
Zhuge Liang lit 49 lamps before he died, ostensibly to continue his life, but in fact contained two poisonous schemes_3

author:Rotten apples are not rotten

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Zhuge Liang lit 49 lamps before he died, ostensibly to continue his life, but in fact there were two poisonous schemes

In the turbulent times of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty, a legendary figure, went down in history for his resourcefulness and courage. However, as the years passed inexorably, the wise man gradually entered the twilight of his life. On his deathbed, he made an unexpected move by lighting 49 lamps, and it is widely speculated that he was trying to perpetuate his life in some mysterious way. However, this is only the appearance, and what is hidden behind it are two poisonous schemes that he carefully planned.

Zhuge Liang lit 49 lamps before he died, ostensibly to continue his life, but in fact contained two poisonous schemes_3

At that time, the national strength of Shu Han was weak, and Cao Wei's power was strong, and he was eyeing Shu Han. Zhuge Liang knew that his death would make Shu Han face an even greater crisis. However, he didn't want to leave this world silently like this, he wanted to use his last wisdom to make arrangements for Shu Han's future.

One night, in the hazy moonlit tent, Zhuge Liang gathered the generals and strategists. His face was pale, but his eyes were unusually determined. He announced that he was going to try an ancient spell called "Seven Star Lanterns to Survive", and had 49 lamps lit, each of which was delicately placed to symbolize the stars in the sky. Inside the tent, the lights were bright, in stark contrast to the silence of the night outside.

Zhuge Liang lit 49 lamps before he died, ostensibly to continue his life, but in fact contained two poisonous schemes_3

With the swaying lights, Zhuge Liang's figure looked extremely lonely and solemn in the light and shadow. The generals and strategists expressed their willingness to protect the lamp for the prime minister and help him. However, they also knew in their hearts that this was nothing more than nonsense, and the prime minister's physical condition no longer allowed him to live.

However, in the midst of this mysterious and solemn atmosphere, something shocking suddenly happened. A gust of wind blew out one of the lights. Immediately after that, several more lights were blown out. The generals and strategists were shocked by this sudden turn of events, and they all looked at Zhuge Liang, expecting him to give an explanation.

Zhuge Liang lit 49 lamps before he died, ostensibly to continue his life, but in fact contained two poisonous schemes_3

However, Zhuge Liang only smiled faintly, as if everything was expected by him. He had the soldiers rekindle the lights that had been blown out, and then revealed his true intentions to the crowd. It turned out that he lit these 49 lamps not really to continue his life, but to carry out two major poisonous schemes.

The first major poisonous plan is to stabilize the political situation in Shu Han. Zhuge Liang knew that after his death, there would inevitably be various disputes and contradictions within Shu Han. Therefore, he deliberately created the illusion of "Seven Star Lantern Continues to Live" to make everyone think that he is still alive. In this way, the political opponents did not dare to act rashly, and the political situation in Shu Han was temporarily stabilized. At the same time, he also secretly arranged for his cronies and loyal generals to be in key positions to ensure the stability of the political situation in Shu Han.

Zhuge Liang lit 49 lamps before he died, ostensibly to continue his life, but in fact contained two poisonous schemes_3

The second major poisonous plan is to stimulate the fighting spirit and cohesion of the Shu Han army and people. Zhuge Liang knew that only a united Shu Han could resist Cao Wei's aggression. Therefore, he deliberately let the technique of "Seven Star Lantern Continuation of Life" fail, making everyone think that he was about to die. In this way, the Shu Han army and people will feel a sense of urgency and crisis, and thus be more united to resist the aggression of foreign enemies. At the same time, he also left behind a series of strategic plans and tactical deployments, allowing Shu Han to respond quickly in the face of crises.

With Zhuge Liang's explanation, the generals and strategists suddenly realized. They were impressed by Zhuge Liang's wisdom and courage, and at the same time, they were proud and proud that Shu Han had such a great prime minister.

Zhuge Liang lit 49 lamps before he died, ostensibly to continue his life, but in fact contained two poisonous schemes_3

After Zhuge Liang's death, the soldiers and civilians of Shu Han united as one in accordance with his last wish to resist the invasion of foreign enemies. Although Shu Han failed to unify the world in the end, Zhuge Liang's resourcefulness and spirit remained in people's hearts forever.

This story tells us that Zhuge Liang was not only an outstanding politician and military strategist, but also a far-sighted and well-intentioned strategist. He used his wisdom and strength to make great contributions to the stability and development of Shu Han. At the same time, he also left us with a profound warning: in the face of difficulties and challenges, we need to have firm faith and determination, and at the same time, we need to be good at using wisdom and strategy to solve problems.

So, as a reader, what do you think of the incident of Zhuge Liang lighting 49 lamps before he died? Did you also feel Zhuge Liang's wisdom and courage from it? What do you think these wisdoms and spirits can teach us today? Welcome to leave your views and discussions in the comment area.