
After middle age, I can't hide the five truths of life

After middle age, I can't hide the five truths of life

Source: Network

Roman Rowland has a very hot saying: "There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, after seeing the truth of life, you still love life." ”

When we were young, each of us was full of ambition and ambition, intending to change the world, and after graduation, we entered the melting pot of society, but we struggled.

After middle age, it is even more obvious that the cruel truth of the adult world is seen. But even if life is bumpy, you still need to continue to go on, I hope that these 5 truths, you can see clearly as soon as possible:

The body is the capital of survival

With age, many people will more or less develop some bad habits, smoking and drinking, staying up late, sitting for a long time... It becomes a bomb that will detonate the body at any time.

As everyone knows, without a good body, everything cannot be talked about.

I have a friend who often stayed up late when he was young, ate a meal without eating, got married and had children, but was diagnosed with a lot of diseases.

In order to treat, I put my savings of many years into it, not to mention, I still owe a lot of foreign debt, and I am still immersed in regret.

In fact, everything is relative, you overdraft your body to achieve achievements, and one day you have to give everything for your health!

Really, having a healthy body is more important than anything else.

So from today onwards, work and rest regularly, go to bed early and get up early, exercise more, coordinate work and life, and you will go further in the future!

After middle age, I can't hide the five truths of life

More important than work is ability

It is often said that after the age of forty, you must be ready to be "unemployed" at any time.

Because above you are more capable and well-connected leaders, below you are young and new people with unlimited possibilities.

However, his energy is declining, and he is also saddled with mortgages and car loans, often with more than enough and insufficient strength.

Think about it from another angle, the fundamental cause of unemployment is the survival of the fittest, when a person can not create more value for the company, naturally have to face the risk of unemployment.

In fact, many times, it is not others but ourselves that defeat ourselves, and the so-called energy cannot keep up with it is just an excuse for our past laziness.

Today's society, in the final analysis, is still a society where ability is supreme, as long as you have enough strong skills, there will be no so-called worries.

Therefore, don't be too ambitious, don't complain about yourself, keep learning new knowledge, and prove your status with strength.

Not everyone will accompany you to the end

Wu Qilong everyone still has the impression that one of the members of the red-haired purple tiger team at that time, since the dissolution, the three of them have gradually drifted apart.

In a recent variety show, when Dou Xiao asked him, what about those former friends and now people?

As a result, within a few seconds, Wu Qilong choked up and replied with only two words: "Cherish." ”

Yes, I have to admit that once people reach middle age, friends become scarce, and it seems that no matter how strong the friendship is, it cannot resist the erosion of time.

And those really mature middle-aged people have long learned to subtract their social circles and no longer hope for too many people.

Remember, even if life is not applauded, we must also operate with our hearts, if we can get one or two true friends, it is enough to comfort life.

After middle age, I can't hide the five truths of life

Don't overestimate marriage

After entering middle age, most couples will fall into a pool of stagnant water, look at each other and get bored, and the relationship will exist in name only.

At the end of the day, too many people take marriage too high.

I have a friend who has been looking for his perfect love since he graduated, and the requirements for his other half are even more varied.

But surprisingly, she really found her ideal partner and entered the marriage with all kinds of beautiful expectations.

But she did not expect to greet herself is an endless chore, and the husband and son have become a joke, running around all day for the child's milk powder money, there is no time to clean up after herself, and there is no chance to go out to play.

Such a huge gap gradually affects the daily relationship between husband and wife.

The quarrel became a family meal, and she ran away from home from time to time, and finally filed for divorce regardless of it.

You know, overestimating any relationship, the only one who can be hurt in the end is yourself.

The essence of marriage is never to bring each other a good life through union, but to have someone to accompany you when you are helpless.

Remember, keep a normal heart, middle-aged marriage is also worth looking forward to!

People must eventually learn to accept their own ordinariness

Recently, I met a senior who I admired very much in college, and after a short chat, I found that he did not have the scenery I imagined.

After graduating and working hard outside for a few years, he returned to his hometown to take the civil service examination, and basically stayed in the small city where he did not know how many lines in the second half of his life.

Yes, when we are young, our hearts are higher than the sky, and when we reach middle age, we understand that life is far less exciting than imagined, and the ordinary is the truth of life.

Really, the best scenery of life is the firmness and calmness of the heart.

After reaching middle age, when you put away the unrealistic dreams of your youth and learn not to argue or show off, you have surpassed most people.

All in all, middle age is not a crisis, but an opportunity.

Don't always feel that time flies, the years urge people to grow old, understand the above truths, please live the next day.

Finally, may you and I, who are middle-aged, be able to survive all the hardships of life, be down-to-earth, and slowly grow old in elegance.

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