
In 1997, former Vice Premier Sun Jian passed away: no one from the central government mourned, and Gu Mu privately sent a message of condolence and sent a flower basket


Sun Jian's early life

Sun Jian, a native of Dingxing, Hebei Province, was born in 1936 in an ordinary rural family. His early life was full of hardships, but it was also this difficult environment that tempered his will and character. Sun Jian's educational experience was not long, and after a few years of study, he dropped out of school and went out to work to support his family. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he seized the opportunity to work and became an apprentice sand turner at the Tianjin Internal Combustion Engine Factory.

In 1997, former Vice Premier Sun Jian passed away: no one from the central government mourned, and Gu Mu privately sent a message of condolence and sent a flower basket

Here, Sun Jian showed his diligence and wisdom, and soon grew from an ordinary worker to a team leader, then to the workshop director, and finally became the secretary of the factory party committee. His efforts and achievements have won wide recognition from his leaders and colleagues.

Sun Jian's early years were the starting point of his political career. He started from the grassroots level and accumulated experience step by step, which laid a solid foundation for his later political career.

During his work at the Tianjin Internal Combustion Engine Factory, Sun Jian not only learned the technology, but more importantly, he learned how to manage and communicate with people, and these experiences played an important role in his later political career.

Sun Jian's nomination for vice premier

In 1975, Sun Jian's life took a huge turn. On the nomination of Premier Zhou Enlai, Sun Jian was appointed Vice Premier of the State Council, in charge of industrial production throughout the country. The nomination catapulted Sun Jian from a grassroots leader to a national leader, a major turning point in his political career.

In 1997, former Vice Premier Sun Jian passed away: no one from the central government mourned, and Gu Mu privately sent a message of condolence and sent a flower basket

Premier Zhou Enlai had high expectations for Sun Jian, and he hoped that Sun Jian would go deep into the grassroots, understand the needs of the people, and contribute to the country's industrial development.

In the position of vice premier, Sun Jian faces enormous challenges. He has no professional political education and has his own understanding of the complexities of national governance. Under Zhou Enlai's personal tutelage, Sun Jian began to learn how to become a qualified national leader.

In 1997, former Vice Premier Sun Jian passed away: no one from the central government mourned, and Gu Mu privately sent a message of condolence and sent a flower basket

He went down to the grassroots level to understand the living conditions of workers and strive to promote the development of industrial production. Although he encountered many difficulties in the early days, with the help of Zhou Enlai, Sun Jian gradually adapted to the new working environment, and his political understanding was significantly improved.

Sun Jian's political growth

Under Zhou Enlai's teaching, Sun Jian's political ability was rapidly improved. He began to become more deeply involved in the political life of the country and gained a deeper understanding of the country's economic policy. In the position of vice premier, Sun Jian not only promoted the development of industry, but also actively participated in various reforms of the country. His work has been recognized by the central leadership and has won the respect of the masses.

In 1997, former Vice Premier Sun Jian passed away: no one from the central government mourned, and Gu Mu privately sent a message of condolence and sent a flower basket

Sun Jian's political growth was the result of his personal efforts and the careful cultivation of Premier Zhou Enlai. Under Zhou Enlai's tutelage, Sun Jian gradually grew from a grassroots leader to a mature politician. His upbringing reflects the importance that the Communist Party of China attaches to talent training, as well as the openness and inclusiveness of China's political system.

The decision to return to the grassroots

In 1978, Sun Jian made an unexpected decision to return to grassroots work. He voluntarily resigned from the post of vice premier and returned to the Tianjin Internal Combustion Engine Plant to continue his technical work. This decision attracted widespread attention and discussion at the time. Many people are puzzled by Sun Jian's choice, but Sun Jian himself is very calm. He believes that he is more suitable to work at the grassroots level and can give full play to his strengths.

In 1997, former Vice Premier Sun Jian passed away: no one from the central government mourned, and Gu Mu privately sent a message of condolence and sent a flower basket

Sun Jian's decision reflects his noble character and love for his work. He is not greedy for power, does not pursue fame and fortune, and only hopes to be able to contribute to the development of the country in a position that suits him. This spirit was particularly precious in the social environment of the time, and it also won widespread respect from the people.

Sun Jian's death

In 1997, Sun Jian died of illness in Tianjin at the age of 61.

Sun Jian's death is a great loss to the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people. His life was a life of serving the people and contributing to the development of the country. Sun Jian's death has aroused mourning from all walks of life.

In 1997, former Vice Premier Sun Jian passed away: no one from the central government mourned, and Gu Mu privately sent a message of condolence and sent a flower basket

Although there was no public condolence activity from the central government, Sun Jian's former friends and colleagues expressed their nostalgia and condolences for him in various ways. Sun Jian's death has once again drawn attention to his life, and his contributions have been known and remembered by more people.

Gu Mu's private condolences

After Sun Jian's death, his former political mentor Gu Mu sent a message of condolence and sent a flower basket in his personal name, expressing his respect and nostalgia for Sun Jian.

Gu Mu's move reflects the high praise and deep feelings of the older generation of revolutionaries for Sun Jian. During his political career, Sun Jian received careful guidance and help from Gu Mu and other revolutionaries of the older generation, and their teachings played an important role in Sun Jian's growth.

In 1997, former Vice Premier Sun Jian passed away: no one from the central government mourned, and Gu Mu privately sent a message of condolence and sent a flower basket

Gu Mu's personal condolences are not only a personal respect for Sun Jian, but also an affirmation of Sun Jian's lifelong contributions. This kind of mourning, which transcends personal feelings, embodies the unity and fraternity within the Communist Party of China, and also reflects the attitude of being responsible to history and the people.

Sun Jian's legacy and contributions

Throughout his life, Sun Jian made important contributions to China's industrial construction and development. His work experience at the Tianjin Internal Combustion Engine Plant has accumulated valuable experience in China's industrial production. During his tenure as Vice Premier of the State Council, he promoted a series of industrial reform measures that injected new vitality into China's industrial development.

Sun Jian's legacy and contributions are not only reflected in his work, but also in his spirit. His life was a life of serving the people and contributing to the development of the country.

In 1997, former Vice Premier Sun Jian passed away: no one from the central government mourned, and Gu Mu privately sent a message of condolence and sent a flower basket


Sun Jian's life is a legend in China's political history. He grew from a grassroots worker to a vice premier of the State Council, and then chose to return to the grassroots at the peak of his life.

Sun Jian's life is also a valuable asset of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people. His deeds will go down in history and become a precious spiritual wealth that inspires future generations.

In commemorating Sun Jian, we should learn from his noble qualities, inherit his legacy, and strive to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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