
After the baby bumps his head, 4 situations appear and he is sent to the hospital as soon as possible

Children are naughty by nature, and it is inevitable that they will stumble and bump in the bouncing play, and falls and injuries are common things.

The first few times parents may carefully check whether their child has fallen, and as bumps become commonplace, parents have gradually relaxed their vigilance.

After the baby bumps his head, 4 situations appear and he is sent to the hospital as soon as possible

But when children play and bump their heads, sometimes the parents' negligence will ruin the child. Especially after the child hits the head.

If these situations occur, parents should pay special attention to it and send them to the doctor for examination in time to avoid accidents. The child plays with the head and checks whether the injury is more than just looking at the bleeding in the head or the wound.

The following abnormalities should be given high priority, which are more dangerous than bleeding

1. Keep crying

If a young baby falls to the head, they will not express pain, but will only cry to reflect. Usually with a slight collision, the baby will cry for a while, and gradually stop crying as the pain decreases.

However, if the baby keeps crying, and the sound of crying is more irritable, parents should immediately pay attention to it, check whether there are other abnormalities in the head, and send it to the hospital in time to check whether there is internal injury, so as not to delay the time and bring invisible harm to the child.

2. Nausea, vomiting and convulsions

If the baby has nausea and vomiting or even convulsions after hitting the head, it is likely to cause a concussion or injure the brain center, and parents must take the child to the hospital for CT examination, which must not be ignored.

After the baby bumps his head, 4 situations appear and he is sent to the hospital as soon as possible

3. Sleepless

After the baby hits the head, parents should pay close attention to their dynamics. If there is a coma or direct coma, it is difficult to be woken up, parents must not be careless, think that the child is too tired. This is a potential danger that is likely to pose a threat to your baby's life.

4. Mental abnormalities

Before the baby hits the head, the spirit is awake and lively, but after the head is hit, it becomes mentally abnormal, inattentive, no spirit or temperament changes, which are all dangerous signals.

Parents should take their children to check the degree of brain impact, whether there are blood clots formed by impact, if you do not take your child to the hospital in time to check, it is easy to affect the child's intellectual development.

The child's head injury is really very serious, after all, the brain is directly affecting the child's future development, whether it is physical development or intellectual development, it is inseparable from the development of the brain, so we must pay attention to it.

In addition to carefully observing abnormalities after the child's head bruises, parents should also pay attention to avoiding these first-aid misunderstandings:

1. Avoid applying a hot towel to the affected area

Some families believe in the old way, thinking that where it hurts, they will use a towel to apply hot compresses, and when they see children with head bruises, they will also use the method of hot towels.

But in medicine, hot compresses are to promote blood circulation, if the child's head bruises have a lump, the hot compress will hinder the effect, then the best way is to use ice cubes to quickly stop the bleeding.

2. Avoid rubbing

Seeing that the baby's head has a lump, the parents take the method of rubbing to try to shrink the lump, which will not only not make the bun on the head disappear, but also increase the swelling of the blood clot and cause secondary injury.

Therefore, parents must not keep rubbing on the lump, should seek medical treatment in time, and follow the doctor's instructions.

After the baby bumps his head, 4 situations appear and he is sent to the hospital as soon as possible

3. Avoid putting your baby to sleep directly

When your baby falls to the head, he will cry, even for a long time, until he falls asleep. And parents may be distressed about their children, will put their children to sleep directly, and want them to soothe their emotions in their sleep.

But this practice is wrong, the child falls on the head, there will be a certain period of incubation period, at this time must not let the baby sleep directly.

Instead, they should be kept awake so that they can observe whether there is an abnormality at any time, so as not to miss the best time for treatment because the baby is sleeping.

The baby is still small and lacks the awareness of their own protection, only parents should improve their awareness of protecting their children and observe the dynamics of their children at any time.

Don't be sloppy, don't be careless, ensure the safety of the children's play environment, protect their healthy growth to the greatest extent, and stay away from accidents and dangers.

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