
Minecraft: Try "rewinding" mc and what happens? Discover a spooky secret!

Try to read Minecraft backwards, what happens? Many people may think that this is another nonsense, what you may not know is that "backward reading" is actually a strange flower unique to Chinese culture. In particular, a kind of "palindromic poetry" that was born in Chinese history, as the name suggests, is a poem that can be returned and read backwards, and read backwards into chapters and sentences.


What is palindromic poetry?

Minecraft: Try "rewinding" mc and what happens? Discover a spooky secret!

For example, you will understand, a song by Li Yu of the Song Dynasty, "Two Loves": "Looking at the Distant Mountains and waters with dry eyes, how many hearts have you seen in the past?" The pot is empty and afraid to drink a glass of wine, and it is difficult to write a rhyme poem. The road is obstructed for a long time, and the news is late. Lonely lights at night keep silent for a long time, and the husband remembers his wife and father and son. ”

This palindromic poem can be read backwards. The positive reading is "Si Wife", and the reverse reading is "SiFu".

So is there such an interesting "palindrome" in Minecraft? Or how to play backwards? In fact, Minecraft not only hides palindromes, but also is a master of playing this kind of palindrome and reading backwards!


Turn the enderman voice upside down!

Minecraft: Try "rewinding" mc and what happens? Discover a spooky secret!

The Minecraft enderman hides this "palindrome" logic, and if you reverse all the sounds that the enderman makes, you'll find that he's actually telling us surprising and eerie facts: "here" – here! "Hiya" – Hello! "Whats up?" – how's it going? "uh oh!" – uh, oh! "This way!" – go this way! "look for the eye!" – look for that eye! "Forever!" – it's eternal!

Minecraft: Try "rewinding" mc and what happens? Discover a spooky secret!

Mojang tells us a hidden mission line in Minecraft in a "palindrome" way, and the enderman is actually using his own voice to guide us to the end, killing it to get the ender pearl. This is the only key that can unlock the path to the End, but this quest hint line is too hidden, and how many people can hear that this is upside down English?


Invert the name of the mc monster;

Minecraft: Try "rewinding" mc and what happens? Discover a spooky secret!

What interesting happens if we reread the names of the creatures in Minecraft?

1. Yue Ling Ling Yue; Pig Spirit Spirit Pig; Wither Spirit Spirit Wither; Creature of the "Spirit" Character. In the name of the "Minecraft" spirit characters, if it is indeed reversed, the naming is very uniform. Capable of being called spirits, there are currently only three creatures in Minecraft. Lingyue and Linghuo can be understood. Ling wither diao, emmm.

Speaking of creatures who can be named after the word "spirit", Allay is named after the appearance, Piglin is pronounced as a transliteration, and the "spirit" of the wither is taken from "withering", the effect is zero, and the creature is the spirit. Although each creature has a different origin of naming, it eventually becomes a spiritual creature.

2, zombie zombie zombie, corpse drowning, corpse shell; "corpse" word generation of monsters. If there is any benefit in reading the names of monsters backwards, the most intuitive thing is to find out which Minecraft monsters belong to the same family. For example, corpse zombie, corpse drowning and corpse shell correspond to the body stiff, the body in the water, and the peeled skin.

Minecraft: Try "rewinding" mc and what happens? Discover a spooky secret!

3, annoyed ghost ghost annoyed; ghost angry, this is? In fact, in Jeb's description, this winged monster is an angel or a devil. With the addition of Allai, there is no doubt that the ghost is a demon, but it also perfects the worldview of an angel in Jeb's mouth.

4. Witch Witch; the "witch" after the reversal seems to be exactly the same as before the reversal. The biological prototype of the witch is actually from Russian folklore - Baba Yaga.

So what, since the witch is from Russia, does Mojang want to consider "removing" the witch as well? (PS: For reasons that everyone knows, Mojang first removed Minecraft in Russia and then removed the flashing slogan "Hello, Russia.") )

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