
No matter how good the feelings are, don't say these 3 types of words to your lover

Life is a long road, it is not easy to find a partner, and it is good and cherished.

At first, we felt the passion and romance, and enjoyed the nourishment of love.

People who can't run a business will have their lives sucked up by trivialities and troubles.

True feelings need to be maintained, people's hearts need to be cared for, and some "minefields" must be avoided.

Verbal attacks are sometimes far more lethal than physical violence, and it's important to learn to speak.

Therefore, no matter how good the feelings are, no matter how close the relationship is, don't say these 3 types of words to the lover.

No matter how good the feelings are, don't say these 3 types of words to your lover

Don't complain about it

One of the dumbest things to do with is to leave the worst emotions to the person you love the most.

Admittedly, we can talk and complain, but we can't overdraw our partner's patience.

Blaming the unhappiness of life on lovers will disintegrate each other's feelings from within.

"When I was blind, I saw you", "Why are you so useless", "I knew I wouldn't marry you"...

You vented bitterly, but invisibly stung his heart.

Disgusting the lover is not good enough, which is equivalent to completely denying the relationship, which will cause an irreparable situation.

In the long run, his faith will be destroyed and his patience will be exhausted.

In the end, most of what awaits you is quarrels and separations.

No matter how good the feelings are, don't say these 3 types of words to your lover

Don't say sarcastic and demeaning words

When we are in love, we are extremely praised and often praise each other.

After the relationship is intimate, there are some jokes and jokes in life.

Smart people will avoid each other's weaknesses and guard the pain in each other's hearts.

But people who lack self-discipline will stimulate their lovers by "revealing scars".

"Look at people, look at you", "Why are you so snuggly", "People's husbands can buy a few high-end bags every year"...

You like the feeling of being condescending and gaining the upper hand, and at the same time you find enough superiority.

But such words will have a negative impact on him deep into the bone marrow.

He will feel inferior and may even question your character and sincerity, thus choosing to quit.

No matter how good the feelings are, don't say these 3 types of words to your lover

Don't say anything cold

Love should be the warmest comfort and the sweetest harbor in life.

An important reason why we look for a partner is to get intimate companionship.

If true love cannot provide care and care, then there is no point in running a business.

However, some people try to achieve the purpose of controlling each other through "intimidation".

The first time you mention a breakup, he may be panicked and go along with all your wishes.

But if you think of "breaking up" as a way to exchange favor and win back people's hearts, it must backfire.

When verbal indifference dispels the warmth of the heart, it will become false.

Emotional message: At any time, you must speak well and learn restraint, which is a sign of maturity and a necessary skill for managing love.

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