
How much do Hong Kong people value Feng Shui? The steel knife of the Bank of China Building pointed directly at HSBC, and HSBC set up a 17-meter cannon to counterattack



As one of the international financial centers, Hong Kong's business culture is unique not only in the bustling scene of high-rise buildings, but also in the city's respect and integration of traditional culture. Among the many cultural elements, Feng Shui plays a role that cannot be ignored. Feng Shui, a traditional Chinese culture originating from ancient China, has been widely recognized and applied in Hong Kong, especially in the design and layout of commercial buildings.

How much do Hong Kong people value Feng Shui? The steel knife of the Bank of China Building pointed directly at HSBC, and HSBC set up a 17-meter cannon to counterattack

The architectural layout of the Bank of China Tower and HSBC is a typical example of the application of Feng Shui in Hong Kong's business culture. These two buildings are not only Hong Kong's financial landmarks, but the feng shui battle between them has become a well-known story. The design concept of the Bank of China Tower collided with the theory of "form evil" in Feng Shui, triggering a business war without gunpowder. HSBC, on the other hand, has fought back with Feng Shui in its unique way, demonstrating Hong Kong people's deep understanding and skillful use of Feng Shui.

The design of the Bank of China Tower

The Bank of China Tower, a skyscraper designed by world-renowned architect I.M. Pei, has become a landmark in Hong Kong with its unique design and structure. The building's design is inspired by bamboo, which symbolizes strength, vitality and a spirit of continuous improvement. However, in Feng Shui, the design of the Bank of China Tower is interpreted as a sharp steel knife with three sharp edges pointing directly at the surrounding important buildings, especially HSBC on the opposite side.

How much do Hong Kong people value Feng Shui? The steel knife of the Bank of China Building pointed directly at HSBC, and HSBC set up a 17-meter cannon to counterattack

This interpretation is not unfounded. The design features of the Bank of China Tower, such as its sharp angles and soaring momentum into the sky, are easily reminiscent of sharp weapons such as swords. In Feng Shui, this design is considered to be an aggressive "form sha" that can adversely affect the surrounding environment. This design of the Bank of China Tower has undoubtedly brought huge feng shui pressure to the HSBC bank opposite it.

HSBC's response

In the face of the feng shui "attack" of the Bank of China Tower, HSBC did not sit still. According to reports, HSBC's performance did decline to a certain extent after the completion of the Bank of China Tower. While this decline in performance can be influenced by a number of factors, in Hong Kong, many prefer to believe that it is a feng shui influence.

How much do Hong Kong people value Feng Shui? The steel knife of the Bank of China Building pointed directly at HSBC, and HSBC set up a 17-meter cannon to counterattack

In order to mitigate this adverse feng shui influence, HSBC has adopted a series of countermeasures. One of the most striking are the two 17-meter-long steel cannons erected on its rooftop. The muzzles of these two cannons are pointed directly at the Bank of China Tower, which is interpreted as HSBC's "counterattack" in feng shui.

Feng Shui countermeasures

HSBC's feng shui countermeasure is undoubtedly an ingenious response to the "steel knife" design of the Bank of China Tower. In Feng Shui, it is a common practice to use aggressive objects to combat "shaping". HSBC's cannon not only physically forms a "confrontation" against the Bank of China Tower, but also forms a balance and balance in feng shui.

This approach not only reflects HSBC's emphasis on Feng Shui, but also reflects the deep understanding and application of Feng Shui in Hong Kong's business culture. In Hong Kong, Feng Shui is not just a superstition, but also a culture, a wisdom, and a business strategy.

Typhoon events

However, HSBC's feng shui response has not been smooth sailing. During a strong typhoon, one of the cannons was blown crooked, and the muzzle of the cannon was accidentally pointed at the Standard Chartered Bank next to it. The incident sparked an emergency response from Standard Chartered, who sent a lawyer's letter asking HSBC to turn the gun back.

How much do Hong Kong people value Feng Shui? The steel knife of the Bank of China Building pointed directly at HSBC, and HSBC set up a 17-meter cannon to counterattack

This anecdote not only adds more drama to Hong Kong's feng shui battles, but also reflects the practical impact of feng shui in Hong Kong's business decisions. In this war without gunpowder, Feng Shui has become a force to be reckoned with.


Commercial buildings in Hong Kong are not only places for economic activities, but also carriers of cultural heritage. The feng shui story of the Bank of China Tower and HSBC is not only a good story, but also a cultural phenomenon. They demonstrate the Hong Kong people's deep understanding and skillful use of Feng Shui, and also reflect the importance of Feng Shui in Hong Kong's business decisions.

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