
You must not do these things after your baby is born

The arrival of the baby brings a lot of joy to the family but also brings trouble to the new parents, some things need to be done when the baby is older, so what are the things? Today Xiaobian takes you to understand it!

You must not do these things after your baby is born

Milking the nipples of newborns is prohibited

Just born a day or two of the baby girl's nipples will appear red and swollen and secrete some substances like pus, will frighten a lot of novice mothers, so novice mothers will help the baby squeeze out, think that after squeezing out can be better faster, this behavior is wrong, baby girls born nipple red and swollen and secrete some purulent substances is a normal physiological phenomenon, because the mother secretes hormones affected, enlarged mammary glands in the first two weeks or so of birth will subside on their own, so do not milk the baby's nipple Blind milking can cause infection, the baby's immunity is relatively low, it is easy to be infected, and once infected, it is easy to cause sepsis.

You must not do these things after your baby is born

Try not to use flash when taking photos

Baby just born, many parents want to take a lot of beautiful photos for their children, when taking beautiful photos, we must remember not to turn on the flash, the flash will damage the baby's vision, although the brightness of the flash of the mobile phone will not be very strong, but the stimulation of the strong light is to make the baby feel uncomfortable, so that the baby who has no sense of security is more nervous and panic, so try not to turn on the flash when taking pictures of the baby.

You must not do these things after your baby is born

Don't cut your baby's eyelashes

A lot of new mothers think that cutting off the baby's eyelashes will grow longer, this idea is very wrong, cutting eyelashes is very easy to hurt the baby's eyes, and even serious will make the eyes inflamed, the baby's eyeballs and corneas are affected, cut eyelashes are easy to penetrate into the eyes of the baby; usually eat more protein-containing foods to help the growth of eyelashes.

Leggings for children are not allowed

Some mothers feel that the child sleeps dishonestly, always pedaling the quilt, just thinking of tying the child's legs, this practice is very wrong, the child has just been born, the leg is very normal, if it is tied up, it will be very unfavorable to the baby's movement and blood circulation.

After the baby is born, the body is very fragile, need the careful care of parents and mothers, usually we think that some inconspicuous small problems may cause serious consequences to the child, so parents must pay more attention to Oh.

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