
Lecture 12 Does the Sports Fetal Church Damage the Fetus? Pregnant moms must see!

First, the meaning of sports prenatal education

Sports prenatal education refers to the planned participation of pregnant mothers in physical exercise after pregnancy, to promote the activity of the fetus in the abdomen, and to promote the muscle growth and brain development of the fetal baby. Sports prenatal education is suitable for the first trimester.

Second, does the sports fetus damage the fetus?

Many pregnant mothers have such concerns: the exercise will hurt the fetus in the womb. Therefore, during pregnancy, the body is taken care of, and everything is cautious, often lying or sitting. In fact, this concept is wrong. Studies have shown that proper physical exercise and helping the fetal baby to move can make the pregnant mother full of vitality throughout pregnancy, maintain a good physical state, and promote the growth and development of the fetus, which is conducive to normal pregnancy and smooth delivery.

Third, the benefits of sports prenatal education

(1) Promote the development of the body and brain of the fetal baby

First of all, during exercise, the outside world supplies the pregnant mother's brain with sufficient oxygen, prompting the brain to release beneficial substances such as enkephalins, which are transmitted to the fetal baby through the placenta. Secondly, the amniotic fluid in the mother's body shakes with the movement of the pregnant mother, and the shaking amniotic fluid stimulates the skin of the fetal baby, as if to massage the fetal baby. Third, exercise enables the fetal baby's blood to obtain enough fresh oxygen to maintain the normal operation of the fetal baby's body functions. It can be seen that sports prenatal education is conducive to the normal development of the fetus.

(2) It is conducive to normal pregnancy and smooth delivery

First, lay the foundation for smooth production. The appropriate amount of exercise allows pregnant mothers to play an important role in giving birth to muscles in various parts, such as leg muscles, waist muscles, abdominal muscles, etc., to get a certain amount of exercise, which can not only make pregnant mothers healthier, but also improve the probability of normal delivery.

Secondly, it is conducive to postpartum body shape recovery. Studies have shown that pregnant mothers with moderate exercise can increase the muscle tension in the legs, waist, basin and other parts, and the probability of natural childbirth is greater; moreover, the pain during childbirth is much less, and the time required for childbirth is shorter, which greatly reduces the occurrence of damage to the birth canal or bleeding.

Third, alleviate various discomforts during pregnancy. Appropriate amount of exercise will increase the lung capacity of pregnant mothers, accelerate the exertion of metabolic functions of pregnant mothers, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis of pregnant mothers, make blood circulation more smooth, alleviate the symptoms of edema of pregnant mothers, and effectively prevent constipation, varicose veins and other diseases. In addition, studies have shown that pregnant mothers who maintain regular exercise during pregnancy also have a relieving effect on various pain sensations caused by uterine enlargement, and the duration of labor pain is often relatively short.

(3) Control the weight of pregnant mothers and fetal babies

Obesity increases the incidence of diseases such as high blood pressure during pregnancy and casts a shadow on childbirth. Moderate exercise can consume excess calories in the body, lose excess fat cells, avoid excessive obesity of pregnant mothers, and then reduce the incidence of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and other diseases during pregnancy. At the same time, pregnant mothers adhere to the appropriate amount of exercise, which can prevent the fetus from becoming obese, better smooth delivery, and can prevent the baby from suffering from obesity, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

(4) Let the pregnant mother be emotionally stable and happy

Moderate exercise to make pregnant mothers secrete amine polyphenols in the body. Amine polyphenols are hormones that make people feel happy and feel at ease. The natural activity of the abdominal muscles of the pregnant mother will also have a massage effect on the fetus and baby, and can also bring a pleasant feeling to the fetal baby.

Fourth, the exercise prenatal education method recommended by experts

There are many methods of sports prenatal education. When choosing an exercise prenatal education method, seek the advice of a doctor and avoid inappropriate exercise. Experts in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Peking Union Medical College Hospital are more concerned about the following methods.

(a) Yoga

Yoga is suitable for the second trimester. Yoga can make the tense body become soft and relaxed, but also make the body and mind into a stable rest state, bringing peace and tranquility to people, which is very beneficial to pregnant mothers. After pregnancy, women experience many physical and mental changes, increased blood circulation, resulting in a heavier burden on the heart, an increase in bone and muscle weight, and more stress on the joints. In addition, the pregnant mother's nerves have also become extremely sensitive, which will lead to her easy to have emotional fluctuations, at this time yoga exercise, will get the body and the heart of the relaxed feeling. Yoga also has a positive effect on increasing the rate of natural childbirth and speeding up postpartum recovery.

Lecture 12 Does the Sports Fetal Church Damage the Fetus? Pregnant moms must see!

(Source: Tencent Content Open Platform)

Throughout the pregnancy, pregnant mothers can practice different yoga poses, but only in harmony with their physical condition, based on their personal comfort. When practicing, if you feel uncomfortable, ask your coach immediately, adjust it, don't care about the other person's position, and concentrate on yourself.

(2) Pilates during pregnancy

Pilates during pregnancy is indicated in the second trimester. Pilates is a sport that allows the body to be fully stretched. It differs from sports such as aerobics in that Pilates requires practitioners to fully concentrate their attention when moving their feet or shoulders. Pilates also emphasizes: let the diaphragm into a regular state of activity, and master the correct breathing method, so that the breath becomes more symmetrical.

Keep practicing Pilates can make the bones of the whole body more stable and relax the tense muscles, thus making the body healthier. It can not only correct the practitioner's incorrect posture and habits, but also bring a sense of peace to the person's heart, so it is very suitable for pregnant mothers to practice.

(3) Swimming

Swimming is suitable for the second trimester. Swimming is a sport that harnesses the medical benefits of water. The pregnant mother will feel that the uterus has entered a relaxed state, and the fetus can also follow the state of the pregnant mother's water and change to the most comfortable position. After entering the water, the freedom of the pregnant mother's body will increase significantly, and she can even easily make the usual laborious movements in the pool.

(4) Take a walk

Walking is suitable for the entire period of pregnancy. Walking is a relatively simple, free and convenient way of sports prenatal education. Walking is beneficial to accelerate the metabolic function of the pregnant mother's body; after the walk, the feeling of slight fatigue can make the pregnant mother fall asleep better and relieve nervous and irritable emotions.

Fifth, the best time for sports prenatal education

Experts suggest that 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy is the best time for sports prenatal education. According to the doctor's advice, choose yoga, pregnancy Pilates, swimming, walking and other exercise methods.

Pregnant mothers within 12 weeks of pregnancy, or pregnant mothers near the end of pregnancy, it is best not to carry out sports prenatal education. In addition, if the pregnant mother has signs of miscarriage or premature birth, it is also not suitable for sports prenatal education.

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