
No matter how good the feelings of two people are, don't take the initiative to do these 3 things, and you will lose when you take the initiative!

If a person does not like you, you use 100 degrees Celsius of hot water, and you can not open his closed heart;

But if a person doesn't like you, even if you water his passion with 100 degrees Celsius, he will be consistent with you.

Indeed, the matter of love has never relied on effort.

Love needs to go in both directions to be meaningful.

No matter how good the relationship between two people is, don't take the initiative in these 3 things, and lose when you take the initiative.

No matter how good the feelings of two people are, don't take the initiative to do these 3 things, and you will lose when you take the initiative!

Take the initiative to favor

Sanmao once said:

"If what you give me is the same as what you give to others, then I don't want it."

Indeed, feelings are supposed to be like this, although we meet in love, we are unique to each other.

If, on your lips, you say you love me, but treat me and other people equally, it will be difficult for me to feel your sincerity.

So, I want to get your favor, and I want to be your firm choice without hesitation.

I am favored by you, I will become more confident, more willing to believe in some real and beautiful things;

They are also more willing to believe that feelings are materialistic.

Preference is the unique good you give me, the exclusive privilege of each other, and the treatment that others cannot enjoy.

Like the rose that the little prince carefully cared for, the little prince told others:

"My rose, you think she's like you, but she alone is better than all of you."

And this is the unique liking, blatant preference.

People who really like you will definitely give you their preferences.

When you and other girls are thirsty, he will give you the water in his hand to drink first;

When you fall down with another girl, he will not hesitate to lift you up first.

His unique and exclusive love for you makes you feel very grounded and at ease.

And if a man, he is always the same to you as to others, you need to take the initiative to emphasize that you are his girlfriend;

If you need to take the initiative to ask for his favor, then, in the end, he does not have you in his heart.

No matter how good the feelings of two people are, don't take the initiative to do these 3 things, and you will lose when you take the initiative!

Take the initiative to please

I read a little story on the Internet, where the girls in the story, although they have to go to work every day, still get up early to make breakfast for the boys.

But one day, she got up late and hurriedly fried the eggs in the paste.

For this reason, the boy pulled his face all morning, very unhappy.

Before leaving the door, he also said to her: "Next time, get up early, the eggs are too bad to eat." ”

Although the girl was very aggrieved, she still sent several apology messages to the boy in a row.

However, the girl did not receive news from the boy for a long time.

While waiting for the news, the girl was restless and anxious.

Called my girlfriend after work and asked for advice on a solution.

But a word from her friend left her speechless:

"You're in love, you're not being a servant to him,

It's just a fried egg, why are you making yourself so nervous. ”

At this time, the girl suddenly realized that she was really humble to the extreme for that relationship.

Later, she chose to take the initiative to leave, leaving the person who consumed herself.

I especially liked what Ma Yili said at the award ceremony:

"Women don't live to please others, I want you to live for yourself."

Everyone's life has only one chance in the first half of their lives,

Be brave, work hard to love, to struggle, to make mistakes, but remember, you must grow. ”

No matter how good the feelings of two people are, don't take the initiative to do these 3 things, and you will lose when you take the initiative!

Don't give up on yourself

I have read a book written by American author Barbara Angelis, "Women Should Know men's secrets",

There is such a sentence in it, which impressed me deeply:

"Maybe you have forgotten how much self you still have to be around the caring man."

Indeed, in love, there are always many girls who will actively change themselves in order to please each other.

Finally, in the step by step compromise, he gradually lost himself.

You naively think that as long as the other person is satisfied, then the relationship can last forever.

But the reality is that the more you change for him, the greater the gap between the two of you will become;

Just like the heroine in the movie "Twelve Nights", she questioned her boyfriend when she broke up:

"Why don't you ever appreciate what I've done for you?"

The man replied:

"I didn't tell you to do so many things, why do you have to do so many things?" Why are you doing so much for me? ”

You see, people who are always wronged by themselves are often more difficult to get love.

So, silly girl, if you love someone again, don't live too humblely.

You have to believe that good love must be equal, evenly matched.

You share the cold tide, the wind and thunder, the thunderbolt together; the mist, the stream, the neon.

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