
World Book Day: The most pleasant book fragrance, Wang Peng, Li Bing invite you to read together!

Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles. On the occasion of World Book Day, Hunan Public Culture and Tourism Yunte launched the essay "The Most Pleasant Book" created by Wang Peng, deputy inspector of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hunan Province, and recited by the famous host Li Bing, as a tribute to World Book Day, to Sanxiang Reading Month, and to all friends who love reading.

Let's read together, let's meet a better version of ourselves in reading!

"The most bookish fragrance can be pleasant"

Hunan Library

World Book Day: The most pleasant book fragrance, Wang Peng, Li Bing invite you to read together!

Regarding the pleasures and benefits of reading, the discussions of famous masters and masters throughout the ages can be described as sweaty. I don't have many hobbies, but I have loved reading since I was a child, and this hobby has been with me until today. No matter how difficult and difficult life is, no matter how busy the study and work are, whether it is in good times or adversities, whether it is hot or cold winter, whether it is the bright season of "I say that autumn is better than spring", or the spring time of "suddenly a night of fragrant hair", when the night is quiet, under a light, there is always a period of time reserved for myself, this long or short fragment of life, is clean, sweet, quiet, let my mind fly freely, this is the moment to open a good book.

Hunan Library

World Book Day: The most pleasant book fragrance, Wang Peng, Li Bing invite you to read together!

I like the faint scent of ink when I open a new book, and I like the rustle of the paper with my fingers, which gives reading a sense of ritual, injects a sense of music into the atmosphere of loneliness, and rubs into the sounds of the world, a pleasant experience that may not be replaced by e-books. If you open an old book, it must be tireless to read, even if the corner of the book has been worn, even if there are dense reading marks and tasting experiences on it, when it is reopened, it is like old friends reuniting, when the heart is held, a sense of intimacy is born. The encounter with it at a certain moment, the instant resonance and appreciation of that encounter, will be like a replay of the movie shot, opening up the dusty memories. It is like opening a pot of sealed old wine, and between the whiskers, people have a slightly drunk feeling.

Hunan Provincial Children's Library

World Book Day: The most pleasant book fragrance, Wang Peng, Li Bing invite you to read together!

E-books are the product of the development of the times and have their own unique advantages and charms. It can make full use of and integrate fragmented time, can read in all spaces that can be freely read, and can also play an online interactive function, so that resonance and debate can be presented in the same time and space, which is also unmatched by paper books. Therefore, no matter what form of books are presented, we can hold a more inclusive attitude to examine, try, and accept, so that the attitude of keeping pace with the times and "changing day by day" can allow us to have a broader vision and mind. Of course, this has an important premise, that is, no matter what form of book, its content should be healthy, positive, have a mind, a soul, and give people knowledge and wisdom.

Changsha Municipal Library

World Book Day: The most pleasant book fragrance, Wang Peng, Li Bing invite you to read together!

Books may take different forms, but what really matters is the reader's perception. We all read Du Fu, maybe some people read the sorrow and suffering of life, maybe some people read the compassion of "sheltering the world and the cold people are happy"; we all read Li Bai, maybe some people read the majesty and heroism of "flying down three thousand feet", maybe some people read the arrogance and helplessness of Huai Cai; we all read Su Shi, maybe some people read the romantic humor of "the mirror decal yellow", maybe some people read the kind of casual encounter in the who is in the hard journey. Quiet and open-minded wisdom in life and attitude towards the world; and so on. The reader's state of mind, experience is different, the realm is different, the temperament is different, the perception and experience of the harvest will be like tea tasting, such as drinking, and its quality and concentration are different, which is why the same book has different educational functions and resonance levels due to different objects encountered. And the sense of acquisition of these differences is something that the author did not consider when creating, and it is precisely because it is not taken into account that his work has the effect of "seeing the wisdom of the people", which just explains the true meaning of "the beauty of each other, the beauty of the united".

Changsha County Library

World Book Day: The most pleasant book fragrance, Wang Peng, Li Bing invite you to read together!

If you encounter the unsatisfactory life and are upset, please read Pushkin's poem "If Life Deceives You": "If life deceives you / Don't be sad / Don't be anxious / Be calm in the melancholy days / Believe it, happy days will come / / The heart will always yearn for the future / The present is often melancholy / / Everything is instantaneous / Everything will pass / / And the past / will become an unforgettable memory ... In this poem, we will be comforted, blessed, learn the essence of dialectics, and understand that time is the best medicine for healing. Therefore, when in the face of adversity, we must be "frustrated and not lose our will", face the test generously, accept the reality calmly, and actively reserve energy, once the time is ripe, we can rise against the trend, highlight the siege, and win success. Because God helps the self-helper, opportunity is always left to those who are prepared.

World Book Day: The most pleasant book fragrance, Wang Peng, Li Bing invite you to read together!

