
Will you be pregnant for a few months?

Many expectant mothers will consult in the background about how long pregnant the stomach will appear pregnant.

Generally speaking, women basically begin to show their pregnancy around the 16th week of pregnancy. Of course, that's an average. Due to the different conditions of personal physique, body shape, diet during pregnancy, etc., each person's pregnancy time is different, and the specific time varies from person to person.

Some expectant mothers have begun to show their pregnancies since 3 months of pregnancy, and some expectant mothers have begun to show their pregnancies until 5 months pregnant, in fact, no matter which one is more normal, everyone does not have to be overly anxious.

So why do pregnant moms have different pregnancy times? The specific factors are mainly as follows:

1, the size of the expectant mother: Generally speaking, the mother who is already thinner is relatively not easy to show her pregnancy, while the relatively fat pregnant mother is easier to show.

2, abdominal tightness: the general stomach is particularly loose, it is easy to be propped up, it is easy to show the pregnancy, the stomach will be larger; and the abdomen is relatively tight, it is not easy to be propped up, and it is not easy to show the pregnancy. This is also often related to the usual exercise habits of expectant mothers, remember that there is a report about a foreign supermodel who is 8 months pregnant and basically not very pregnant, which is due to her usual insistence on maintaining her body shape and exercising.

3, abdominal fat accumulation: many expectant mothers do not pay attention to control their pregnancy, overeating, eating and drinking. As a result, the weight of the pregnancy rises sharply, and the abdominal fat accumulates in large quantities, which will show that the stomach is particularly large.

Most of the expectant mothers mentioned earlier who are pregnant for more than 3 months are caused by abdominal fat accumulation; but if the diet during pregnancy is reasonably controlled, then the weight gain of the expectant mother will not be particularly large, the abdominal fat accumulation will be less, and the pregnancy time will be later.

4, the development of the fetus and the number: the general fertilized egg implantation early, the actual gestational week of the fetus is larger than the medical gestational week, the mother-to-be will appear to be pregnant earlier; in addition, the fetus is well developed, there is no disease, the absorption of nutrients is sufficient, the natural size will be relatively large, the pregnant mother is more likely to show the pregnancy; the pregnant mother of multiple births, the stomach will obviously be more pregnant than the pregnant mother who is pregnant with a single child, after all, the number of babies in the stomach is more, and the stomach is naturally larger.

5. Female uterine position: the uterine position is divided into anterior and posterior walls, generally the anterior wall of the uterus is pregnant early, and the posterior wall of the uterus is relatively late.

6, the amount of amniotic fluid: generally more amniotic fluid will be earlier, the stomach will be larger; if there is less amniotic fluid, the stomach will be relatively smaller, relatively not easy to show nostalgia.

In summary, the appearance of pregnancy sooner or later varies from person to person, as long as the regular obstetric examination of fetal health is good, early and later is normal, you expectant mothers do not worry too much Oh ~ I wish you expectant mothers and babies can spend a healthy and safe pregnancy.

Will you be pregnant for a few months?
Will you be pregnant for a few months?

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