
What kind of girl makes a man particularly memorable?

Do you know which girls are most likely to fascinate men? Today's video must be well watched, I based on my years of consulting experience, plus the visit of more than a dozen men around, summed up, with the following four characteristics of girls, the most likely to make men remember!

What kind of girl makes a man particularly memorable?

It is to give enough emotional value to men in getting along, but at the same time you can be mentally independent, so that he feels as if you can leave at any time, if you can do both at the same time, then this man must be obsessed with you.

For example, you verbally express to him, "Baby, I love you so much, I can't live without you." "But in fact, you have money and capital, he doesn't look for you, you can still have a good time alone."

So corresponding to the feelings, it becomes that you are not replying to the message in time, and it is you who can play happily without looking for him, so that he will be confused and will struggle with whether you really like him, otherwise why when you chat, you hold him on the tip of your heart, but you rarely take the initiative in behavior, and even when he goes out to eat, you never check the post.

In the process of this entanglement, he will unconsciously spend time and energy guessing what you are thinking, and thus fall deeper and deeper.

What kind of girl makes a man particularly memorable?

What is a state of relaxation? I give you an example, that is, I have a friend, she and her husband have been married for more than ten years, the relationship is still so good honey oil, I asked her what it is to be so dead to pinch a man.

She said it was simple, just don't stare at each other every day.

For example, she spends eight hours a day busy with her work and side business, then spends two hours running herself, and finally an hour to socialize, so that it feels as if she has no time to manage love?

Indeed, she herself said that although the couple did not spend much time together, the quality of sticking together was particularly high, such as they would agree during that time, never look at the mobile phone or deal with work, but meet together to make a meal, watch a movie, etc., just like dating, the two people get along very easily and happily, and the feelings are better than once.

She said that in fact, love, do not have to be glued together all the time, that will reduce the concentration of feelings between the two people, the best way is to be unparalleled in the world, the division is king, that is, two people can be very sticky when they are together, but once separated, they must be able to completely focus on their own lives.

Because if you push a person too tightly, it will be counterproductive, just like the quicksand effect, the tighter you hold, the faster it will lose.

What kind of girl makes a man particularly memorable?

Before seeing a hot topic, why is it that men are like a changed person after marriage, and when they are in love, they are obedient to themselves, and once they are married, they begin to deal with all kinds of perfunctory, and they are not as attentive as before?

How to say it? You want men to keep coaxing you and accommodating you, which is itself against human nature, and to be honest, do you think that being coaxed and let go is that you occupy a high position? Don't be naïve, all you have now is given by men, once they suddenly stop loving, or stop the supply of emotional value, then you will be completely panicked, and even kneel and lick and stay, completely become a passive party in the relationship.

So in the relationship, don't pursue 100% perfect lovers and love, that does not exist, it is unreasonable, you yourself can not 100% love him, and why ask for the other half? Always have a kind heart to fall in love, know how to respond and give, rather than blindly take, then this relationship is relaxed and happy for both parties.

What kind of girl makes a man particularly memorable?

As I said before, in any relationship, the premise of making the other party pay more attention to your essence is that "the value capital you export is enough."

Because the essence of love is "value exchange". So you have to think more: what are you going to exchange for the treatment you want? What is your own value? What can you get back?

It is a fairy tale story, in real life, you want to wait for others to love you unconditionally, then there is no accident, you are waiting for only a scam.

Therefore, after a girl falls in love, don't care about "how should I do better in my relationship so that he can love me more", but constantly learn new things, constantly enrich their multiple values, and update their chips.

And when you constantly improve your own value, you are actually equivalent to invisibly conveying a sense of crisis to the other party, which will drive him to grow together, so that for a long time, you can have a value that others cannot easily replace, that is, to influence him to become a better self.

So, mature love is a strong union, understand?

What kind of girl makes a man particularly memorable?

Psychological test: Test the sentence your ex most wants to say to you

1. Do you argue over small things when you're together?

Yes, I often feel tired —2

Rarely quarrel over small things—2

Occasionally, but soon reconciled —3

2. Do you think you are a person who likes to self-reflect and is willing to correct mistakes?

Yes —3

Not —4

3. Will he or she take the initiative to tell you his troubles?

It is often said that -5

Not much to say —4

4. Would you tell your parents about the process of your relationship?

Everything is too big or small, and I often complain to my parents -6

Occasionally they ask and say —5

Hardly to say, nothing to say —5

5. Faced with what you want, how much energy are you willing to put into acquiring it?

Everything follows fate, and it is mine in the end--7

Try hard, maybe you can succeed - 6

Do my best, I want to get --B

6. Did you break up because of a third party?


No —7

7. Did the other party take the initiative to contact you after the breakup?



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