
Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

author:Don Jr. Story Collection

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Did you hear that? U.S. President Joe Biden has recently made a big move, pointing the finger at our Chinese electric vehicles.

Hey, isn't this obviously a bad time with us? But then again, what's the mystery behind this? Let's take a look at it together.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

As everyone knows, the United States has been "particularly concerned" about China's scientific and technological development over the past few years.

From sanctioning Chinese chips to suppressing Chinese artificial intelligence, it is finally our turn to use electric vehicles.

Biden's excuse this time is also quite interesting, saying that our Chinese electric vehicle production capacity is "overcapacity", which affects the interests of the United States, and even involves "national security".

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

Oops, that's a big button!

But then again, what's the deal with this so-called "overcapacity"? Let's look at the data.

Is there really an overcapacity for electric vehicles?

One of the reasons for Biden's crackdown on China's electric vehicles this time is the so-called "overcapacity".

But what is the truth?

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

First of all, let's be clear: overcapacity is not a derogatory term.

With the advancement of technology and the demand of the market, it is natural for the production capacity of electric vehicles to increase.

Moreover, the booming development of China's electric vehicle market not only meets the needs of domestic consumers, but also provides consumers around the world with more choices.

Let's look at the data.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

According to statistics, the production of electric vehicles in China is indeed increasing year by year, but this does not mean that there is a surplus.

On the contrary, it just shows the vitality and potential of China's electric vehicle industry.

Moreover, the market share of electric vehicles is still expanding compared to gasoline vehicles.

Therefore, this accusation of the Biden administration is really a bit untenable.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

Tesla's awkward position

When it comes to electric cars, we have to mention Tesla.

This American new energy vehicle company has a high reputation around the world.

But you know what? Tesla is actually the only American new energy vehicle company to open the Chinese market.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

However, this time the Biden administration's suppression policy has put Tesla in an embarrassing situation.

On the one hand, Tesla's performance in the Chinese market continues to grow, which has brought considerable benefits to Tesla. On the other hand, the U.S. government's repressive policies have made its prospects in China uncertain.

What's even more embarrassing is that Tesla also has a deep cooperative relationship with China.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

Many critical components and supply chains depend on China.

Well, the Biden administration's ban not only puts Tesla at risk of supply chain disruptions, but also may seriously challenge its position in the Chinese market.

I have to say that Tesla was really "pitted" by its own government this time.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

The Biden administration's "double standard" behavior

When it comes to the Biden administration's "double standard" behavior, it is really hard to explain.

On the one hand, they shout the slogan of free trade and encourage the globalization of enterprises; On the other hand, it has suppressed and sanctioned China's electric vehicle industry.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

This paradoxical approach not only damages the international image of the United States, but also puts its domestic businesses in a difficult position.

Tesla, for example, has a global development strategy that should be open and cooperative, but now it has to face repression and restrictions from the government.

What is even more puzzling is that the Biden administration has also suppressed it on the grounds of "national security".

It's just confusing.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

Could China's electric cars threaten U.S. national security? This is obviously a joke.

The Rise and Challenges of China's Electric Vehicle Industry

It is undeniable that China's electric vehicle industry has indeed made significant progress and achievements in recent years.

From technology research and development to market promotion, from supply chain management to brand building, China's electric vehicle industry has shown strong strength and potential.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

However, with the rapid development of the industry, it also faces some challenges and problems.

For example, the bottleneck of technological innovation, the intensification of market competition, and the change of the international trade environment.

These need to be solved by the joint efforts of enterprises and relevant institutions in the industry.

But in any case, the rise of China's electric vehicle industry is already an indisputable fact.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

Although the Biden administration's crackdown will bring certain troubles and challenges, it will also stimulate the innovation and competitiveness of China's electric vehicle industry.

What are the real intentions of the U.S. government?

So, what is the Biden administration's real intention to suppress China's electric vehicles? Actually, it's not hard to guess.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

On the one hand, they may be to protect the traditional domestic automobile industry and jobs; On the other hand, it is also out of concern and panic about the development of China's science and technology.

However, it would be unwise to resort to repression and sanctions, for whatever reason.

Such measures will not only adversely affect the economic and trade relations between China and the United States, but also become a stumbling block to the progress and development of the global electric vehicle industry.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

Looking forward to the future, win-win cooperation is the right way

Looking ahead, we look forward to win-win cooperation between China and the United States in the field of electric vehicles.

By strengthening technical exchanges and cooperation, we will jointly promote the progress and innovation of electric vehicle technology; Through open markets and fair competition, we will jointly promote the prosperity and development of the electric vehicle industry.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

At the same time, we also hope that the Biden administration can put aside prejudice and repression, and face China's technological development with a more open and inclusive attitude.

Only in this way can we truly realize the common development and prosperity of China and the United States.


To sum up, the Biden administration's crackdown on China's electric vehicles not only lacks reasonable basis and justification, but may also have a negative impact on the development of the global electric vehicle industry.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

We should look at China's scientific and technological development with an objective, rational and open attitude, and promote the progress and prosperity of the global electric vehicle industry through win-win cooperation.

At the same time, we also look forward to more cooperation and exchanges between China and the United States in the future, and jointly contribute to the sustainable development of mankind.

Accusing China of overcapacity of trams, the United States will ban imports! Elon Musk: Who will protect Tesla

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