Wang Peng conducted a mid-term supervision of Yongzhou's work in creating a demonstration area for the national public cultural service system

If it coincides with the good times of "spring breeze triumphant horseshoe disease", don't find the north and forget the people who have helped us. Their sincere gentle support, their silently encouraging eyes, their words that warm our hearts in the night... Like a light that illuminates our path, like a lighthouse that points us in the right direction. Yes, along the way, it is not easy for anyone, those who work hard to write books in the light of the night, those who move forward alone in the cold wind, those who are not understood are depressed and helpless, those who have been wronged and no one pours out, how can they be complacent because of temporary success? So don't forget the philosophy expressed in "blessing and misfortune depending on each other". This requires us to remain calm and sober, to be more indifferent to the icing on the cake, and to use our own strength at this moment to do some things to give people roses and charcoal in the snow, to quietly spread and spread the spirit of those who helped us grow up quietly and quietly. This is not only gratitude, but also a good deed to give back to the society with our own strength, and it is also one of the best choices for us not to flutter but get carried away.

World Book Day: The most pleasant book fragrance, Wang Peng, Li Bing invite you to read together!

Wang Peng accompanied the leaders of the Provincial People's Congress to conduct legislative research at the Changsha Municipal Library

I plainly believe that reading is the best beauty agent. It can make women more elegant and knowledgeable, feminine and invincible with a smile; it can make men more elegant and atmospheric, and they are full of infinite charm between their hands and feet. Reading, can cultivate the taste of life, so that every ordinary day is sprinkled with sunshine, the square inch of the dou room into a poetic dwelling; reading, can cultivate the aura of haoran, broaden the horizon, increase the wisdom, enrich the connotation, enhance the pattern, not only can keep pace with the times, close to the pulse of the times, lead the fashion and trend, but also can understand the "sea to the boundless sky as the shore, the mountain to the top of the peak I am the peak" heroic temperament, so that we can bring our own light, give the people around us positive energy, to achieve the effect of pleasing ourselves and pleasing people.

Readers studying at Hunan Library

World Book Day: The most pleasant book fragrance, Wang Peng, Li Bing invite you to read together!

Whenever I finish reading a good book and meditating on the volume, it is as if I have just had a hearty exchange of ideas with the author, as if I have launched a cultural feast of spiritual collision with the author, not only can I think about thousands of years through ancient and modern times, but also can think of the future to explore the unknown, meet one after another confidant in the tunnel of time and space, make our thoughts more abundant and full, inject confidence and perseverance into the footsteps of pursuing dreams, so as to be calm and quiet, walk steadily and far, and have "a thousand sails on the side of the sinking boat, and a thousand wood springs in front of the sick tree" Optimism and hope.

The most is that the fragrance of books can be pleasant, and there is poetry and bookishness in the belly. Friends, come and read together, I believe and firmly believe that in reading we will meet a better version of ourselves!

About the Author

World Book Day: The most pleasant book fragrance, Wang Peng, Li Bing invite you to read together!

Wang Peng, currently a deputy inspector of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hunan Province, a specially invited teaching expert of the Party School and Training College of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, a special expert of public digital services, the first candidate of the "five batches" of outstanding theoretical talents in the propaganda system of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, and an adviser of the Hunan Poetry Society. He has presided over and participated in 13 national, provincial and ministerial projects, published more than 60 academic papers and research reports, co-authored and edited 13 books, won 7 provincial and ministerial awards, and transformed many research reports into major decisions. Created two major cultural forums in Hunan and affecting the whole country, the Yuelu Academy Forum and the Huxiang University Hall, and planned and organized more than 200 wonderful large-scale speeches. He has published more than 200 poems in newspapers and periodicals such as China Culture Daily, China Youth Daily, Hunan Daily, and Culture Hunan. In 2012, Wang Peng's selected poems "Love Eternal" was published and distributed by Xinhua Publishing House. In recent years, he has opened up poetry columns on Fenghuang Network, New Hunan, Red Network, Fengwang, Jiangshan Literature Network, China Prose Network, etc., which are deeply loved by readers and netizens. "Chinese Dream Dragon Totem" won the first prize of the national competition, the second prize of the "Xia Qing Cup" national recitation competition, "Embracing Spring" and "Youth is a dazzling light" won the special prize and the first prize of the Original Poetry Recitation Competition of hunan provincial organs respectively, and "Embracing the New Era" with lyrics won the "2018 Xiaoxiang Good Song" silver award. Many of his works have been recited by Chinese world celebrities, and have become the opening or finale of overseas Chinese festivals, large-scale domestic evenings and recitations.

Reciter Profile

World Book Day: The most pleasant book fragrance, Wang Peng, Li Bing invite you to read together!

Li Bing, famous host, broadcast director of Hunan Radio and Television Station, vice president and secretary of Hunan Provincial Broadcast Hosting Research Association, dean of the Film and Television Art College of Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College, former producer and host of Hunan Satellite TV's "Rural Discovery" column, national cultural master and "four batches" talents, top ten TV program hosts in the country, has won the "Fan Changjiang News Award" and "Golden Microphone Gold Award", and enjoys special government allowances from the State Council.

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