
Glory of the King: May 10 official service update, Nezha is really going to take off this time

Today the Honor of Kings official suit was updated with a wave of adjustments to several heroes.

Let's start with a few brief introductions.

1. Other hero adjustments

1. Wild Iron

Glory of the King: May 10 official service update, Nezha is really going to take off this time

The Wild Iron energy value does not decrease with the increase of the time to escape the battle, so that the Wild Iron can always maintain three blocks of full energy, and the threat is greatly increased. Otherwise, the other party casually pulled it, and if the wild iron could not directly participate in the battle, it would directly abolish half of the martial arts.

Although the damage of the three skills was slightly weakened, overall, the team combat ability of the Wild Iron was greatly enhanced. I believe that after such an adjustment, the appearance rate of Crazy Iron will increase greatly.

2. Armor

Glory of the King: May 10 official service update, Nezha is really going to take off this time

The recovery ability of the meat armor has been weakened.

The previous meat armor was really too fierce, and the equipment formed one chased after four slashes, and it couldn't be handled at all. Now the value of the percentage damage has been reduced, and the AD bonus has been increased, which is not a small weaken.

But for normally outfitted armor, the impact is small.

3. Xiang Yu

Glory of the King: May 10 official service update, Nezha is really going to take off this time

Xiang Yu's previous skill CD is relatively long, but there is a refresh mechanism. That is, as long as you push the target, you can reduce the cooldown of a skill.

However, in this case, Xiang Yu's fault tolerance rate will be relatively low. If after entering the group, one skill is not pushed to the person, basically it means that it is difficult to have a second skill.

This adjustment removes the refresh mechanism of one skill, directly reducing the cooldown time of 3 seconds, and it only takes 6 seconds to have a skill at the full level. If you take into account the equipment of the CD reduction, it can be released again in about 4 seconds, and the CD is very short.

As long as Xiang Yu's equipment was not particularly bad, it was impossible to stand for 4 seconds.

At the same time, simply and rudely extending the duration of the damage reduction effect of the second skill will also greatly increase Xiang Yu's team battle tolerance rate.

4. Little Joe

Glory of the King: May 10 official service update, Nezha is really going to take off this time

Little Joe slightly increased the damage of the previous one skill, which is a good thing.

In addition, the duration of the big move was also extended by one second. You know, Little Joe has an acceleration effect after opening the big move. After the enhancement, Little Joe can completely open the big move before entering the field, and the suddenness and pursuit ability have been improved well.

2. Nezha

Glory of the King: May 10 official service update, Nezha is really going to take off this time

Let's take a look at the highlights of this story.

In fact, the main reason is that I have a deeper complex for this hero, and it is also the highest ranking hero I have ever received, although it is only four provinces.

So let's focus on that.

In fact, the winning rate of this hero of Nezha has always been not low, but look at his appearance rate to understand that those who play Nezha are basically unique brothers. There are no half-baked players who are blindly chosen, so the high winning percentage is understandable.

Not only that, in fact, the strength of Nezha is also there, but it is more selective. When the lineup is right, Nezha is an unsolvable existence.

For example, when the core C position of the other party is a small short leg, and the protection ability is not strong, then it is not wrong to take Nezha.

Glory of the King: May 10 official service update, Nezha is really going to take off this time

But Nezha also has a very big shortcoming, that is, support capabilities.

Although it seems to fly in full view, the flight speed is very slow, relatively speaking. For example, compared with Sun Ce's boat, it is even more impossible to compare with Liu Bang's plug and play.

There are two main ways for Nezha to enter the market, one is to open the group first, and the other is to harvest with the back hand.

However, due to the slower flight, it is likely that the best time to start the group is missed. Especially when there are more strategic fulcrums such as defensive towers in the middle of the opening game, there were originally fights in the river, and when you flew over, everyone had already shrunk the tower, and they were busy in vain.

Or when you generally choose the four-one belt, the other side fights, and when Nezha flies over, it may have been finished.

Backhand harvesting means the same thing.

Glory of the King: May 10 official service update, Nezha is really going to take off this time

This adjustment is to greatly increase the speed of Nezha during take-off and flight. At noon, I deliberately played a round to try the feel, and it was obvious that the speed was much faster.

