
The Ministry of Commerce launched an anti-dumping investigation on imported polyoxymethylene

author:Jinju popularization of law

◇ Important news

1. National General Inspection of Flood Prevention and Drought Control in the Yellow River Basin: According to the arrangement of the President of the National Defense, the National General Inspection Group inspected the flood prevention and drought control work in the Yellow River Basin from May 13 to 16. During the inspection, experts were dispatched to carry out unannounced visits to inspect in detail the implementation of responsibilities and the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers. The inspection team stressed that it is necessary to carry out various flood preparedness work in a solid manner, comprehensively investigate the hidden dangers of flood control such as the Yellow River embankment and rectify the sales number within a time limit, further revise and improve various flood prevention and drought relief plans, strengthen the docking with various rescue teams and construction enterprises, optimize the category and layout of emergency rescue and disaster relief material reserves, and organize publicity training and actual combat drills. (CCTV News)

2. The China Coast Guard formulated and issued the "Provisions on Administrative Law Enforcement Procedures for Coast Guard Agencies": According to the China Coast Guard, in order to standardize the administrative law enforcement procedures of coast guard agencies, the China Coast Guard recently issued the "Regulations on Administrative Law Enforcement Procedures for Coast Guard Agencies", which will come into force on June 15 this year. The Provisions clarify the basic principles for the coast guard to carry out maritime administrative law enforcement work, establish the principles of jurisdiction over maritime administrative cases and the resolution of jurisdictional disputes, and stipulate the applicable conditions, procedures and remedial measures for recusal. (China News Network)

3. The Ministry of Commerce launched an anti-dumping investigation on imported polyoxymethylene: On the 19th, the Ministry of Commerce issued an announcement that on April 22, the Ministry of Commerce received an anti-dumping investigation application officially submitted by Yunnan Yuntianhua Co., Ltd. and National Energy Group Ningxia Coal Industry Co., Ltd. on behalf of the Chinese mainland copolymer polyoxymethylene industry, requesting an anti-dumping investigation on imported copolymer polyoxymethylene originating in the European Union, the United States and Japan. In accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of the Anti-dumping Regulations of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Commerce decided to launch an anti-dumping investigation from the 19th. (China News Network)

◇ National Hot List

1. During the "China Tourism Day" activity, various tourism measures to benefit the people were launched: May 19 is the 14th "China Tourism Day", and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism carried out activities throughout May around the theme of "Travel in China, Live a Happy Life". During the period, all localities joined hands with industry associations and platform enterprises to launch more than 6,300 measures to benefit the people in 7 categories, and issued a total of more than 100 million yuan of consumption vouchers, including preferential measures such as price reductions and free of charge in scenic spots, and preferential activities such as free and discounts for tourism enterprises, so as to better meet the needs of mass culture and tourism consumption. (Xinhua News Agency)

2. Customs seized 1 batch of new drugs "zombie medicine": Recently, the customs officer of Shenzhen Post Office found that the machine inspection image of a package declared as "buffet insulated tableware" was suspicious when supervising the transshipment of goods. Further examination revealed that the package contained a batch of white massive crystals hidden in a metal device and wrapped in a brown plastic bag, with a gross weight of 3,104.4 grams. Identified by professional institutions, the batch of white crystals is 4-methyl methcathinone, which belongs to cathinone substances, commonly known as "zombie medicine", "bath salts" and "meow". It is reported that cathinones can cause loss of appetite, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, hallucinations and panic attacks, and are the first class of psychotropic drugs controlled by mainland regulations and belong to new drugs. At present, the case has been transferred to the anti-smuggling department of the customs for handling. (Issued by Customs)

The Ministry of Commerce launched an anti-dumping investigation on imported polyoxymethylene

3.2 suspects in major criminal cases are at large, and the police offer rewards: Recently, the WeChat public account of the Inner Mongolia Zhenglanqi Public Security Bureau issued a reward notice, publicly rewarding clues in 2 major criminal cases, the full text is as follows↓ (China News Service, Ping An Zhenglanqi WeChat public account)

The Ministry of Commerce launched an anti-dumping investigation on imported polyoxymethylene

