
After Sony logs its own exclusive game into the PC, how it will affect and how it will compete in the future

Today to explore a relatively old topic, that is, now as more and more Sony exclusive games land on the PC, how to compete with Microsoft in the future.

After Sony logs its own exclusive game into the PC, how it will affect and how it will compete in the future

For Sony in the last year will be exclusive games have chosen to log in to the PC, resulting in many players for Sony this wave of operations feel backstabbed, the reason is relatively simple, previously only able to play on the host platform to play the game, can now be played on the PC, and if the computer configuration is relatively high, then the computer can have a better picture and operation fluency.

After Sony logs its own exclusive game into the PC, how it will affect and how it will compete in the future

And Xiaobian believes that the slogan of On PlayStation will not be followed, and now it is also on the God of War, this year will be on the Uncharted Sea, such iconic cable exclusive games can be on, then other series may be on, there is news that the PS5 game Sackbuzai Adventure will also be on the PC platform, the previous game its exclusive period there are still a few years, perhaps the follow-up in the middle of the exclusive period will become shorter, the later period may be as short as a year may be on the PC, After all, the sales of the previous games are still quite good, and the PS should basically be bought, and Sony has also invested in Epic, indicating that there will be many games to be on PC in the future.

After Sony logs its own exclusive game into the PC, how it will affect and how it will compete in the future

The future exclusive strategy will be time-limited exclusive, and as long as you do not log in to the competitor's host platform, it is OK, after all, Microsoft has wanted to open, where to make money is not to make money.

After Sony logs its own exclusive game into the PC, how it will affect and how it will compete in the future

Follow-up depends on everyone's ability, after the next generation, the Royal Three families rely on their respective skills to attract players, after all, the current game development costs are getting higher and higher, the risk is also very large, because now the overall economy is not so good, and the big works are basically priced, no matter how much, such as out of the DLC, out of the game skin, etc. to obtain additional income, and after the game release of the game information at high speed, Players can quickly know the quality of the game from various media or player experiences to influence whether they buy or not.

After Sony logs its own exclusive game into the PC, how it will affect and how it will compete in the future

For example, the latest GT7 has a player reputation of 2.4 points, the game is full of various in-game purchase elements, players have to spend more money to unlock the car in the case of already high-priced purchase of the game body, which is very ugly.

After Sony logs its own exclusive game into the PC, how it will affect and how it will compete in the future

In the future, it is really exclusive to the old people.

The strategy of the PS4 era has changed at this stage, not completely relying on exclusivity to attract players, and also following the footsteps of Microsoft to implement an upgraded membership system, which will fall into the stage of head-on competition with Microsoft, and Microsoft will have a greater impact after successively acquiring B Society, and Blizzard Activision, because this membership system must be a huge number of paying users to be able to support its profitability, Microsoft has not made a profit for so long.

After Sony logs its own exclusive game into the PC, how it will affect and how it will compete in the future

Now that it has been decided to abandon the exclusive strategy, it should be more to attract third-party game manufacturers, especially some Japanese game manufacturers, to launch some fun Japanese games, but also to pay more attention to some independent games, or relatively small games, after all, the development cycle of 3A games is long, the funds are relatively large, and it will be more appropriate to launch some good and well-known games with small volumes.

In the next time, we can look forward to how the follow-up will develop.

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