
"Old Six" Hi Ti New Season Skin? So how to become a qualified "old six"?

"Old Six" Hi Ti New Season Skin? So how to become a qualified "old six"?

Hello everyone, I was premeditated. The new season is also coming, and it has also officially announced the season skin, which is the most "favorite" hero of all our short-legged crispy players - Lanling King. A man known as "King" feels like a handsome and dashing sunny boy when he hears the name! So how should Lanling King play? Let's talk with you about how this man, known as the "king", should play.

"Old Six" Hi Ti New Season Skin? So how to become a qualified "old six"?

Well, without further ado, let's get down to business.

Lanling King's most core gameplay is his stealth mechanism, which is also the main reason why Lanling King is "loved" by the majority of players, and the skill mechanism is relatively simple, there is no particularly difficult operation, it is easier to get started than mirrors, tigers, Luna, etc., and because of this feature, Lanling King in the canyon also has a good appearance rate. Moreover, the Lanling King can not only be the wild position, but also the auxiliary position, or even the confrontation road, the most common is still the wild and auxiliary position, and the confrontation road Lanling King is relatively less on the scene. Today, I would like to talk to you about the Lanling King who is in the field position.

A brief analysis of skills

"Old Six" Hi Ti New Season Skin? So how to become a qualified "old six"?

Passive: Lanling Dynasty enemy heroes move to increase movement speed. (Can be used for grass exploration and pursuit)

One skill: Deals two equal damage to enemies (recently optimized once, adjusted from the original random selection to the lowest priority of health)

Two skills: Lanling King throws a dagger in the specified direction, hits the hero and causes damage and slowdown and applies a layer of imprint (the imprint lasts for three seconds), the lowest person to deal damage again within three seconds will stun the target for 1 second and restore its own health, and when the mark disappears, the target will receive damage that has lost health. (Dagger can penetrate soldiers and monsters, can not penetrate heroes, the main means of endurance)

Three skills (big moves): displace and deal damage in the specified direction (there is a short delay, you can cooperate with the flash to play the big flash effect)

Four skills: After use, after 1.5 seconds, enter stealth for 30 seconds, increase your attack speed by 50% after lifting stealth, and be near enemies for more than three seconds when stealth will be lifted.

Outfit recommendations

"Old Six" Hi Ti New Season Skin? So how to become a qualified "old six"?

Core Output Equipment: Shadow Tomahawk + Broken Army (Lanling damage comes from skill damage)

In the early stage of the shoe, you can buy the Cool Boots (CD Shoes) or the Rush Boots (Little Yellow Shoes) in the middle and late stages before changing them to resistance boots.

Usually the defensive equipment chooses anti-armor with the highest cost performance, and it is also possible for the special lineup to go out of the witch cloak first (look at the lineup to see out)

The last piece of equipment to choose the Power of the Grandmaster can increase the damage of our general attack (it is cooler to hit the crispy skin) or the famous knife, broken star hammer, etc. are OK (or the same according to the lineup selection)

Reference to the text

"Old Six" Hi Ti New Season Skin? So how to become a qualified "old six"?

8 Mutant + 2 Red Moon 10 Hawkeye 10 Hidden

Mutation and Hawkeye provide attack power and penetration, Stealth provides movement speed and attack power, because lanling skill AD bonus is high, so the choice of stealth is the most cost-effective. 2 Red Moon is used to make up the attack speed (attack speed looks at the belt, point to the end of the line) at the same time two Red Moon to make up 1% critical strike chance, critical hit is to earn!

The outfit inscription can be referred to by everyone. I personally like to come out with cool boots in the early stages. As we all know, the strength of the Lanling King lies in the early stage, the first out of the cool boots with the blue BUFF is basically in a full CD state, which can greatly improve the brushing speed and faster casting skills, after all, the early stage of everyone's economy is relatively low, and most of the damage sources come from skill damage.

Gameplay ideas

Lanling King is a hero with very distinct characteristics, high explosiveness, good mobility, high early damage, and obvious shortcomings, that is, lack of strength in the later stage.

In the early stage of small-scale team battles, we can directly enter the field with two or three skills or three or two skills into the field (if you fight less and more, you can stealth close to use the two-one skill to faint and then move the output to evacuate by the way)

Many Lanling King players have a feeling that they often start in the early stage, but they can't win, which is also the biggest shortcoming of Lanling King - the lack of strength in the later stage. So we have to play a big enough advantage in the early stages to end the game earlier.

The early stage is the key period of lanling king, it is recommended that when choosing a hero, you can communicate with your teammates to choose some mages (Zhou Yu, Chang'e, etc.) who are strong in the early stage of combat to cooperate with their own anti-wild. If the teammates do not cooperate with themselves, then honestly add wild monsters to themselves, do not take their lives to counter, after all, our advantage lies in the early stage, if the early stage is suppressed, then it is very difficult to turn over, so the early anti-wild should be selected according to the lineup, can not be forced.

The later stage is the weak period of the Lanling King, so when the game is in the middle of the game, we have to give our own C position to the economy (such as the red zone to the shooter, the blue zone to the mage and the side road) In the middle of the general middle, we also play the number of wild knife layers, so the wild monsters have no problem brushing teammates. At this time, we have to swim more to arrest people, give ourselves a field of vision, meet the single mage, shooter can directly go to kill (against the wind when I did not say), usually this game time period, crispy is rarely done first to do defensive equipment, as long as you do not make too many mistakes, basically you can take down the enemy crispy skin.

In the later stage of the team battle, we do not enter the field as a "sandbag", in the later stage, our task is mostly to open the dragon, deal with the line of troops, and expand the advantage of adding teammates to ourselves. Team battles are good to find the enemy crispy position, even if you can't kill, you can intimidate the enemy crispy players.

"Old Six" Hi Ti New Season Skin? So how to become a qualified "old six"?

(PS: "Old Six" means old slippery, very powerful)

Although Lanling can't stay in the high-end bureau like a tiger and a mirror, Lanling King can bring "happiness" that tigers and mirrors can't bring, after all, what we play games is happy!

"Old Six" Hi Ti New Season Skin? So how to become a qualified "old six"?

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