
From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas

From ambiguity to love, to marriage, all the way

What kind of journey did the 12 constellations go through?

From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas


Inner OS

Who wouldn't want to be forever young and always enthusiastic!

From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas


Inner OS

Love is enduring patience and compassion, but no money is a leak!

From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas


Inner OS

My love was like a gust of wind, gently I was gone, but who said I wouldn't come back? I can't imagine it!

From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas


Inner OS

Hey, I thought I was getting calmer and calmer, but in fact I just paid in a different way.

From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas


Inner OS

If you love me, I love you, but don't take the opportunity to be my whole world

From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas


Inner OS

It turns out that what I can't accept is not your imperfection, but my own imperfection. If you can let me know that perfection is not necessary, but we are the most perfect together.

From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas


Inner OS

If you love me, please take all my willfulness and laziness as well!

From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas


Inner OS

I can never trust a person 100 percent, but I'm willing to do my best for that one percent chance.

From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas


Inner OS

Isn't it good to play together for a lifetime?

From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas


Inner OS

I can't delay my studies because I'm in love, and I can't delay my work because I'm married!

From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas


Inner OS

Sorry, afraid of loneliness and more afraid of being close to me, you can't understand and it makes sense.

From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas


Inner OS

Let's just say that it is an old husband and wife, dare you dare to find an opportunity to be romantic again!

From ambiguity, love, to marriage, 12 constellations amazing face change atlas

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