Buck Ball", other programs she currently does not like, is the children like to watch "Peppa Pig", she also refuses to watch.

The same is true for looking at picture books, she likes picture books with bright colors, vivid and warm pictures, and she rejects those picture books with darker colors and darker colors.

In school, multimedia teaching, especially English classes, need to watch English cartoons, the baby is very resistant to this at first.

In addition, she sat on a small bench and listened to the teacher, which she was initially difficult to adapt to.

Another headache is napping, and the baby refuses to take a nap at school.

The child entered the nursery for two months and had a new understanding: it is the most correct choice to let the child enter the nursery at the age of 3

The teacher made slight adjustments according to the child's situation, the child did not like to watch English animation, the teacher did not care about her, let her read the picture book or do other things, when there was no teacher to pay attention to her, she secretly watched, and learned a lot of words.

She did not like to sit on the small bench, and later the teacher communicated with her, she asked to sit next to the teacher, the teacher allowed her to sit next to herself, and the teacher had a small follower next to her.

The teacher will not limit the child's development at all, guide the child according to the child's personality, and let the child learn to follow the rules.

The child entered the nursery for two months and had a new understanding: it is the most correct choice to let the child enter the nursery at the age of 3

These changes occur after the child enters school

Since the baby entered school, there have been visible changes in the body.

The child has a concept of time, Monday to Friday is a working day, the weekend is a rest day, get up before 8 a.m., go to school at 8:30 a.m., and pick up the baby at school in the afternoon.

When I usually do things, I also have a concept of time, for example, I will be reminded to say: Mother hurry up, don't delay time, it's time to read.

The child entered the nursery for two months and had a new understanding: it is the most correct choice to let the child enter the nursery at the age of 3

In addition, the child has a sense of rules, often with a small face to start her performance, she will say: class, not allowed to move around, nor allowed to speak casually.

The most gratifying change is that before going to school, the baby goes out and refuses to communicate with people, whether it is adults or children, since going to school, seeing people likes to say hello, and seeing children is also more enthusiastic.

The child entered the nursery for two months and had a new understanding: it is the most correct choice to let the child enter the nursery at the age of 3

That's what makes me happiest.

Your baby's English proficiency and language expression have also improved.

I don't expect much from my baby, I just hope that she can get the maximum freedom within the rules, and can grow up freely and live freely.

If you are also struggling with whether it is time to let your child enroll, you may wish to give it a try, provided that you do a good job of investigation first, and choose a school with a good reputation and a high level of teachers for your child.

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