
These small news in the history of Minecraft have had a huge impact on the present

In the history of Minecraft, there are some small news that players did not take seriously when it was released, but looking back at the past with the current version, it will be found that it was the small news at that time that opened a new era. Or maybe this change was not important at the time, but it has had a huge impact on the present.?

Event 1:

These small news in the history of Minecraft have had a huge impact on the present

In April 2009, Infiniter (Infinity Miner) released the source code of The Endless Miner, which was not blurred, so that there were many plagiarized works at that time. When the source code was leaked, the Infiniminer authors stopped working on Endless Miner.

In May 2009, Notch created a "Cave Game" game from the source code of Endless Miner, which is the prototype of Minecraft. No one could have imagined that ten years later Minecraft would be the highest-selling game in history. And no one can deny that the block visual style of the Endless Miner, the world structure of the block class, and the first-person game behavior have seriously affected Minecraft's game style. You'll find that Steve's design style is partly borrowed from the role of Endless Miner

Event 2:

These small news in the history of Minecraft have had a huge impact on the present

In August 2010, Notch received an invitation from valVe, a video game company in the United States (to produce video game companies such as Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Dota 2, etc.). So Notch went to Washington, D.C.;

Notch stayed in Washington, D.C. until September 2010, during which time it hosted the first Minecon in Minecraft history, with just 50 attendees, and it was a spontaneous gathering of Minecraft enthusiasts. However, it was not expected that in the next decade or so, this gathering event would become a tradition in My World, and it would also lay the cloak of Minecraft, update the theme, creature voting, swarm voting, and so on.

However, what many people don't realize is that most of the subsequent Sessions of Minecon will be selected in the United States, which also laid a deep foundation for Notch to contact Microsoft in the future and eventually sell Minecraft to Microsoft.

Event Three:

These small news in the history of Minecraft have had a huge impact on the present

At the end of 2010, Notch rented an office by the sea, planning to expand the Mojang studio, and recruited a young man named Jeb to work on the back-end development of another game in Mojang called Scrolls( a card game).

Recruiting someone is naturally not a big deal for Mojang. However, Jeb's excellent talent combined with the obstruction of Scrolls' game development and the rapid explosion of Minecraft, Jens soon took charge of part of Minecraft's development work. At the end of 2011, he replaced Notch as the lead developer of Minecraft, and in 2012 the official announcement completely replaced Markus Persson. He also controlled minecraft's development direction for the next decade. It can be said that "Minecraft" has endured for so many years, inseparable from Jens, and obviously the achievements that Minecraft can achieve today are inseparable from Jeb.

Event Four:

These small news in the history of Minecraft have had a huge impact on the present

In 2018, Minecraft released the Waters Update, which is just one of the most normal updates in Minecraft's history;

No one could have imagined that Minecraft began a 4-year-long biome renovation since 2018. And this renovation will continue for many more years, probably the kind that has not seen an end in the last many years. At this stage, Mojang owes us enough to update the biomes for three or four years. Such as the desert and savannah biomes of 2018, the badlands of 2019, and the end of the road that has not yet been determined but will certainly be updated in the future.

Event 5:

These small news in the history of Minecraft have had a huge impact on the present

On April 1, 2011, Mojang added a Locked Chest to the game. Officials claim that a Steve key must be used to open the chest.

Who would have thought that every April Fool's Day since 2011 would have become a day and tradition for Minecraft to "joke" recklessly. However, with the continuous updating of the version, Mojang can release his bold attempts and imaginations every April Fool's Day, and these bold attempts will likely become a real feature in the future to be implemented in Minecraft. As we all know, Mojang never joked on April Fool's Day!

Event 6:

These small news in the history of Minecraft have had a huge impact on the present

In 2015, when the Enchanted Stage was added to Minecraft Pocket Edition, it unexpectedly became glowing. This bug was listed as a bug that mojang would not fix, making it a feature. Tomcc's original words: Cheer for bugs suddenly becoming features!

Since then, Minecraft has embarked on the road of bug=feature play...

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