According to the adjusted data, it is an increase of about 20% in speed, which means that the flight time can be reduced by about 20%. For example, in the past, support used to take 10 seconds, but now it only takes about 8 seconds. And these 2 seconds are often the difference between opening a group under the tower or opening a group outside the tower.

I have introduced Nezha before, and I have talked about it, and one of the ideas that Nezha strengthens is to let him fly faster. This time it did come true, and it was still very fragrant.

In addition, the passive sanction effect of Nezha increased by 10% to 35%. Although the gap from 50% of the peak is still not small, it is already very impressive. Even when the previous 25% serious injury effect was played, when I played some heroes with strong recovery, such as Cao Cao, Yang Jian and other heroes, I gave another sanction, and I didn't waste them at all.

Now it's easier to take them down, too.

In general, this time for Nezha, it is a huge reinforcement. We'll see, the appearance rate will definitely soar.

Third, the current version of Nezha's inscription outfit selection

Although I have introduced Nezha twice before, with the change of version, the game environment has also undergone many changes accordingly.

The specific playing style is still similar, mainly because there are some differences in the inscription.

I would like to recommend two sets of inscriptions to you here.

1. Churning stick type

Nezha itself is actually very meaty. Why? Because he is also one of the few heroes with damage reduction skills.

Glory of the King: May 10 official service update, Nezha is really going to take off this time

His two skills can reduce the damage taken by up to 20%, and the big move can also increase the toughness by 30%, making Nezha in the team battle, which is actually much more difficult to deal with than imagined.

You know, full of war intention is worthy of cheap but only 20% damage reduction, Nezha two paragraph two skills, there are 6 seconds of 20% damage reduction, and there is no need to save battle will. Nezha can stand for 6 seconds in the team battle, and the other party must have collapsed.

And Nezha is also a hero with low single damage, but AOE damage is very sufficient.

Whether it is a skill or a passive burn, or a fire armor or anti-armor, it is AOE damage. Drill into the crowd, the team battle damage is not low at all.

So much has been said above, so, there is this outfit.

Recommended inscriptions: Universal tank inscriptions, i.e. reconciliation, void, fate

Recommended outfits: Tough Shoes, Fire Armor, Anti-Armor, Pure Firmament, Witch, Eternal Night

Carry summoner skill: Weaken

The single point damage of this outfit is low, but the team battle AOE damage is not low. And because of the two skills, pure firmament and weakening of the three damage reduction skills to defend themselves, Nezha can stand in the team battle for a very long time, which is more suitable as a group opening choice.

Although there is no serious output suit, it still has the ability to kill the enemy C position.

If necessary, you can also choose to exchange one piece of equipment for the Sanctions Blade.

Glory of the King: May 10 official service update, Nezha is really going to take off this time

2. Kill the harvest type

Nezha not only has a very strong ability to open the group, but also has a strong harvesting ability, and it is needless to say.

Therefore, Nezha and other teammates enter the field to harvest with their backhands after fighting, which is also a way of thinking.

Recommended inscription: Universal hundred wear harmony, that is, harmony, eagle eye, mutation

Recommended outfits: Tough Shoes, Anti-Armor, Shadow Tomahawk, Pure Sky, Eternal Night, Others

Carry summoner skill: Slash

This outfit is not a lot of attack suits, but as long as the opponent's C position status is not so good, it can still be easily killed. If you want to be full of blood in seconds, you may as well make up a broken army at the end.

As for the meat knife or yellow knife with punishment, it is also an option. However, Nezha's early invasion ability is not strong, and if it is not good, there is a situation that comes and goes, so the effect is not easy to say, and there is no weakening or killing directly.

Of course, if your main goal is a very flexible opponent, you can even consider bringing a flash to make the opponent's arrangement clear.


That's basically it.

The outfit inscription is only one aspect, the most important thing for Nezha is to grasp the timing of the group, which mainly depends on yourself.

I haven't written the content of the glory of the king for a long time, and today I saw that Nezha strengthened the hunting heart, and I made a more article.

I am hanging on the hook for a hundred years without change, thank you for your support.

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