
Glory of Kings: S27 season skin secrets, two battle orders disappointing, star yuan is the highlight!

Hello, everyone, I'm Brother Chen.

In the blink of an eye, the S26 season is about to pass, I don't know if everyone has sprinted to the desired position this season? For the upcoming S27 season, everyone must have a lot of expectations, in addition to the expectations for the new hero "Sang Qi" online game, there must be a season update, the new season of the season skin spent on who? What heroes, skins, and whose skins are in the Elite Battle Order Chest, and after the Advanced Battle Order, whose skins are they at level 1 and level 80?

Glory of Kings: S27 season skin secrets, two battle orders disappointing, star yuan is the highlight!

The content of this issue is to reveal the answers that everyone wants to know, please be patient.

The first thing that broke the news for everyone is the S27 season skin "Lanling King - Son of The Golden Garden" that everyone can get, as long as you complete the dan task in the season, although the quality of the skin is not good, but at least there is an increase in basic attributes, for the skin that can be obtained for free, what bicycle do you want?

Glory of Kings: S27 season skin secrets, two battle orders disappointing, star yuan is the highlight!

Although Lanling King is an assassin in the canyon to fight wild heroes, but in fact in the game has not lived up to its name, the hero's low appearance rate and winning rate, have made this hero gradually disappear in the player's heart, and even Lanling King has begun to evolve into an auxiliary and confrontational gameplay, of course, this is just entertainment play. This time the season skin to Lanling King, I believe that for Lanling King's appearance rate may be a little improved.

Glory of Kings: S27 season skin secrets, two battle orders disappointing, star yuan is the highlight!

Is the "old six" in this canyon finally starting to be active again? For the lanling king, the hero out of the skin, Brother Chen's view is that this hero actually does not need to get out of the skin, after all, a hero who is invisible in the whole world is also out of the skin for the player to see.

Glory of Kings: S27 season skin secrets, two battle orders disappointing, star yuan is the highlight!

After looking at the skins in the season, let's take a look at which skins are given in the battle orders! The first thing to talk about is that brother Chen's favorite and the favorite elite version of many zero-charge players are in it, what heroes and skins are there?

In the level 30 Hero Self-Selection Pack, players can choose big Joe, Luna, Ma Chao, Marco Polo, Sun Ce and Yixing.

Glory of Kings: S27 season skin secrets, two battle orders disappointing, star yuan is the highlight!

In the level 60 Skin Pack, players can choose Cao Cao - Super X-Men, Gan General Mo Xie - Seventh Figure, Miyamoto Musashi - Ghost Sword Musashi, Su Lie - Tenacity, Luban - Pinocchio, Athena - Goddess of War.

Glory of Kings: S27 season skin secrets, two battle orders disappointing, star yuan is the highlight!

The hero selected in the hero package actually has nothing to recommend, and everyone is afraid that the heroes are full until now. If the skin is naturally implemented, it is only expensive, then it is naturally the ghost sword Musashi!

Finally, let's talk about the skin benefits that players can get after the Advanced Battle Order. After the advanced battle order, the skin that the player can get is the white "Night Monster", which is a bit ugly from the top of the shape, although it belongs to the same theme as Marco Polo's "Shadow Safari", but the appearance is really bad.

Glory of Kings: S27 season skin secrets, two battle orders disappointing, star yuan is the highlight!

After the advanced battle order level 80, the ming shiyin "bard magic" was obtained, and I have to say that the auxiliary also stood up, and the level 80 skin of the battle order was actually the auxiliary skin. Judging from these two skins, the S27 season's Battle Order skin seems to be a little disappointing, but a Star Element Suit within the Battle Order cannot be ignored, that is, the Star Element Component of Lü Bu's Doom Mech "Blue Mech".

Glory of Kings: S27 season skin secrets, two battle orders disappointing, star yuan is the highlight!

The game knows that the mecha type of skin is deeply loved by players, after the Sun Ce mecha skin was greatly praised, Lü Bu's doomsday mecha also launched the star yuan suit, let everyone feel the charm of the mech, guess that soon after the mecha skin will usher in the launch of the star element parts, do you think it is possible?

Glory of Kings: S27 season skin secrets, two battle orders disappointing, star yuan is the highlight!

The above are a few skins launched in the S27 season, what do you think? Welcome to leave a message below the comment area to discuss, like friends remember to like the attention to the comment plus forwarding, we will see you in the next issue!

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