
Guo Hengjia; How does Dai Ji play?

Daji is a high-burst hero, in the middle and late stages her damage is very optimistic, a set of skills can take away the enemy crisp, so her appearance rate is also very high, but it is such a high-burst hero, there is no displacement skill, which causes Daji to be easily killed by the local frequency. Therefore, Xiaobian recommends that you play with the Flash Summoner skill.

Guo Hengjia; How does Dai Ji play?

Outfit ideas: In the early stage of development, try to obscenely clear the development of the military line, do not casually put 2 skills, so that when the enemy fights the wild or other heroes come to catch themselves, you can escape with 2 skills plus flashes. After clearing the military line, they will go to their own wild areas and fight with the wild to cooperate with the swim to arrest people, if you take the river, it is easy to catch.

Outfit ideas: Shoes of Speed, Staff of Echo, Wrath of The Learned Scholars, Book of the Sages, Moon of Radiance, Staff of Emptiness.

Guo Hengjia; How does Dai Ji play?

This outfit has high burst damage, one skill at a time, and can hit place crispy half a tube of blood. Strong self-protection ability.

The most important thing to is to observe the minimap and squat in the grass.

Inscription: 10 Hunts, 10 Hearts, 10 Nightmares.

Guo Hengjia; How does Dai Ji play?

This set of inscriptions can increase the movement speed, spell penetration, spell attack and other bonuses to Daji, which can make Daji overtake the early stage.

Daiji's advantages: the skill CD is short, the damage is high, she has good control ability, absolute burst damage, and a short CD cooldown, team battles can not only play good burst damage, but also have a good skill continuity. Of course, the daji who will play is definitely not to play the advantage in the team battle, but to help the teammates suppress the enemy through the continuous Gank rhythm of each way, and after the damage is injured, crouch the grass second person, and catch the hero who has left the other party alone

Disadvantages: No displacement skills, poor self-protection ability. Although the two heroes of Daji are strong in control, they are actually very weak in the face of many strong wild heroes, like Sun Wukong as long as he jams the two skills released by Daji, the monkey clicks on a skill, and directly dominates the body without control. Dai Ji has no way at all, the same Yun Zhongjun, Han Xin and other heroes are also, as long as there is no control or hegemony, then it is really easy to kill Daji.

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