
S27 Season Skin Determination - Son of Lanling King Jinting, will the new skin drive the appearance rate?

The hero of Lanling King is a disguised assassin hero in the game, and this hero is still very threatening to the enemy's rear row in the game, especially when approaching the enemy in a stealth state, and the hint above the enemy's head will directly affect his combat ability in team battles.

Although this hero is a great threat to the enemy's back row in the game, because this hero does not have too strong displacement skills, its heat has always been in the T2-T3 ranking, which is a hero who is relatively ranked in the middle.

S27 Season Skin Determination - Son of Lanling King Jinting, will the new skin drive the appearance rate?

Lanling King's last battle order limited skin taming hunter attracted a lot of fans for this hero, and at that time, it also directly increased the appearance rate of this hero. In the upcoming S27 season, the official also uses Lanling King's new skin as the season reward skin.

The style of this skin is still very much in line with the background story of the current version, the skin style chooses the color scheme and main color of the desert in the cloud, and the crown on the head, the decorations on the chest and waist all reflect the temperament of the desert prince.

S27 Season Skin Determination - Son of Lanling King Jinting, will the new skin drive the appearance rate?

Passive skill effects

Lanling King's passive skill will have a certain speed bonus when moving towards the enemy hero, of course, this bonus effect is displayed with special effects, in this skin effect of the Son of the Golden Garden, the whole emits greenish yellow special effects, because it is a season-limited skin, the overall special effects are still somewhat insufficient compared to other higher quality skin effects.

However, compared to the associated skin, the special effects of the two skins are still easy to feel.

S27 Season Skin Determination - Son of Lanling King Jinting, will the new skin drive the appearance rate?

A skill effect

One of Lanling King's skills is to summon a doppelganger to attack, the special effects are blue, the visual experience is more decent, and the feel is not bad with the associated skin.

S27 Season Skin Determination - Son of Lanling King Jinting, will the new skin drive the appearance rate?

Two skill effects

The effects are generally blue, but there is a little white effect when hitting an enemy, and there is an additional sound effect when the throwing knife reaches the finish line.

S27 Season Skin Determination - Son of Lanling King Jinting, will the new skin drive the appearance rate?

Three-skill special effects

Three skills is a forward spike skill, the spike process does not have a full special effect, when the spike to the end, the special effect color changes from blue to black, but this black time is particularly short, if you do not look at the slow motion playback is still difficult to find.

S27 Season Skin Determination - Son of Lanling King Jinting, will the new skin drive the appearance rate?

Four-skill special effects

This skill is an invisibility skill, which mainly transparentizes the Lanling King itself and changes the scope display of the outer circle to a yellow effect. The overall visual is quite OK, after all, this is only a season skin, this effect is still relatively OK.

S27 Season Skin Determination - Son of Lanling King Jinting, will the new skin drive the appearance rate?

The introduction of new skins will definitely affect the hero's appearance rate slightly, and the following will recommend the hero's current equipment and inscription matching choices.

Equipment selection aspects

Greedy Devourer, Boots of Resistance, Shadow Tomahawk, Anti-Wound Thorn Armor, Broken Army, Grandmaster Power.

Because of the special problem of the hero skill mechanism of lanling king, it is generally difficult to enter the regiment and want to come out when fighting, so in terms of equipment collocation, attack equipment is mainly selected, so that when fighting, there is a chance to take away a crisp hero from the other side with a set of skills.

S27 Season Skin Determination - Son of Lanling King Jinting, will the new skin drive the appearance rate?

Inscription collocation recommendations:

Blue 6 Hidden, 4 Hunting, Green 10 Eagle Eye, Red 1 Scourge, 9 Mutant.

Because the hero of Lanling King mainly relies on skills to hit damage, general attack is not the main source of output, so the choice of 6 hidden in the early stage can slightly increase a certain amount of attack power, and the main selection of the anomalous inscription on the red inscription, the key is because this inscription can increase the penetration ability in the early stage, when the early equipment is not formed, this promotion is still very critical.

S27 Season Skin Determination - Son of Lanling King Jinting, will the new skin drive the appearance rate?

In fact, overall, after the launch of the skin this season, as long as most players get this skin, the hero's appearance rate will definitely increase to a certain extent. I don't know if there are any friends in the game who like this hero? Welcome personal friends to come and discuss and leave a message together.

The skin display effects are all recorded during the development process, and the display effects are for reference only.

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