4. The man pulled the car door to steal, and he had just dyed his hair when he was caught: Recently, the Tianfu Police Station in Wenjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, received a report from a citizen that he forgot to lock the car door after getting out of the car, and found that more than 1,700 yuan in cash was lost in the car the next day. After investigation, in the early morning of the same day, a man "opened the blind box" and pulled the car door along the street to steal the unlocked vehicle. At noon, the police arrested the suspect Guo Moumou in a hotel, and seized more than 660 yuan of stolen money at the scene. According to Guo Moumou's confession, in order to escape the crackdown, he went to the barber shop early in the morning after committing the crime to dye his hair yellow, and his clothes were completely "updated", but he didn't expect to be arrested as soon as he returned to the hotel. At present, Guo Moumou is under criminal detention on suspicion of theft. (Procuratorate Daily)

The Ministry of Commerce launched an anti-dumping investigation on imported polyoxymethylene

5. "Soft violence" debt collection! Zhou Mouli and 13 others were put on trial: telephone bombardment, malicious complaints...... Unpaid arrears, endless threats, intimidation, who can afford this! On May 15, the Dingnan County People's Court in Jiangxi Province openly tried a case of suspected crime of picking quarrels and provoking troubles, and 13 defendants, including Zhou Mouli, a malign force criminal group that carried out "soft violence" to collect debts, appeared in court for trial. (Jiangxi Political and Legal WeChat public account)

The Ministry of Commerce launched an anti-dumping investigation on imported polyoxymethylene

6. Guiyang successfully smashed the "Internet Water Army" gang, involving 20 million yuan: Recently, the Guanshan Lake Public Security Bureau of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province successfully destroyed the illegal operation of the "Internet Water Army" criminal gang headed by Chen Xing entrenched in the Guanshan Lake District. After investigation, the amount involved in the gang amounted to more than 21.95 million yuan, 12,077 shops and 15,326 "buyers" involved, involving 31 provinces, cities and regions such as Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan, and Hubei. At present, the five suspects in this case have been transferred by the Guizhou police to the procuratorate for review and prosecution. (Cyber Security Bureau, Ministry of Public Security)

7. The woman stayed in the hotel, and the door was swiped open by 2 drunk men late at night: Recently, a woman posted a video complaining about staying in room 1207 of the Fairfield Hotel in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, and at 12 o'clock in the evening, 2 drunk strange men actually swiped their cards to open the door. The woman checked with the hotel staff, and the front desk said that the man was drunk and claimed to be a guest of No. 1207, so he gave them a key card. The woman had 3 rounds of negotiations with the hotel, and missed the high-speed rail because of this incident, and asked the hotel to apologize, rectify, and compensate 5,000 yuan for mental damages. On the 18th, the staff of the hotel involved responded: The incident is still being processed for the time being, and it is inconvenient to inform it. (Rule of Law)

8. Zhejiang Fuyang police successfully cracked an illegal "laughing gas" case and seized 110 boxes of "laughing gas" bottles: Recently, the Fuyang Branch of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau in Zhejiang Province successfully defeated a gang that illegally operated "laughing gas" after careful investigation and tracking, arrested 7 suspects, and seized 110 boxes of "laughing gas" bottles, totaling more than 23,000 bottles. At present, the case is under further investigation. (China Anti-Narcotics)

The Ministry of Commerce launched an anti-dumping investigation on imported polyoxymethylene

◇ Rule of law in Shijiazhuang

The Xinhua District Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau organized and carried out on-site publicity activities for the "Civil Code Publicity Month".

Recently, the Xinhua District Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau organized and carried out the on-site publicity activities of the "Civil Code Publicity Month" in the children's activity center park in combination with the actual work. A total of more than 300 copies of publicity materials were distributed in this publicity activity, and more than 50 people were consulted by the masses, which effectively improved the awareness rate of the citizens in the jurisdiction on energy conservation and emission reduction related knowledge and the Civil Code, fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in the legal publicity work, and guided the masses to abide by laws and regulations and enhance legal awareness. (Xinhua District Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau)

The Ministry of Commerce launched an anti-dumping investigation on imported polyoxymethylene

◇ The most beautiful provincial capital

Jingyun Park, a pocket park in Chang'an District, was completed and opened

Source: Shijiazhuang Law Popularization and Media Publicity Center

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