
China's science and technology counterattack: from dependence on imports to independent innovation. Who else dares to underestimate us?

author:A little old man who loves to write articles

We in China have encountered a lot of difficulties on the road of scientific and technological development. In the past, a lot of high-tech equipment was either not sold to us abroad, or it was sold at a high price, and our technology was blocked.

Let's talk about the shield machine, before 1997, we basically relied on manual construction of tunnels, not to mention the low efficiency, and the old accidents and deaths. In order to repair the Xikang Railway, there is no way, we spent 700 million yuan to buy a shield machine from Germany, and after repairing and maintaining, we have to rely on other foreign teams. But we Chinese don't recognize this planting, after working hard for a while, in April 2008, we successfully built the first shield machine ourselves, from nothing to nothing, this is too good.

China's science and technology counterattack: from dependence on imports to independent innovation. Who else dares to underestimate us?

There is also the laser gyroscope, which is like a three-dimensional compass, which is important in aviation, navigation, and national defense and military. In the 70s, Western countries began to do this, and in the end, they were not willing to sell it to us, which made us much older in this regard. However, in 1971, our National Defense University of China began to study this, two generations of hard work for 43 years, by 2014 can be regarded as the construction of a high-level laser gyroscope full closed-loop research and development system, becoming the fourth country in the world to know this, this is not a corner overtaking.

China's science and technology counterattack: from dependence on imports to independent innovation. Who else dares to underestimate us?

As for the lithography machine, this is a key technology for chip manufacturing, and it was difficult for us to be blocked by foreign countries before. However, the mainland did not give up, but continued to invest in research, and finally made a breakthrough:

In 2018, the 90nm lithography machine developed by Shanghai Microelectronics passed the acceptance, which can fill the gap in China.

In 2022, Huawei made a breakthrough in the core technology of EUV lithography machines, and also obtained related patents such as reflectors.

In 2023, Shanghai Microelectronics expects to deliver the first 28nm immersion lithography machine in China.

However, compared with the international advanced level, we still have a big gap in terms of resolution, accuracy, and production capacity.

China's science and technology counterattack: from dependence on imports to independent innovation. Who else dares to underestimate us?

Then there are the fighter-bombers, in the 70s, when new Western technologies came together, we were in a hurry, and we wanted to cooperate with Britain and France, but people either asked for a high price, or they didn't teach us technology. By 1982, the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense asked Chen Yijian to be the chief designer of the "Flying Leopard", and he led the team to work on it for more than 20 years, and finally made China's first supersonic fighter-bomber with independent intellectual property rights, filling in this gap.

China's science and technology counterattack: from dependence on imports to independent innovation. Who else dares to underestimate us?

These are just some examples of China's scientific and technological development, which can be seen how powerful and determined our Chinese scientific and technological workers are. In the face of so many obstacles from abroad, we are not afraid, we just do it, innovate ourselves, work hard, and make breakthroughs one by one. Let's stand up in the difficulties, surpass in the challenges, and write a powerful chapter of China's science and technology with wisdom and sweat. In the future, China's science and technology will definitely be better and create more achievements that will amaze the world.

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